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The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive is of paramount importance for water management. According to the legal text, coordination with other directives like the Floods Directive is imperative and motivated by potential synergy effects. In this paper, the degree to which such coordination is achieved is evaluated for five Nordic and Baltic countries. The evaluation is based on legal documents, management plans, as well as on organizational structure in the five countries. The results show that the coordination between the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive (or flood management for Norway's case), have been successful for Estonia and Lithuania, whereas Norway, Finland, and especially Sweden need to improve more.


Fecal contamination of water constitutes a serious health risk to humans and environmental ecosystems. This is mainly due to the fact that fecal material carries a variety of enteropathogens, which can enter and circulate in water bodies through fecal pollution. In this respect, the prompt identification of the polluting source(s) is pivotal to guiding appropriate target-specific remediation actions. Notably, microbial source tracking (MST) is widely applied to determine the host origin(s) contributing to fecal water pollution through the identification of zoogenic and/or anthropogenic sources of fecal environmental DNA (eDNA). A wide array of host-associated molecular markers have been developed and exploited for polluting source attribution in various aquatic ecosystems. This review is intended to provide the most up-to-date overview of genetic marker-based MST studies carried out in different water types, such as freshwaters (including surface and groundwaters) and seawaters (from coasts, beaches, lagoons, and estuaries), as well as drinking water systems. Focusing on the latest scientific progress/achievements, this work aims to gain updated knowledge on the applicability and robustness of using MST for water quality surveillance. Moreover, it also provides a future perspective on advancing MST applications for environmental research.


Zoogenic faecal contamination of the environment is one of the indices included in the evaluation of ecological threats, health hazards and adverse impacts on various ecosystems. The risks and environmental concerns are associated with the fact that faeces of wild and domesticated animals constitute the largest source of environmental loading of enteropathogens associated with transmission of zoonotic diseases (enteric zoonoses). Although sick animals are more likely to transmit pathogens, healthy ones can also be the carriers and defecate them into the environment. This is of particular importance given the close human-animal interactions and health effects resulting from human and ecological exposures to faecal hazards from companion and farm animals. We have therefore set out to investigate whether healthy equines can carry and defecate human infectious pathogens. For this purpose, we set up a pilot study to examine the faecal DNA of horses using culture-independent molecular diagnostics – fluorescent probe-based quantitative real-time PCR. Our results revealed that among a total of 23 horses, 6 were found to carry Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), and 5 had Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). Moreover, Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) was found in 14 horses, while 19 were positive for Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens). Furthermore, the frequently reported protozoan parasites in livestock, Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) and Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia), were discovered in 8 and 7 samples, respectively. This pilot study shed new light on the phenomenon of healthy horses carrying C. jejuni and other human-health-related enteropathogens.

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Etter oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet har NIBIO etablert fem overvåkingsfelt for jordbruksbelastet grunnvann. Haslemoen i Våler kommune, Rimstadmoen i Larvik kommune, Horpestad i Klepp kommune, Nedre Eri i Lærdal kommune og Skogmo i Overhalla kommune. NGU har etablert et tilsvarende overvåkingsfelt i Grødalen i Sunndal kommune. Gjennom finansieringen fra «Handlingsplan for bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler 2019-2021» har det blitt utført flere analyser av plantevernmidler i grunnvann på disse lokalitetene. Det har blitt installert automatisk overvåking av grunnvann og markvann på noen lokaliteter og det har blitt analysert plantevernmidler i ulike jorddyp. Finansieringen har gitt synergi og økt kunnskap om plantevernmidler i grunnvann i jordbruksområder. Alle lokalitetene ligger innenfor nasjonale grunnvannsforekomster, som gitt i Vann-Nett. Rapporten gir oversikt over resultater i perioden 2019-2021.


Etter oppdrag fra Statens vegvesen Region sør og prosjektet E18 Bommestad – Sky har NIBIO utført oppfølging av vannmiljø i Farris. Arbeidene har vært tilknyttet utlegging av siltgardiner i forbindelse med frigraving av vannspeil mellom østre og vestre odde, og flytting av siltgardiner før etablering av lensefester, samt opptak av siltgardiner etter endt anleggsperiode. Det har i tillegg blitt tatt bunndyrprøver som etterundersøkelse i Farriselva.


English summary On behalf of Tinfos AS, NIBIO and Faun Nature Management carry out environmental monitoring of the river Hovlandsåna during the construction of a new powerplant at Flateland in Vegusdal (Birkenes municipality). The environmental monitoring includes continuous monitoring of water quality, quarterly and weekly sampling, as well as biological surveys at a total of three stations in Hovlandsåna. This quarterly report includes results from preliminary studies (water samples, benthic animals and algae carried out on 21.10.2021), results for weekly water samples in the period 30.11.2021 - 30.03.2022 (4th quarter 2021 and 1st quarter 2022) and measurement data from continuous monitoring at two stations in Hovlandselva from 13.10.2021 - 30.11.2021 (4th quarter 2021). The construction work related to the establishment of the Flateland power plant has so far had low impact on the water quality in Hovlandsåna. With the exception of some elevated turbidity values 25.10. - 07.11.2021, no exceedances of the limit values given by the County Governor of Aust- and Vest-Agder (State Administrator in Agder) have been registered. The elevated turbidity values were registered during the establishment of a connection site to provide electrical power to Nygårdsdalen from the power grid running along the river and Fv42. The overall condition in the Hovland River is «good» and the benthic surveys from HOV_REF, HOV_NED1 and HOV_NED2, showed two species of acidification-sensitive mayflies (ephemeroptera) and several other species were found within families with a high ASPT value. This indicates that the impact of acidification in the river is small and that the liming of the watercourse has given good results. A more even water flow as a result of the changed regulation regime in Vikestølvatnet has also contributed to a significant reduction in leaching of sediments from the beach zone. The anadromous stretch of the river reaches up to Trollfoss and is said to have good populations of sea trout. Good populations of stationary trout (upstream of Trollfoss / Flateland) are also recorded. The anadromous section of the river is likely to be somewhat affected by the construction work for the Flateland power plant and increased focus on this part of the river is required Sammendrag På oppdrag fra Tinfos AS gjennomfører NIBIO og Faun naturforvaltning miljøovervåking av Hovlandsåna under bygging av Flateland kraftverk. Miljøovervåkingen omfatter kontinuerlig overvåking av vannkvalitet, kvartalsvis og ukentlig prøvetaking, samt biologiske undersøkelser ved til sammen tre stasjoner i Hovlandsåna. Denne kvartalsrapporten omfatter resultater fra forundersøkelser (vannprøver, bunndyr og begroing utført 21.10.2021), resultater for ukentlige vannprøver i perioden 30.11.2021 – 30.03.2022 (4. kvartal 2021 og 1. kvartal 2022) og måledata fra kontinuerlig overvåking ved to stasjoner i Hovlandselva fra 13.10.2021 – 30.11.2021 (4. kvartal 2021). Anleggsarbeidene i forbindelse med bygging av Flateland kraftverk har til nå gitt svært liten påvirkning på Hovlandsåna. Med unntak av noen forhøyede turbiditetsverdier i forbindelse med etablering av byggestrøm til Nygårdsdalen 25.10. – 07.11.2021 har det ikke blitt registrert noen overskridelser av grenseverdiene gitt av Fylkesmannen i Aust- og Vest-Agder (Statsforvalteren i Agder).


I løpet av 2. og 3. kvartal (Q2 og Q3)2022 har NIBIO og Faun Naturforvaltning gjennomført overvåking av vannkvalitet og biologiske undersøkelser i Hovlandsåna. I løpet av Q2 og Q3 har anleggsarbeidene inkludert etablering av inntaksdam ved Myklebostad, sprengning av overføringstunnel fra Myklebostad til Kjetevatn og tilførselstunnel fra Kjetevatn til Flateland. Sprengningsarbeidene har, som forventet, bidratt til økte konsentrasjoner av nitrogen og perioder med forhøyet pH og turbiditet, særlig ved Flateland og videre nedstrøms. I tillegg har gravearbeidene tilknyttet etablering av inntaksdammen ved Myklebostad bidratt til noe økt turbiditet i elva oppstrøms Trollfoss. Et mindre deponi like nedstrøms Flateland har bidratt til opphopning av sand rundt måleutstyret ved stasjonen HOV NED2. Avrenning fra sidebekker og erosjon fra elvebreddene har vært større i perioder med nedbør. Avrenning av nitrogen i forbindelse med sprengningsarbeidene har ført til at tilstanden for nitrogen har blitt redusert til «moderat» tilstand. Resultatene fra el-fiskeundersøkelsene i september viser at tettheten av ørret ved Flateland tilsvarer en «svært god» tilstand, noe som tilsier at de økte konsentrasjonene av turbiditet og nitrogen ikke har hatt noen tydelig påvirkning på ørret i denne delen av elva.

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River meandering and anabranching have become major problems in many large rivers that carry significant amounts of sediment worldwide. The morphodynamics of these rivers are complex due to the temporal variation of flows. However, the availability of remote sensing data and geographic information systems (GISs) provides the opportunity to analyze the morphological changes in river systems both quantitatively and qualitatively. The present study investigated the temporal changes in the river morphology of the Deduru Oya (river) in Sri Lanka, which is a meandering river. The study covered a period of 32 years (1989 to 2021), using Landsat satellite data and the QGIS platform. Cloud-free Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 satellite images were extracted and processed to extract the river mask. The centerline of the river was generated using the extracted river mask, with the support of semi-automated digitizing software (WebPlotDigitizer). Freely available QGIS was used to investigate the temporal variation of river migration. The results of the study demonstrated that, over the past three decades, both the bend curvatures and the river migration rates of the meandering bends have generally increased with time. In addition, it was found that a higher number of meandering bends could be observed in the lower (most downstream) and the middle parts of the selected river segment. The current analysis indicates that the Deduru Oya has undergone considerable changes in its curvature and migration rates.