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This work discusses the potential routes of transport, possible occurrence and predicted fate of parasite eggs corresponding to human pathogens in on-site wastewater treatment systems with Light Weight Aggregates (LWA) media. The discussion is mainly based on scientific evidences supported by practical outcomes derived from a survey of helminth eggs in the specific LWA materials-typical filter media of constructed wetlands (CWs) treating domestic wastewater in Norway. The scientific evidences showed that the greatest reduction in the egg concentrations occurs in septic tanks. The eggs that could pass through the tank trap can be accumulated and effectively eliminated in the filter media of CWs. The practical outcomes did not show any accumulation and the consequent contamination of the LWA media with helminth eggs. Because the outcomes characterised a survey that was carried out for the first time ever on the above-specified filter media and was not replicated, the absence of parasite eggs in the CW filters cannot be definitely stated. However, it could be theoretically assumed that the possibility of finding human parasite eggs originated from domestic wastewater in the LWA filters should be negligible.


Foredrag på møte for FMs Miljøvern- og Landbruksdirektører.  Hell i Nord-Trøndelag, 15. september 2010.

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A research has been undertaken studying pesticide residues in water from greenhouses and the use of soils and filter materials to reduce such losses. The pesticides detected in water samples collected downstream greenhouses include 9 fungicides, 5 herbicides and 4 insecticides. 10 compounds from flower and vegetable productions were frequently found to exceed environmental risk levels, and with a few exceptions the compounds were found in higher concentrations than those typically found in agricultural runoff. Some compounds were found in high concentrations (.1mg/l) in undiluted runoff from greenhouses producing vegetables. Nutrient concentrations in the runoff were also sporadically very high, with phosphorous values varying between 0.85 and 7.4mgP/l, and nitrogen values between 7.5 and 41.4mgN/l. Undiluted runoff from the productions showed values of 60mgP/l and 300mgN/l. High values of pesticides correlated with high values of nutrients, especially P. Column experiments using a sandy agricultural soil and stock solutions of non-polar and slightly polar pesticides mixed with a complex binder and nutrients showed a significant reduction for nearly all of the compounds used, indicating that transport through soil will reduce the concentrations of the studied pesticides. The pesticide adsorption capacity of the filter materials pine bark, peat, Sphagnum moss, compost, oat straw, ferrous sand and clay soil were tested in batch and column experiments. Adsorption were studied contacting the filter materials with aqueous solutions containing greenhouse production pesticides. The batch experiments showed that pine bark and peat, both combining a high content of organic matter with a low ph, provided the highest adsorption for most of the tested pesticides. Sphagnum moss, compost and oat straw also showed high adsorption for most of the pesticides, while the mineral filters provided the lowest adsorption (30-55%). Further column experiments confirmed these results, displaying the best removal efficiency in the organic materials, varying from 200mg/g in compost, to 500mg/g in moss, straw and pine bark.