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The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of grazing on mountain (M) versus cultivated lowland pasture (C) on the performance and meat quality of suckling calves (Experiments 1 and 2). In addition, the effect of finishing on C after M on growth and meat quality was assessed (Experiment 2). Animals on C and M had on average similar live weight gain and carcass weight in the first experiment. However, the performance depended on year as gain and carcass weight was higher on C than on M in the first year and vice versa in the second year. In the second experiment the calves on M had lower gain and carcass weight than on C. Three weeks finishing on C after M compensated to some extent for the lower growth rate on M. Overall, the results indicate that mountain grazing may yield similar growth rates and slaughter weights as improved lowland pasture depending on year. There were only small effects of pasture type on carcass and meat quality traits like conformation, fatness, intramuscular fat and protein content, and fatty acid (FA) composition. The variation in FA composition could to a large extent be explained by difference in fatness with increase in monounsaturated and decrease in polyunsaturated FA with increasing intramuscular fat content, in turn varying between pasture type, experiment and year. There was a tendency that M led to higher proportion of C18:1n-9 and lower proportion of C18:1n-7 than C. which may be due to difference in milk and forage intake. Both pasture types resulted in meat with intramuscular fat with high nutritional value since the n-6/n-3 ratio was low. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


One of the main challenges for new wood protection systems is to predict in a fast and accurate way service life in use class 3 (above ground) and use class 4 (in soil or fresh water contact). New environmentally benign wood protection systems are expected to have different modes of action against wood deteriorating fungi compared to the traditional preservatives, change in water sorption being one of them. Therefore it is of importance to evaluate new treated wood products in a broad range of exposure situations, also exploring the variation within use class 3 and 4. Due to the restrictions in the use of chromium containing wood preservatives, a range of studies have been published the last decade evaluating the performance of new products after laboratory or field test exposure. However, there is still a lack of studies comparing the same material in different field exposure situations. This study evaluates the efficacy of 13 novel wood protecting systems in three different above ground tests (horizontal double layer, block test and mini stakes) and two different in-ground tests (EN 252 and mini stakes). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood from the same wood source was used for all treatments. For each wood protecting system the wood specimens for all five tests were treated together in the same batch. The results after five years of field exposure are presented. In the three above ground tests no or only initial signs of decay were detected after five years (not reaching a mean rating of 1). The decay rate in soil contact was faster than above ground, but after five years only untreated wood (controls) failed in both tests. No significant difference in performance was found between the two tests in soil contact. The use of median decay rate values gave an earlier indication of performance than the use of mean decay rate values.