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Tor J. JohansenAbstract
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Tore SkrøppaAbstract
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Global Forest Watch (GFW) provides a global map of annual forest cover loss (FCL) produced from Landsat imagery, offering a potentially powerful tool for monitoring changes in forest cover. In managed forests, FCL primarily provides information on commercial harvesting. A semi-autonomous method for providing data on the location and attributes of harvested sites at a landscape level was developed which could significantly improve the basis for catchment management, including risk mitigation. FCL in combination with aerial images was used for detecting and characterising harvested sites in a 1607 km2 mountainous boreal forest catchment in south-central Norway. Firstly, the forest cover loss map was enhanced (FCLE) by removing small isolated forest cover loss patches that had a high probability of representing commission errors. The FCLE map was then used to locate and assess sites representing annual harvesting activity over a 17-year period. Despite an overall accuracy of >98%, a kappa of 0.66 suggested only a moderate quality for detecting harvested sites. While errors of commission were negligible, errors of omission were more considerable and at least partially attributed to the presence of residual seed trees on the site after harvesting. The systematic analysis of harvested sites against aerial images showed a detection rate of 94%, but the area of the individual harvested site was underestimated by 29% on average. None of the site attributes tested, including slope, area, altitude, or site shape index, had any effect on the accuracy of the area estimate. The annual harvest estimate was 0.6% (standard error 12%) of the productive forest area. On average, 96% of the harvest was carried out on flat to moderately steep terrain (<40% slope), 3% on steep terrain (40% to 60% slope), and 1% on very steep terrain (>60% slope). The mean area of FCLE within each slope category was 1.7 ha, 0.9 ha, and 0.5 ha, respectively. The mean FCLE area increased from 1.0 ha to 3.2 ha on flat to moderate terrain over the studied period, while the frequency of harvesting increased from 249 to 495 sites per year. On the steep terrain, 35% of the harvesting was done with cable yarding, and 62% with harvester-forwarder systems. On the very steep terrain (>60% slope), 88% of the area was harvested using cable yarding technology while harvesters and forwarders were used on 12% of the area. Overall, FCL proved to be a useful dataset for the purpose of assessing harvesting activity under the given conditions.
Xiao Huang Chaoqing Yu Tongbi Tu Shaoqiang Ni ShengChao Qiao Jim W Hall Mats Höglind Hanna Marika SilvennoinenAbstract
In the past decade, China imported massive quantities of soybean from the international market to meet its increasing domestic demand for protein[1]. However, China’s soybean imports from US decreased from 32.86 Mt (Million tons, 34% of the total 95.54 Mt) in 2017 to 16.64 Mt (19% of the total 88.03 Mt) in 2018[2] due to the China-US trade war. To reduce China’s reliance on imports, the Chinese government has been making policy incentive, e.g. higher subsidies, to encourage farmers for soybean cultivation. Traditionally Northeast China is the key production area for soybean. Soybean cultivation is tightly linked to the regional climate and environment. On the one hand, the local soybean growth is vulnerable[3] to the frequent meteorological hazards (e.g. droughts, floods) in the Northeast China[4]. The meteorological risks for soybean production in this area still remain unknown. On the other hand, albeit with relatively high production cost[5] and low water use efficiency[6], the local soybean cultivation is expected to effectively improve the nitrogen use efficiency and therefore alleviate the growing environment pollutions in this region[7]. Yet so far there are few quantitative research being reported on this environmental issue. Our research aims to explore both the meteorological risks and environmental costs of the policy-driven soybean expansion. We have developed a new version of the soybean growth algorithms within the DNDC (DeNitrification-DeComposition) model including nitrogen biogeochemical processes and performed regional simulations for soybean-related cropping systems in Northeast China. We will present the following results by combining model outputs and observations: (i) potential yield and the meteorological risks of soybean cultivation; (ii) fertilizer reduction in different crop rotation systems and the corresponding benefits to water ecosystem; and (iii) consequences of different policy scenarios (e.g. change in subsidy, GMO permission) to soybean production and environment.
Valentina Gallina Silvia Torresan Alex Zabeo Jonathan Rizzi Sandro Carniel Mauro Sclavo Lisa Pizzol Antonio Marcomini Andrea CrittoAbstract
Coastal erosion is an issue of major concern for coastal managers and is expected to increase in magnitude and severity due to global climate change. This paper analyzes the potential consequences of climate change on coastal erosion (e.g., impacts on beaches, wetlands and protected areas) by applying a Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) methodology to the North Adriatic (NA) coast of Italy. The approach employs hazard scenarios from a multi-model chain in order to project the spatial and temporal patterns of relevant coastal erosion stressors (i.e., increases in mean sea-level, changes in wave height and variations in the sediment mobility at the sea bottom) under the A1B climate change scenario. Site-specific environmental and socio-economic indicators (e.g., vegetation cover, geomorphology, population) and hazard metrics are then aggregated by means of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with the aim to provide an example of exposure, susceptibility, risk and damage maps for the NA region. Among seasonal exposure maps winter and autumn depict the worse situation in 2070–2100, and locally around the Po river delta. Risk maps highlight that the receptors at higher risk are beaches, wetlands and river mouths. The work presents the results of the RRA tested in the NA region, discussing how spatial risk mapping can be used to establish relative priorities for intervention, to identify hot-spot areas and to provide a basis for the definition of coastal adaptation and management strategies.
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B.S. Steidinger Thomas W. Crowther Jingjing Liang M. E. Van Nuland G.D.A. Werner Peter B. Reich Gert-Jan Nabuurs Sergio de-Miguel M. Zhou N. Picard Bruno Herault Xiuhai Zhao C. Zhang D. Routh Kabir G Peay Meinrad Abegg C. Yves Adou Yao Giorgio Alberti Angelica Almeyda Zambrano Esteban Alvarez-Davila Patricia Alvarez-Loayza Luciana F. Alves Christian Ammer Clara Antón Fernández Alejandro Araujo-Murakami Luzmila Arroyo Valerio Avitabile Gerardo Aymard Timothy R. Baker Radomir Bałazy Olaf Bánki Jorcely Barroso Meredith Bastian Jean-François Bastin Luca Birigazzi Philippe Birnbaum Robert Bitariho Pascal Boeckx Olivier Bouriaud Pedro H. S. Brancalion Susanne Brandl Francis Q. Brearley Roel J. W. Brienen Eben Broadbent Helge Bruelheide Filippo Bussotti Roberto Cazzolla Gatti Ricardo Cesar Goran Cesljar Robin L. Chazdon Han Y. H. Chen Chelsea L. Chisholm Emil Cienciala Connie J. Clark David Clark Gabriel Colletta Richard Condit David Coomes Fernando Cornejo Valverde Jose J. Corral-Rivas Philip Crim Jonathan Cumming Selvadurai Dayanandan André L. de Gasper Mathieu Decuyper Géraldine Derroire Ben DeVries Ilija Djordjevic Amaral Iêda Aurélie Dourdain Nestor Laurier Engone Obiang Brian J. Enquist Teresa Eyre Adandé Belarmain Fandohan Tom M. Fayle Ted R. Feldpausch Leena Finér Markus Fischer Christine Fletcher Jonas Fridman Lorenzo Frizzera Javier G. P. Gamarra Damiano Gianelle Henry B. Glick David J. Harris Andy Hector Andreas Hemp Geerten Hengeveld John Herbohn Martin Herold Annika Hillers Eurídice N. Honorio Coronado Markus Huber Cang Hui Hyunkook Cho Thomas Ibanez Ilbin Jung Nobuo Imai Andrzej M. Jagodzinski Bogdan Jaroszewicz Vivian Kvist Johannsen Carlos A. Joly Tommaso Jucker Viktor Karminov Kuswata Kartawinata Elizabeth Kearsley David Kenfack Deborah Kennard Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas Gunnar Keppel Mohammed Latif Khan Timothy Killeen Hyun Seok Kim Kanehiro Kitayama Michael Köhl Henn Korjus Florian Kraxner Diana Laarmann Mait Lang Simon L. Lewis Huicui Lu Natalia Lukina Brian S. Maitner Yadvinder Malhi Eric Marcon Beatriz Schwantes Marimon Ben Hur Marimon-Junior Andrew R. Marshall Emanuel H. Martin Olga Martynenko Jorge A. Meave Omar Melo-Cruz Casimiro Mendoza Cory Merow Abel Monteagudo Mendoza Vanessa Moreno Sharif A. Mukul Philip Mundhenk Maria G. Nava-Miranda David Neill Victor Neldner Radovan Nevenic Michael Ngugi Pascal Niklaus Jacek Oleksyn Petr Ontikov Edgar Ortiz-Malavasi Yude Pan Alain Paquette Alexander Parada-Gutierrez Elena Parfenova Minjee Park Marc Parren Narayanaswamy Parthasarathy Pablo L. Peri Sebastian Pfautsch Oliver Phillips Maria Teresa Piedade Daniel Piotto Nigel Pitman Irina Polo Lourens Poorter Axel Dalberg Poulsen John R. Poulsen Hans Pretzsch Freddy Ramirez Arevalo Zorayda Restrepo-Correa Mirco Rodeghiero Samir Rolim Anand Roopsind Francesco Rovero Ervan Rutishauser Purabi Saikia Philippe Saner Peter Schall Mart-Jan Schelhaas Dmitry Schepaschenko Michael Scherer-Lorenzen Bernhard Schmid Jochen Schöngart Eric Searle Vladimír Seben Josep M. Serra-Diaz Christian Salas Douglas Sheil Anatoly Shvidenko Javier Silva-Espejo Marcos Silveira James Singh Plinio Sist Ferry Slik Bonaventure Sonké Alexandre F. Souza Krzysztof Stereńczak Jens-Christian Svenning Miroslav Svoboda Natalia Targhetta Nadezhda M. Tchebakova Hans ter Steege Raquel Thomas Elena Tikhonova Peter Umunay Vladimir Usoltsev Fernando Valladares Fons van der Plas Tran Van Do Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez Hans Verbeeck Helder Viana Simone Vieira Klaus von Gadow Hua-Feng Wang James Watson Bertil Westerlund Susan Wiser Florian Wittmann Verginia Wortel Roderick Zagt Tomasz Zawila-Niedzwiecki Zhi-Xin Zhu Irie Casimir Zo-BiAbstract
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