Anna Birgitte Milford
Research Scientist
(+47) 990 49 836
Visiting address
Thormøhlensgate 55, 5006 Bergen
Apples are a healthy and environmentally friendly snack, but the consumption of apples in many countries, including Norway, has decreased in the last fifteen years. This trend has a potential negative impact on public health and the environment. In this paper, we use a consumer survey and a random effect ordered logistic regression model to find out what is most important for people when they buy apples. Ten different values are considered and ranked according to individual’s importance. We find that taste and safety are the most important values for the average individual’s choice of apples, while the appearance and type of apple rank third. The least important values are wrapping size and regional origin. Everyday apple eaters are more concerned about pesticide use and less concerned about price than the average consumers. Furthermore, compared to the average consumer, those with low levels of trust in apple producers and authorities care more about pesticides and environmentally friendly production methods, while consumers with a high level of trust care less about these aspects. Our results indicate that to increase the consumption of Norwegian apples, it is important to maintain or improve their reputation as being tasty and safe to eat.
Fride Høistad Schei Mie Prik Arnberg John-Arvid Grytnes Maren Stien Johansen Jørund Johansen Anna Birgitte Milford Anders Røynstrand Mari Mette TollefsrudAbstract
Climate change and human activities have accelerated the spread of non-native species, including forest pests and pathogens, significantly contributing to global biodiversity loss. Pathogens pose a significant threat to forest ecosystems due to a lack of coevolution with native hosts, resulting in ineffective defence mechanisms and severe consequences for the affected tree species. Ash dieback, caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, is a relatively new invasive forest pathogen threatening ash (Fraxinus excelsior) with mortality rates in northern Europe reaching up to 80 %. The loss of ash due to dieback has severe ecological implications, potentially leading to an extinction cascade as ash provides crucial habitats and resources for many organisms. Despite this, the consequences of ash dieback on associated communities are largely unknown. To address this, we analysed changes in species richness, vegetation structure, and composition in 82 permanent vegetation plots across 23 Norwegian woodlands. We compared data collected before and 10–14 years after the emergence of ash dieback. In these woodlands, ash significantly declined in cover, leading to changes in tree species composition and facilitating the establishment of other woody tree species like hazel (Corylus avellana) and the invasive species sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Despite these changes in the tree species composition, no significant alterations were observed in the understory plant community, indicating a degree of ecosystem resilience or a lagging community response. At this point, and with our focus on the vascular plants, we do not find support for cascading effects due to ash dieback. However, our findings demonstrate that one invasive species is facilitating the expansion of another, raising concerns about potential ecological imbalance and cascading effects in the future.
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Division of Food Production and Society
The role of diversified small-scale horticulture in a transition towards more sustainable food systems with healthier diets (SmallHort)

Division of Food Production and Society
Risk management of imported plants and seeds: possibilities for improved pest detection to prevent the introduction and spread of new pests
Plant pathogens and invertebrates harmful to plants continue to threatenfood security and natural habitats. In Norway, the responsibility of performingplant health inspections on imported plants has gradually shifted to importersof plants who are currently responsible for internal pest control and mustbe registered with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Division of Food Production and Society
Sustainable growth of the Norwegian Horticulture Food System – GreenRoad GS35 (“GrøntStrategi mot 2035)
The main aim of GreenRoad is to deliver knowledge and solutions for increased value creation and sustainability in the horticultural food system in Norway.