NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Jogeir N. StoklandAbstract
This study documents volume increment and natural mortality in 1379 old boreal forests plots during four consecutive inventory cycles in the Norwegian national forest inventory. The stands age up to 100 years beyond recommended rotation length (close to economical optimal rotation length) and comprise a wide range of site productivity classes in both pine- and spruce-dominated forests. The annual gross volume increment was stable and nearly constant up to 50–100 years beyond economically optimal rotation length. In parallel, there was very low natural mortality (0.22–0.66% of standing volume) with minimal risk of stand collapse. Stands with satisfactory stocking had volume increment equal to or higher than the reference volume increment in managed stands harvested at recommended rotation length, while poorly stocked stands had inferior volume increment. From a climate change mitigation perspective, it seems to be a good strategy to extend the rotation length beyond what is currently recommended, provided that the stands have satisfactory stocking.
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Kirsten TørresenAbstract
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Kirsten TørresenAbstract
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Kirsten TørresenAbstract
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Matthew M. McIntosh Andres F. Cibils Richard Estell Shelemia Nyamuryekung'e Alfredo L. Gonzalez Qixu Gong Huiping Cao Sheri Spiegal Sergio A. Soto-Navarro Amanda D. BlairAbstract
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Dina Stober Monika Suškevičs Sebastian Eiter Stefanie Müller Stanislav Martinat Matthias BucheckerAbstract
There is widespread agreement that society must urgently go over to renewable energy and that effective participation is crucial for a sustainable transition. Recent literature highlights that the quality of participatory planning is decisive for the acceptance of renewable energy technologies. However, social science research on the issue is dominated by single case studies and the quality of the participatory processes has been rarely studied across wider regional contexts. We present the results of a comparative qualitative inventory of innovative practices from 25 projects in 12 countries in three supra-national European regions. We assessed participation quality according to three analytical dimensions: rationale, inclusiveness, and participation level. An instrumental rationale, broad inclusiveness, and a participation level of consulting or informing was a combination that was commonly perceived as an innovative participatory practice in most regional contexts. We found a tendency towards more advanced practices in Western Europe, compared to Southern, and Eastern Europe. However, practices that were considered to be innovative in the latter regions still provide important lessons within their geographical contexts.
For a 100% organic value chain, we need more varieties suitable for organic cultivation. Varieties bred for organic growing is a challenge in small markets. Many breeding goals are equal for organic and conventional cereals. Hence, accessions failing qualification as commercial varieties may perform well in organic growing. A field experiment over two years was performed at two growing sites to compare 25 accessions of spring wheat, ranging from old heritage varieties to modern breeding lines. We assessed yield and agronomic characteristics, artisan bread baking quality and sensory characteristics. Modern accessions gave best yields. Old varieties had smaller kernels, less grain filling, lower falling numbers and SDS-sedimentation volumes, but higher concentrations of minerals, although the growing site has a strong effect. Bread from modern accessions performed best in a baking test. Several sensory characteristics such as juiciness, chew resistance, firmness, acid taste and vinegar odor varied between varieties. Heritage varieties have an important cultural value, and many consumers are willing to pay a significant premium price for such products. A premium price is required, since yield levels are often considerably lower.
Ulrike BayrAbstract
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Geir Wæhler Gustavsen Helge Berglann Elisabeth Jenssen Signe Kårstad Divina Gracia P. RodriguezAbstract
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