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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Purpose Biogas residues, digestates, contain valuable nutrients and are therefore suitable as agricultural fertilizers. However, the application of fertilizers, including digestates, can enhance greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this study different processes and post-treatments of digestates were analyzed with respect to triggered GHG emissions in soil. Methods In an incubation experiment, GHG emissions from two contrasting soils (chernozem and sandy soil) were compared after the application of digestate products sampled from the process chain of a food waste biogas plant: raw substrate, digestate (with and without bentonite addition), digestates after separation of liquid and solid phase and composted solid digestate. In addition, the solid digestate was sampled at another plant. Results The plant, where the solid digestate originated from, and the soil type influenced nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions significantly over the 38-day experiment. Composting lowered N2O emissions after soil application, whereas bentonite addition did not have a significant effect. High peaks of N2O emissions were observed during the first days after application of acidified, liquid fraction of digestate. N2O emissions were strongly correlated to initial ammonium (NH4+) content. Conclusion Fertilization with dewatered digestate (both fractions) increased N2O emission, especially when applied to soils high in nutrients and organic matter.


Organic amendments can improve grassland productivity. Timothy and tall fescue were sown on a sandy loam and a coarse sand at Særheim, Norway, in September 2016 and on a loamy sand at Skierniewice, Poland, in April 2017, and cut and fertilised according to normal practices for the two regions from 2017 to 2019. At both sites, 0.75 kg DM m-2 of either digested or undigested manure (the latter with or without 2.9 kg biochar m-2) were incorporated prior to sowing. On the coarse sand at Særheim, total seasonal tall fescue yield in 2018 was 46–60% higher in the organic amendment treatments, and total seasonal timothy yield in the digestate treatment was 97% higher, than in the control treatment for the same species with only mineral fertiliser. On the sandy loam at Særheim and the loamy sand at Skierniewice, none of the amendments resulted in significant yield increments. These results indicate a clear effect on soil type on grassland biomass response to organic amendments.

To document


SCANTURF is a joint Nordic programme for turfgrass variety testing, set up in 2005 and funded by variety entrance fees only. It replaced and simplified the former government‐funded national evaluation programmes in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The programme includes testing of all cool‐season grasses on lawn/fairways at 15–20 mm mowing height (“lawn trials”) and optional testing of Poa pratensis L. and Lolium perenne L. on simulated football pitches with wear, mowed at 30 mm (“wear trials”). Since 2013, the program has regarded the Nordic countries as one trial zone with three test sites: Tystofte Denmark (55°15′ N, 11°20′ E), Landvik, Norway (58°21’ N, 8°32’ E) and Ylistaro, Finland (62°57′ N, 22°31’ E). Wear trials are carried out at the intermediate location Landvik only. Candidate varieties are tested against two reference varieties of the same species or subspecies. In the lawn trials, candidate varieties are evaluated for visual merit (overall turfgrass quality), winter damage, winter color, diseases and daily height growth at all three locations and for tiller density, fineness of leaves, in‐season (genetic) color, at Landvik only. Based on the results from the SCANTURF trials in 2014–2016 and 2016–2018, the candidate varieties Fabian, Tetrastar, Annecy, and Monroe (Lolium perenne), Becca, Harmonie, Traction, and Markus (Poa pratensis) and Lystig, Greenmile, and Humboldt (Festuca rubra ssp. commutata) were recommended for lawns in the Nordic countries, while Eurocordus, Columbine, Monroe, and Annecy (Lolium perenne) and Harmonie (Poa pratensis) were recommended for sports grounds. More use of the recommended varieties will have a positive effect on quality of lawns and sport grounds in the Nordic countries. Less winter injury and increasing relative performance with increasing latitude of the tetraploid perennial ryegrass variety Fabian in the lawn trials may possibly lead to more use of perennial ryegrass in the northern and more continental parts of the region.


Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient, but primary resources are limited and overfertilization may cause eutrophication of freshwater. Our objectives were to examine temperature effects on (a) optimal P rate for turfgrass establishment, and (b) increasing rates of foliar vs. granular P for early spring growth of established greens. Two trials, both on USGA root zones and replicated in April−May over 2 yr, were conducted in daylight phytotrons at 7, 12 and 17 °C. Experiment 1 compared 5 P rates from 0 to 0.48 g P m−2 wk−1 for creeping bentgrass establishment on a sand containing 13 mg P kg−1 (Mehlich‐3). Results showed no temperature effect on the optimal P rate. Bentgrass coverage and clipping yield increased up to 0.12 and 0.24 g P m−2 wk−1, corresponding to 6 and 12% of the N input, respectively. The concentration of P in clippings was higher at 7 than at 17 °C indicating that temperature was more limiting to shoot growth than to P uptake. A higher root/top ratio showed that plants invested more in roots under P deficiency. Experiment 2 was conducted using intact cores from a 4‐yr‐old creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) green with a Mehlich‐3 P level of 34 mg P kg−1. Results showed increased clipping yields up to 0.18 g P m−2 wk−1 and higher P uptake with granular than with foliar application, but there was no effect on turfgrass color and no interaction with temperature. Low temperatures did not justify higher P applications.