Valborg Kvakkestad
Research Scientist
(+47) 481 32 706
Ås O43
Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås
Ingeborg Klingen Nils Bjugstad Therese With Berge Krzysztof Kusnierek Hans Wilhelm Wedel-Jarlsberg Roger Holten Anette Sundbye Lene Sigsgaard Håvard Eikemo Kirsten Tørresen Valborg KvakkestadAbstract
Droner til bruk i plantevern i jord- og hagebruk er relativt nytt og i dette forprosjektet ønsket vi å etablere et kunnskapsgrunnlag for bærekraftig bruk av droner i norsk plantevern. Vi gjorde dette ved å: 1) Systematisere kunnskap om avdrift fra plantevernmidler fra sprøytedroner, 2) Gjennomføre et pilotstudie på en metode for å måle avdrift og avsetning av plantevernmidler utenfor målområdet fra sprøyte droner, 3) Skaffe kunnskap om eksponering av dronepilot for plantevernmidler, 4) Skaffe kunnskap om miljøeksponering inkludert rester av plantevernmidler i drone-sprøytede plantekulturer, 5) Skaffe kunnskap om bruk av droner i presis påføring av plantevernmidler, lavrisikostoffer og biologiske kontrollorganismer, 6) Øke vår kunnskap om forskrifter og standarder som kan påvirke bruken av droner i integrert plantevern i Norge. Basert på kunnskap gjort tilgjengelig i dette forprosjektet, foreslår vi videre studier som er nødvendig å utføre for å kunne bruke droner i integrert plantevern på en smart måte. Vårt håp er at resultatene fra dette forprosjektet vil gjøre det mulig å ta beslutninger om hvordan droner bør brukes i plantevern i Norge for å være i tråd med direktivet for bærekraftig bruk av plantevernmidler (Direktiv 2009/128/EF). Det er spesielt målgrupper som bønder, landbruksrådgivningstjenester, agroindustri, forskere, nasjonale statlige organer som Mattilsynet og lovgivere som kan tenkes å ha nytte av å lese denne rapporten.
Closing nutrient cycles by bio-based fertilizer products (BFPs) can improve the environmental sustainability of food systems and facilitate a more circular economy. Although the theoretical potential for nutrient recycling has been explored in detail, BFPs still seldom replace mineral fertilizer products in practice. The aim of the present study was to explore the critical enabling and limiting factors for the use of BFPs as seen from the perspective of farmers, suppliers, and civil society. To this aim, qualitative interviews were conducted with seven conventional grain farmers, six suppliers of BFPs, and five representatives of civil society, limited to environmental non-governmental organizations. The presented results illustrate a mismatch between demand and supply. On the one hand, the interviewed farmers were only interested in using BFPs if they are practical to use, balanced with respect to nutrient contents, and potentially provide the same earnings as mineral fertilizers. Positive effects for soil quality were an important driver for many of the farmers. On the other hand, the suppliers of BFPs were generally not able to offer products that fulfilled the farmers’ demands without economic losses, and they emphasized that they have faced several regulatory challenges. Representatives of regional civil society organizations expressed concern that new technical solutions could cause new environmental challenges, and that BFPs could enable further intensification of livestock production. The central-level representatives from the same NGOs, however, were positive about that BFPs can solve environmental problems. Policy instruments will be needed to increase the adoption of PFPs. Fostering BFPs’ that contribute to a sustainable agriculture is important to consider when formulating these polices.
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Division of Food Production and Society
Risk management of imported plants and seeds: possibilities for improved pest detection to prevent the introduction and spread of new pests
Plant pathogens and invertebrates harmful to plants continue to threatenfood security and natural habitats. In Norway, the responsibility of performingplant health inspections on imported plants has gradually shifted to importersof plants who are currently responsible for internal pest control and mustbe registered with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.
Division of Food Production and Society
Cultivating sustainable changes in livestock feed production and feeding practices (Feed&Feeding)
The project will evaluate various strategies for feed production and feeding practices to enhance the sustainability of Norway's food system and support national agricultural policy goals. These strategies include adjusting livestock diets, improving breeding and animal health, and introducing new protein sources for feed. The project will assess environmental impacts, such as land use changes, greenhouse gas emissions, soil carbon levels, nutrient balances, and biodiversity, as well as socioeconomic impacts, including food security, economic and social sustainability, and the viability of rural communities.

Division of Food Production and Society
Agricultural mitigation measures and the value of water quality improvements
Agriculture is one of the main sources of water pollution in Norway, and an important contributor to GHG emissions.

Division of Food Production and Society
Sustainable growth of the Norwegian Horticulture Food System – GreenRoad GS35 (“GrøntStrategi mot 2035)
The main aim of GreenRoad is to deliver knowledge and solutions for increased value creation and sustainability in the horticultural food system in Norway.