Divisjon for skog og utmark

Slutt: des 2030
Start: jan 2007
Informasjon om merkeprosjekt på hjort, både pågående og avslutta prosjekt
Status | Pågående |
Eksternt prosjektnettsted | Facebook - Hjort og hjortemerking |
Start- og sluttdato | 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2030 |
Prosjektleder | Erling Meisingset |
Divisjon | Divisjon for skog og utmark |
Avdeling | Vilt og utmarksressurser |
Publikasjoner i prosjektet
Erling Meisingset Joar Gusevik Atle Skjørestad Øystein Brekkum Atle Mysterud Frank Narve RosellSammendrag
Many wild animals perceive humans as predators, and human disturbance,especially in the form of hunting, triggers antipredatory behavior among prey.Yet, knowledge of how game species react to different types of human distur-bance and adapt to repeated disturbances is limited. We investigated howdisturbance in the form of a solitary human approacher (stalker) impactedbehavior (flight response and short-term habitat use) of 28 GPS-collared reddeer (Cervus elaphus) in two populations with contrasting population densitiesin Norway. We studied how the behavioral response differed: (1) with season(pre-hunting vs. hunting); (2) by consecutive approaches within a day;(3) among replicated experiments within the same season; and (4) betweentwo regions with contrasting densities of red deer. The average flight initiationdistance (FID) increased by 15% during the hunting season, and consecutiveapproaches within the same day caused the red deer to move 49% longerdistances. Flight initiation distance was longer in the high-density population,while escape distance was longer in the low-density population. Red deermoved out of their weekly home range after 52% approaches, and after theonset of hunting season, time spent outside the home range increased by 89%.Red deer preferred denser resting sites after the disturbance and animal siteshad shorter sighting distance and higher canopy cover than control plots.Tree density and canopy cover at animal sites increased at the onset of huntingseason, from first to second approach within day, and after replicated experi-ments within season. Our results suggest that red deer preferred dense restingsites, especially in the hunting season. However, these animal sites had thesame amount of the favorable forage plant bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), indi-cating no clear food–cover trade-off in selection of habitat. Our study showedthat onset of hunting initiates stronger fear responses in red deer, which mayin turn affect red deer distribution and harvesting efficiency
Population densities of several cervid species have increased in recent decades in North America and Europe, and cervids frequently eat and damage agricultural crops. Competition and depletion of natural food resources are the main mechanisms for the density-dependent decline in vital rates of large herbivores. The extent to which access to agricultural crops can buffer density effects in cervid populations, however, is unknown. Agricultural grasslands cover more than a third of the European agricultural area, and red deer (Cervus elaphus) use these grasslands in many European countries. Over the past few decades, such grasslands have been subject to management intensification (with renewal and fertilization) in some areas and abandonment (no longer being harvested) in other areas. We used generalized linear mixed-effects models to examine the development of body masses of red deer in Norway during a period of population density increase in 16 local management units with different availability of cultivated grasslands (0.87–6.44%) in a region with active management of grasslands (Tingvoll, n = 5,780, 2000–2019) and a region with ongoing abandonment (Hitra, n = 10,598, 2007–2020). There was a consistent decline in the body mass of red deer linked to increased population density in both regions. A higher proportion of agricultural grassland was linked to higher body mass and lower density effects in both sexes and across all age classes. There is a link between body mass, survival, and reproduction. Therefore, the buffering of density effects of access to agricultural crops will fuel cervid population growth and lead to less natural regulation of abundance, making it more difficult to control dense cervid populations by harvesting.
Atle Mysterud Isa Nergård Skjelbostad Inger Maren Rivrud Øystein Brekkum Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
Simple Summary Chronic Wasting Disease is a deadly infectious disease affecting cervids that was discovered in Norway in 2016. CWD can transmit through environmental reservoirs and aggregation and spatial clustering of animals may affect transmission. Deer usually forage on scattered forage, but anthropogenic food sources are often concentrated in space, leading to spatial aggregation. We determined what caused red deer to revisit the same locations in the environment, and the extent to which this was caused by anthropogenic food sources. We document that the most visited sites were indeed anthropogenic, which opens potential avenues to disease mitigation. Abstract Herbivores like cervids usually graze on widely scattered forage, but anthropogenic food sources may cause spatial revisitation and aggregation, posing a risk for transmission of infectious diseases. In 2016, chronic wasting disease (CWD) was first detected in Norway. A legal regulation to ban supplemental feeding of cervids and to fence stored hay bales was implemented to lower aggregation of cervids. Knowledge of further patterns and causes of spatial revisitation can inform disease management. We used a recently developed revisitation analysis on GPS-positions from 13 red deer (Cervus elaphus) to identify the pattern of spatial clustering, and we visited 185 spatial clusters during winter to identify the causes of clustering. Anthropogenic food sources were found in 11.9% of spatial clusters, which represented 31.0% of the clusters in agricultural fields. Dumping of silage and hay bales were the main anthropogenic food sources (apart from agricultural fields), and unfenced hay bales were available despite the regulation. The probability of the clusters being in agricultural fields was high during winter. It may be necessary to find other ways of disposing of silage and enforcing the requirement of fencing around hay bales to ensure compliance, in particular during winters with deep snow.
kunnskap om hjortens arealbruk på indre Sunnmøre til grunnlag for hjorteforvaltningen i regionen. Rapporten tar også for seg påkjørsler av hjort i studieområdet og det er gjennomført analyser av risiko for påkjørsler. Rapporten oppsummerer resultatene fra prosjektet og diskuterer disse i lys av hjorteforvaltningen.
Denne rapporten oppsummerer Sørhjort – merke- og utviklingsprosjekt for hjort i Agder og Telemark (2015-2019). Prosjektets mål har vært å utvikle kunnskap om hjortens arealbruk på Sørlandet og i Telemark til grunnlag for hjorteforvaltningen i regionen. Rapporten presenterer resultatene fra prosjektet.
Large herbivores gain nutritional benefits from following the sequential flush of newly emergent, high- quality forage along environmental gradients in the landscape, termed green wave surfing. Which landscape characteristics underlie the environmental gradi-ent causing the green wave and to what extent landscape characteristics alone explain individual variation in nutritional benefits remain unresolved questions. Here, we com-bine GPS data from 346 red deer (Cervus elaphus) from four partially migratory popula-tions in Norway with the satellite- derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), an index of plant phenology. We quantify whether migratory deer had access to higher quality forage than resident deer, how landscape characteristics within sum-mer home ranges affected nutritional benefits, and whether differences in landscape characteristics could explain differences in nutritional gain between migratory and resident deer. We found that migratory red deer gained access to higher quality forage than resident deer but that this difference persisted even after controlling for land-scape characteristics within the summer home ranges. There was a positive effect of elevation on access to high- quality forage, but only for migratory deer. We discuss how the landscape an ungulate inhabits may determine its responses to plant phenol-ogy and also highlight how individual behavior may influence nutritional gain beyond the effect of landscape.
Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
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Leif Egil Loe Inger Maren Rivrud Erling Meisingset Silje Bøe Martine Hamnes Vebjørn Veiberg Atle MysterudSammendrag
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Background: Many wingless ectoparasites have a limited capacity for active movement and are therefore primarily dependent on hitchhiking on their hosts for transportation. The distribution of the tick Ixodes ricinus is expected to depend mainly on transportation by hosts and tick subsequent survival in areas where they drop off. In Europe, the most important hosts of adult female I. ricinus are cervids. The extensive space use of large hosts provides a much larger dispersal potential for I. ricinus than that of smaller mammalian hosts. We aim to determine the contribution of red deer (Cervus elaphus) space use on the spatial distribution of I. ricinus, after accounting for landscape factors. Methods: We analysed the spatial distribution of I. ricinus with generalised mixed effects models (GLMMs) based on data from extensive field surveys of questing density in two coastal regions in Norway, from which home range data from 73 red deer with GPS collars were available. Red deer home ranges were derived using the kernel method to identify areas most frequently used by deer. We first fitted a baseline model with tick questing densities relative to landscape features that are likely to affect local climate conditions and hence, survival. We then added deer space use variables to the baseline model with only landscape variables to test whether areas more frequently used by red deer had higher questing tick densities. Results: Questing I. ricinus density was predicted by several landscape features, such as elevation, distance to the fjord and topographic slope. In addition, we found that areas more heavily used within the red deer home ranges, correlated with higher questing tick densities. Increased effects of deer space use were additive to the landscape model, suggesting that correlations were more than just shared landscape preferences between deer and ticks. Conclusions: Our results imply that the distribution of I. ricinus is controlled by a complex set of factors that include both local conditions related to landscape properties that affect survival and how the large host population redistributes ticks. In particular, we have provided evidence that the local distribution of large hosts, with their extensive space use, redistributes ticks at the local scale.
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Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
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Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
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Lars Qviller Nina Risnes Olsen Kim Magnus Bærum Erling Meisingset Leif Egil Loe Bjørnar Ytrehus Hildegunn Viljugrein Atle MysterudSammendrag
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James David Mervyn Speed Erling Meisingset Gunnar Austrheim Alison J. Hester Atle Mysterud Jean-Pierre Tremblay Erling Johan SolbergSammendrag
Browsing by cervids plays a key role in structuring forest ecosystems and dynamics. Many boreal forest systems are managed for timber resources, and at the same time the wild cervid populations are also harvested. Thus, the determination of sustainable densities of cervids for the purpose of forest and game management is challenging. In this study we report on a red deer (Cervus elaphus) exclosure experiment in the mature forests of Western Norway. Ten pairs of exclosures and browsed plots were initiated in 2008. The rate of browsing and height growth of marked individuals was recorded annually, and the total densities of all tree species assessed over the following 4 y. We found that height growth of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) saplings (1 m tall), the most numerous tree species at the site, was prevented when 20% of the shoots were browsed. Outside of the exclosures, net height growth of rowan saplings tended to be positive when trees were below 40 cm in height, but growth was constrained in rowan saplings over this height. The density of rowan also increased in both treatments, showing that recruitment was occurring, but the increase was greater where browsed than in the exclosure. The increase in density of rowan, combined with the curtailment of height growth in the presence of red deer, serves to create a carpet of short stature rowan saplings. This has parallels with the browsing lawn concept, but it seems to occur in interaction with snow depth; individuals protruding above the snow layer are likely to be browsed during the winter, whilst smaller individuals are protected during this season, when browsing is at its peak. Keywords: browsing lawns, Cervidae, Cervus elaphus, herbivory, snow depth, sustainable management. Résumé : Le broutement par les cervidés joue un rôle clé dans la composition, la structure et la dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers. De nombreux systèmes forestiers boréaux sont gérés à la fois pour la production de ressources ligneuses et la chasse sportive des cervidés. Un enjeu majeur réside dans la détermination d’une densité de cervidés permettant une exploitation durable de ces ressources. Dans cette étude, nous rapportons une expérience d’exclusion du cerf élaphe (Cervus elaphus) dans les forêts matures de l’ouest de la Norvège basée sur 10 paires d’exclos et de parcelles accessibles au broutement établies en 2008. Nous avons mesuré annuellement durant 4 ans le taux de broutement et de croissance verticale de semis et de gaulis marqués et estimé les densités totales de toutes les espèces d'arbres. Hors des exclos, la croissance des gaules (1 m de haut) de sorbier des oiseleurs (Sorbus aucuparia), l’espèce ligneuse la plus abondante sur le site, était compromise lorsque 20 % des pousses étaient broutées. Nous avons observé une tendance positive dans la croissance des gaules de moins de 40 cm alors qu’elle était compromise au-delà de ce seuil. La densité de sorbiers a également augmenté à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des exclos révélant un recrutement positif, toutefois l'augmentation de la densité était plus marquée dans les parcelles soumises au broutement. L'augmentation de la densité de sorbiers, combinée à la réduction de la croissance en hauteur, en présence du cerf élaphe génère une strate dense de sorbiers de petite stature. Cette situation présente des similitudes avec le concept de haie de pâturage (browsing lawn), mais pourrait être liée à l’épaisseur de neige au sol. En effet, les arbustes qui dépassent la couche nivale sont plus susceptibles d’être broutés que les plus petits qui sont protégés en hiver lorsque la consommation d’espèces ligneuses est maximale. Mots-clés : cervidés, Cervus elaphus, épaisseur de neige, exploitation durable, haie de pâturage, herbivorie
Erling Meisingset Øystein Brekkum Leif Egil Loe Arve Aarhus Unni Støbet Lande Inger Maren Rivrud Atle MysterudSammendrag
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Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
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Anders Skonhoft Vebjørn Veiberg Asle Årthun Gauteplass Jon Olaf Olaussen Erling Meisingset Atle MysterudSammendrag
This paper presents a bioeconomic analysis of a red deer population within a Norwegian institutional context. This population is managed by a well-defined manager, typically consisting of many landowners operating in a cooperative manner, with the goal of maximizing the present-value hunting related income while taking browsing and grazing damages into account. The red deer population is structured in five categories of animals (calves, female and male yearlings, adult females and adult males). It is shown that differences in the per-animal meat values and survival rates (‘biological discounted’ values) are instrumental in determining the optimal harvest composition. Fertility plays no direct role. It is argued that this is a general result working in stage-structured models with harvest values. In the numerical illustration it is shown that the optimal harvest pattern stays quite stable under various parameter changes. It is revealed which parameters and harvest restrictions that is most important. We also show that the current harvest pattern involves too much yearling harvest compared with the economically efficient level.
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Atle Mysterud Leif Egil Loe Erling Meisingset Barbara Zimmermann Arne William Hjeltnes Vebjørn Veiberg Inger Maren Rivrud Anders Skonhoft Jon Olaf Olaussen Oddgeir Andersen Richard Bischof Christophe Bonenfant Øystein Brekkum Rolf Langvatn Hallvard Flatjord Ivar Syrstad Arve Aarhus Vidar HoltheSammendrag
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Atle Mysterud Leif Egil Loe Barbara Zimmermann Richard Bischof Vebjørn Veiberg Erling MeisingsetSammendrag
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Atle Mysterud Erling Meisingset Vebjørn Veiberg Rolf Langvatn Erling Johan Solberg Leif Egil Loe Nils Christian StensethSammendrag
Proper management of wildlife relies on metrics of population development. Typically, the best estimation techniques are too expensive for coarse-scale management. In marine fisheries, catch-per-unit effort is commonly used, but problems may arise due to changes in spatial harvest effort or in habitat use as density changes. Managers in Norway are in the early phases of implementing "seen deer" during harvesting and "spring counts" on farmland as a means of monitoring red deer Cervus elaphus populations. We provide a first evaluation of how suitable these methods are by comparing the results with population estimates obtained using cohort analysis, and by analysing the within-season variation in number of seen deer. "Seen deer" predicted annual increases in populations fairly well. Adjusting for harvesting effort provided less good estimates, due to a proportionally larger increase in effort relative to deer population size as population size increased. The number of seen deer per day decreased rapidly at the beginning of the season, and then levelled off or increased slightly during the rut, especially on farmland. The number of seen deer increased both with the number of harvesters and hours harvested, but at a diminishing rate. The current practice of "spring counts" was not successful in predicting population changes, probably due to a lack of replication. Indeed, date strongly affected the number of deer seen during spring counts. While "seen deer" seems to be a very promising tool for monitoring population size of red deer, there are some limitations to the practice as implemented for moose Alces alces in Scandinavia due to a more complex relationship with harvesting effort. Our study highlights that the large number of hours harvesters observe wildlife can provide a useful tool for population monitoring. However, the use of such indices may vary between species and according to harvest techniques and should thus be assessed with care before implementation
Claudia Melis Astrid Buset Per Arild Aarrestad Oddvar Hanssen Erling Meisingset Reidar Andersen Arne Moksnes Eivin RøskaftSammendrag
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