Nature-based solutions
Nature-based solutions (NBS) represent measures focusing on the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of natural ecosystems.
There are three central definitions for NBS by EU (2015), IUCN (2016) and UNEP (2022).
The concept of NBS is grounded in the knowledge that healthy natural and managed ecosystems produce a diverse range of services on which human wellbeing depends (MEA, 2005).
NBS is conceptualized as an umbrella term for previously existing and frequently used ecosystem-related approaches such as:
- green infrastructure
- ecosystem-based adaptation/restoration/mitigation, and
- ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
NIBIO has long experience with development, implementation, monitoring and modeling the effectivness of nature-based solutions within:
- agricultural dominated catchments:
-urban and peri-urban catchment:
Division of Environment and Natural Resources
OPTAIN: Optimal strategies to retain and re-use water and nutrients in small agricultural catchments
OPTAIN proposes a social and scientific journey toward the increasing and better understanding of the multiple benefits of Natural/Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM). The Norwegian case study area, Kråkstadelva catchment, is located within the Hobølelva watershed 30 km S-SE of Oslo.
Division of Food Production and Society
Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air
Division of Environment and Natural Resources
N4S: Naturbaserte løsninger (NBS) for for stabilisering av skråninger/bekkekanter
Prosjektet skal bidra til å styrke forskning på naturbaserte løsninger (NBS) som også styrker karbon nøytrale løsninger, øker biodiversitet og bærkraftig bruk av arealer i bekkedrag. Det skal gjøre det enklere å prioritere bærekraftige løsninger for erosjonssikring.