Dominika Krzeminska
Head of Department/Head of Research
(+47) 915 98 728
Ås O43
Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås
I am researcher - modeller and field worker - working in the area of hydrogeology, soil stability, landslides and natural based solutions.
I am landslide hydrologists (PhD), Environmental Engineer (MSc) and certified EHS specialist (PostGrad). My research are dedicated to natural hazard and disaster analysis, with the focus on soil stability, buffer zone efficiency and the influence of preferential flow paths on landslides hydrology. My main research activities included: hydrogeological site monitoring (field measurements, data collection), data processing (ArcGIS, MatLab, PCRaster, MicrosoftExcel) and modelling (STARWARS, LISEM, BSTEM, PROSYS II), as well as presentation of the findings (orals, posters, technical reports).
Besides the main research I was actively involved in organising workshops, conferences and (on line) intensive courses, creating platform to exchange the knowledge, data and share all kind of experience. This activates made me aware of the importance of proper communication and collaboration between researchers, authorities and stakeholders.
My research and managerial experience comes from participations in several EU funded and international projects: MOUNTAIN-RISKS (2007–2010, FP6), ECOU-PREF (2006-2008), ANR CATTEL TRIGGERLAND (2007-2010) and SAFELAND (2008-2011, FP7), PREDHYPO (2015-2016), RECARE (2014-2018, FP7), BUFFERKLIMA (2017-2019).
Key competences:
- spatial data analysis and data integration
- monitoring and analysing of hydrological systems (field and laboratory measurements campaign)
- data processing (ArcGIS, MatLab, MicrosoftExcel)
- scripting (PCRaster, FORTRAN)
- presentation (oral and poster)
- technical reports
- academic writing
- project management
Rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over viktige faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.
Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.

Division of Environment and Natural Resources
MARCHES - Methodologies for Assessing the Real Costs to Health of Environmental Stressors

Division of Environment and Natural Resources
NORDBALT ECOSAFE: Nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction approach within safe ecological boundaries for the Nordic Baltic region
About the project

Division of Environment and Natural Resources
ENGAGE: Europe Nutrient Management - Guided Approaches for Greater Export reduction
ENGAGE aims to operationalise a novel vision for the future of multi-scale nutrientexport reduction and associated ecosystem services in national andtransboundary/international river basins in Europe by bringing together robuststakeholder engagement strategies with coupled state-of-the-art computationalhydrology techniques and online interactive use-tailored DS tool approaches that integrate remote sensing, socio-economic, governance, and society-change decisionelements.

Division of Food Production and Society
Innovative concepts and technologies for ECOlogically sustainable NUTRIent management in agriculture aiming to prevent, mitigate and eliminate pollution in soils, water and air

Division of Environment and Natural Resources
OPTAIN: Optimal strategies to retain and re-use water and nutrients in small agricultural catchments
OPTAIN proposes a social and scientific journey toward the increasing and better understanding of the multiple benefits of Natural/Small Water Retention Measures (NSWRM). The Norwegian case study area, Kråkstadelva catchment, is located within the Hobølelva watershed 30 km S-SE of Oslo.