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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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In August – October 2003 three biological control experiments were established near Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station of Helsinki University in southern Finland. Water suspension of mycelia of the basidiomycete Chondrostereum purpureum was inoculated on stumps just after felling in order to examine the impact of inoculation on tree sprouting...


Organic farming movements have traditionally aimed at a harmonious balance between animal husbandry and crop production on the farm. We bring scientific evidences that this is a prerequisite to maximize the efficiency of nitrogen use. The use of imported feed increases the total nutrient losses to the environment per litre of milk produced.


Organic farming movements have traditionally aimed at a harmonious balance between animal husbandry and crop production on the farm. We bring scientific evidences that this is a prerequisite to maximize the efficiency of nitrogen use. The use of imported feed increases the total nutrient losses to the environment per litre of milk produced.


The difficulty in sub-culturing biotrophic fungi complicates etiological studies related to the associated plant diseases. By employing species-specific ITS sequence stretches, we used real-time PCR to investigate the spatial colonization profiles of T. areolata and a co-existing Phomopsis species in seedlings and saplings of Norway spruce showing bark necrosis. There was a strong gradient in the colonization level of T. areolata DNA along the lesion length, with the highest DNA amount levels being recorded in the area with dark brown phloem. The separate analysis of bark and wood tissues indicated that the initial spread of the rust to healthy tissues neighbouring the infection site presumably takes place in the bark. A Phomopsis species co-existing together with T. areolata in several cases showed very high DNA levels in the upper part of the lesion outside the brown phloem area, and even in the visually healthy proximal tissues above the lesions. This indicates that this ascomycete has a latent stage during early colonization of Norway spruce shoots. This mode of infection most probably explains the successful co-existence of Phomopsis with a biotrophic rust, as their mutual interest would be to avoid triggering host cell death.


Målet med denne studien var å jamføre risikoen for økologiske, integrerte og convensjonelle dyrkingssystem. Forsøksdata frå eit dyrkingssystem (1991-1999) på Austlandet vart brukte saman med budsjettal frå gardsbruk. Empirisk fordeling av nettoinntekt for ulike dyrkingssystem vart estimert ved hjelp av ein simuleringsmodell. Resultata syner at det økologiske systemet hadde størst variasjon i nettoinntekt, men med gjeldane tilskotsordningar og meirprisar for økologiske varer vert dette det mest økonomiske alternativet.