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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Forty samples each of leaves, bark and wood of mountain birch (Betula pubescens EHRH.) were collected along a 120 km long south-north transect running through Norway\"s largest city, Oslo. Concentrations of 26 chemical elements (Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sr, Ti and Zn) as well as loss on ignition for the three sample materials are reported. By far the highest concentrations of most elements appear in the leaves. Prominent exceptions are Au and Pb, both of which are enriched in wood, indicating the importance of root-uptake, and As which is enriched in bark. Bedrock lithology, ore occurrences, soil pH and urban contamination all have a visible influence on the element concentrations in mountain birch leaves, bark and wood. It is often impossible to differentiate between all the factors that can influence element concentrations in the three sample materials. Mountain birch bark shows the strongest anthropogenic impact of the city of Oslo for dust-related elements (Fe, La, Ti) and Sb. Even in mountain birch bark the influence of the city on element concentrations is no longer discernible from the background variation at a distance of less than 20 km from Oslo centre. Compared to terrestrial moss, mountain birch appears to be of little value as a biomonitor for urban contamination.


This study is an investigation of the nature-based recreation services industry in Norway. A recent study in Forest Policy and Economics identified two main elements of entrepreneurship, the ability to recognize business opportunities and the ability to take calculated risks. Further, that study examined how entrepreneurial attitudes affect the probability for start-ups. It is suggested that entrepreneurial attitudes influence the likelihood for process innovation and increased performance. Entrepreneurship and innovation theory were used and an e-mail survey was conducted. The questionnaire was forwarded to 324 Norwegian micro-enterprises selling forest recreation services. The response rate was 55 percent. Respondents that exhibit a stronger entrepreneurial attitude appear more likely to change the way they organize their enterprise and tend to have higher income growth.


Ecological studies are often confronted with short and fragmented or unevenly sampled time series. Examples are, e.g., time series of biogeochemical fluxes measured on a variety of scales. Characterizing the observed time series patterns, particularly the correlation structure is crucial for an integrated ecosystem assessment or possibly for improved processes understanding.

To document


Twelve fertilizer/biostimulant products or product families were compared with mineral fertilizer in three two-year trials on USGA greens and sand-based football fields in southern Norway. Within each trial, all treatments were received the same amount of total nitrogen per year. Substitution of some of the mineral fertilizer with Gro-Power® improved turfgrass quality in one trial. Otherwise, the organic fertilizers and biostimulants producted results that were equal to or inferior to the control treatment. In conclusion, fertilization of sand-based golf greens and football fields ought to be based on light and frequent applications of mineral fertilizer throughout the growing season. Organic fertilizers and biostimulants can, at best, be supplements to such a fertilizer program.