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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Runoff time series are known to contain long term structures on interannual to decadal time scales. Investigating spatial patterns of long term structures is a way to elucidate the relationship between external forcings and watershed properties. This would be a valuable contribution to an improved water resources management. Singular System Analysis (SSA) is a powerful technique to identify and extract significant long term components from time series. However, many observations from natural systems are prone to missing data that hamper many analysis techniques, including the SSA in its original formulation...


Wood is a unique building material, but is by nature designed to deteriorate. A detailed understanding of the factors and interactions involved are important when working with service life prediction of wooden components in buildings. Wood may experience exponential fungal degradation caused by variation in the climatic factors within a small limited area and by minor imperfection in the wooden component. In this paper we put forward a new term: critical in-situ conditions (CIC). This is meant to bring the attention to the importance of looking into details in the construction design, the specific climatic factors and interactions involved. Gaining realistic and useful data for prediction of service life is only possible by controlling and understanding the factors that are target specific for a wooden component or even only a part of it. Performing measurements in a right way and in the proper part of the wooden component are vital for getting useful data for further processing. The objective in this paper is to exemplify the CIC in inservice situations and to describe the factors and interactions that control the service life. Case studies were performed on a building at Bryggen in Bergen, on a hunting cabin on Svalbard, on several wooden windows in the southern part of Norway and on an external wall of a residence house in Ås.


Tree-killing bark beetles conquer healthy trees by means of pheromone mediated mass-attacks. The initial attackers select trees through a process of random landing and processing of tactile and short-range chemical stimuli. Inside acceptable hosts they produce aggregation pheromones that attract additional attackers. In a recent field experiment we induced defense responses in 60-year-old Norway spruce trees and monitored colonization by the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. Induced stem sections had significantly less beetle colonization than control sections, with shorter parental galleries and fewer eggs deposited. In addition, fewer beetles were attracted to beetles tunnelling in induced bark. This reduced ability to attract conspecifics suggests that induced host defenses interfere with beetle pheromone production or emission. The mechanisms responsible for this are unknown, but may involve emission of volatile terpenes such as (E)-b-farnesene and linalool, which have been shown to increase up to 100-fold in induced Norway spruce trees. These compounds have been reported to attract natural enemies of herbivores or repel herbivores directly in other conifer-insect interactions.


Seed production in Norway spruce (Picea abies) seed orchards may be severely reduced by insects attacking cones and seeds. Insects in several orders and genera are responsible for the damage, and at present there are no effective and environmentally acceptable control options. Studies in Sweden have shown promising results with spraying Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki x aizawai) against species of Lepidoptera, but for other pests other control methods must be developed....


Whereas lichen growth rates have received considerable attention, comparatively few detailed studies of growth patterns have been carried out. Generally, most lichens seem to grow apically, with pseudomeristomatic tissue confined to lobe margins and branch tips. However, some species appear to retain the capacity to expand throughout the thallus. Such intercalary growth processes have proved difficult to confirm in the field for two- and three-dimensionally growing folious and fruticose forms. Using transplants of the conspicuous, one-dimensionally growing Usnea longissima Ach., we document that intercalary growth actually does occur, with thalli expanding geometrically in length with a doubling time of less than a year under favorable conditions.


Forest bioenergy is utilisation is closely related to issues of pronounced political importance such as energy policies and international processes for sustainable management, especially climate change and sustainable forest management. The book chapter discusses both aspects and end up by summing up the contributions of the WOOD-EN-MAN project.