NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
High tunnels offer an intensive and protective production system for many fruit crops. In May 2014, two tractor-accessible Haygrove® multibay tunnel systems were installed on a 10% slope at the experimental farm at Nibio Ullensvang, western Norway (60°19’8.03”N, 6°39’14.31”E). Feathered 1-year old European plum cultivar ‘Opal’ on rootstock ‘St. Julien A’ were planted with two rows per bay at a spacing of 1.5×4 m during 2012. Trees were trained to a central leader as free spindles. In 2016, one tunnel was covered (150 μm clear classic polyethylene film) from before blooming until harvest and one tunnel only covered from mid-July till harvest. Different crop loads levels were established by blossom thinning (each flower 5, 10, and 15 cm apart), and fruitlet thinning (each fruitlet 5, 10, and 15 cm apart) at 10-12 mm fruitlet diameter at the end of June. Treatments were applied on single whole trees in a randomized complete block design with five replications. Climatic parameters were monitored inside and outside the tunnels from mid-June to mid-September. Fruit set, yield data, and fruit quality parameters for each treatment were recorded. Increased thinning distances reduced the fruit set and was highest when thinned at fruitlets. Thinning to 5 cm apart and covered the whole season and 10 cm apart covered one month gave the highest fruit sets of 17.9 and 14.3%, respectively. The yield was positively correlated with the fruit set response, 11.7 kg tree-1 (20 t ha-1) – 5 cm between fruitlets and short-covering versus 3.4 kg – 15 cm distance between flowers and long covering. Both blossom and fruitlet thinned trees when covered got a significant yield reduction compared to covered one month. Thinning at the fruitlet stage resulted in smaller fruits at the same crop level (41.3 g on average) compared to flower thinning for both covering periods (47.2 g). Qualitative traits of ’Opal’ plums (bright yellow ground colour, red over colour, and soluble solid contents) were weakly correlated with the fruit set and was high (16.7% average soluble solids content). The coverage from bloom to harvest time promoted maturity of the plums. From the preliminary results, it can be concluded that fruitlets thinning from uncovered trees and one month covering before harvesting gave the largest crop of premium fruits.
Junbin ZhaoSammendrag
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Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is not widely used in forage production in Norway; until recently only in regions with very mild winter climate. Due to its high digestibility and yield potential, and trends towards milder winters, the interest for using this species in silage production has increased. However, variable winter weather with frost and ice can damage perennial ryegrass extensively, and it is therefore regarded as a rather short-lived species under these conditions. In this paper, we report results from field experiments for first-year leys established in 2016 at three different locations from south to north in Norway. Different seed mixtures of grass and clover species were sown with and without the addition of perennial ryegrass. In 2017, plots were fertilised with either medium level of nitrogen (N) or low N-level (half of the medium level). Dry matter yields, botanical composition and feed quality (determined by NIRS) from each cut were recorded. Perennial ryegrass dominated in all mixtures and reduced weed invasion, regardless of location. Inclusion of ryegrass led to higher yield production compared to mixtures without ryegrass; it increased digestibility but the content of crude protein tended to be lower, probably due to a dilution effect caused by the higher yield production.
Bruno Buonomo Francesco Giannino Stephanie Saussure Ezio VenturinoSammendrag
We introduce a mathematical model to describe the tritrophic interaction between crop, pest and the pest natural enemy where the release of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by crop is taken into account. The VOCs may be considered as an indirect defence mechanism of the plant as they attract the pest natural enemies toward the attacked plants. The model dynamics is studied through qualitative analysis and numerical simulations. The factors that may enhance pest disappearance are identified. In particular, we show that VOCs may have a beneficial effect on the environment since their release may be able to stabilize the model dynamics. Specifically, for the parameter values that we have explored, this effect can arise only when both the phenomena of VOCs basic plant release and VOCs plant release due to pest attack are present.
Roman Gebauer Daniel Volařík Josef Urban Isabella Børja Nina Elisabeth Nagy Toril Drabløs Eldhuset Paal KrokeneSammendrag
Several studies have looked at how individual environmental factors influence needle morphology in conifer trees, but interacting effects between drought and canopy position have received little attention. In this study, we characterized morphological responses to experimentally induced drought stress in sun exposed and shaded current-year Norway spruce needles. In the drought plot trees were suffering mild drought stress, with an average soil water potential at 50 cm depth of -0.4 MPa. In general, morphological needle traits had greater values in sun needles in the upper canopy than in shaded needles in the lower canopy. Needle morphology 15 months after the onset of drought was determined by canopy position, as only sun needle morphology was affected by drought. Thus, canopy position was a stronger morphogenic factor determining needle structure than was water availability. The largest influence of mild drought was observed for needle length, projected needle area and total needle area, which all were reduced by ~27% relative to control trees. Needle thickness and needle width showed contrasting sensitivity to drought, as drought only affected needle thickness (10% reduction). Needle dry mass, leaf mass per area and needle density were not affected 15 months after the onset of mild drought. Our results highlight the importance of considering canopy position as well as water availability when comparing needle structure or function between conifer species. More knowledge about how different canopy parts of Norway spruce adapt to drought is important to understand forest productivity under changing environmental conditions.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from cultivated soils correlate positively with the amount of N-fertilizer applied, but a large proportion of the annual N2O emission occurs outside the cropping season, potentially blurring this correlation. We measured the effect of split-N application (total N addition varying from 0 to 220 kg N ha−1) on N2O emissions in a spring wheat plot trial in SE Norway from the time of split-N application until harvest, and during the following winter and spring thaw period. N2O emissions were largest in the two highest N-levels, whereas yield-scaled emission (N2O intensity) was highest in the 0 N treatment. Nitrogen yield increased by 23% when adding 80 kg N ha−1 compared to adding 40 kg N ha−1 as split application, while corresponding N2O emissions were reduced by 16%. No differences in measured emissions between the N-fertilization levels were observed during the winter period or during spring thaw. Measurements of soil air composition below the snow pack revealed that N2O production continued throughout winter as the concentration in the soil air increased from 0.37 to 30.0 µL L−1 N2O over the 3 months period with continuous snow cover. However, only 7–28% of the N2O emitted during spring thaw could be ascribed to accumulated N2O, indicating de novo production of N2O in the thawing soil. The direct effect of split-N fertilizer rate on N2O emissions in sub-boreal cereal cropping was limited to the first 15–21 days after N-addition.
Oda Kjørlaug Svennevik Odd Egil Solheim Greeley Beck Geir Sørland Kjell Rune Jonassen Ester Rus Bjørge Westereng Svein Jarle Horn Matthew J. Higgins Pål Jahre NilsenSammendrag
Organic waste fractions such as sewage sludge, food waste and manure can be stabilized by anaerobic digestion (AD) to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas. Following AD, the digested solid fraction (digestate) is usually dewatered to reduce the volume before transportation. Post-AD treatments such as the Post-AD thermal hydrolysis process (Post-AD THP) have been developed to improve the dewatering, but the mode of action is not well understood. In this study, samples from 32 commercial full-scale plants were used to assess the impact of Post-AD THP on a broad range of raw materials. Maximum dewatered cake solids after Post-AD THP was predicted by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Post-AD THP changed the moisture distribution of the samples by increasing the free water fraction. A consistent improvement in predicted dewatered cake solids was achieved across the 32 samples tested, on average increasing the dry solids concentration by 87%. A full-scale trial showed that dewatering Post-AD THP digestate at 80 °C improved dewatered cake solids above the predictions by TGA at 35 °C. In conclusion, dewatered cake solids were significantly improved by Post-AD THP, reducing the volume of dewatered cake for disposal.
Lars T. HavstadSammendrag
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