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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Key message: Using satellite-based maps, Ceccherini et al. (Nature 583:72-77, 2020) report abruptly increasing harvested area estimates in several EU countries beginning in 2015. Using more than 120,000 National Forest Inventory observations to analyze the satellite-based map, we show that it is not harvested area but the map’s ability to detect harvested areas that abruptly increases after 2015 in Finland and Sweden. Keywords: Global Forest Watch, Landsat, Remote sensing, National Forest Inventory, Greenhouse Gas Inventory


Norway spruce parents selected from results in progeny trials for testing Svenneby Seed Orchard clones were crossed in a factorial crossing design, and full-sib families were planted in short-term and field trials in southern Norway. Artificial freezing tests with the same families were made the first growing season and at ages 10 and 12 years. Offspring of parents selected for superior growth were taller in the field tests than those from parents with heights lower than the mean in the progeny test. However, the correlations between half-sib family performance in the initial progeny test and in the offspring field tests were only moderate. The variation among families in injury scores in the freezing tests was large, but the relationships with field trial performance were weak, indicating that frost hardiness testing at a young age is not valuable for predicting later field performance. Families with a late timing of bud flush had the highest frequency of injuries after a frost event at mid-summer. These families were also the tallest in the field tests. The families from crosses among Svenneby Seed Orchard clones had better height growth than commercial provenances. Foreldretrær av gran, valgt ut fra resultater i avkomforsøk for å teste kloner i Svenneby frøplantasje, ble krysset etter en faktoriell krysningsplan, og full-søsken familiene ble plantet i kortidsforsøk og i langsiktige feltforsøk. Fryseforsøk med familiene ble gjort etter første vekstsesong og ved alder 10 og 12 år. Avkom fra foreldre valgt ut for god høydevekst var høyere i feltforsøkene enn de fra foreldre som ble valgt ut med midlere høyde. Det var bare moderate korrelasjoner mellom høyder til halv-søsken i de første avkomforsøkene og i feltforsøkene. Det var betydelig variasjon mellom familiene i skader etter frysforsøkene, men sammenhengene var svake mellom frostskader og vekst og skader i feltforsøkene. Dette indikerer at resultater fra testing av frostherdighet i ung alder sier lite om hvordan trær fra familiene senere vokser i felt. Familier med sen skuddskyting fikk mest skader etter frostnetter 22.-23. juni. De sent skytende familiene hadde best høydevekst i feltforsøkene. Trærne fra familiene fra Svenneby frøplantasje var høyere enn de fra hadde handelsprovenienser.

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Soil fungi are vital for regulating ecosystem carbon balance and productivity, by driving processes related to soil carbon and nutrient cycling. The rate and capacity of fungi-mediated processes are linked to fungal biomass dynamics and identifying the drivers of fungal biomass is important for predicting ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Here, ergosterol-based fungal biomass estimates and ITS2-based fungal community composition profiles were used to assess biomass of fungal guilds. Effects of forest management (thinning), environmental factors (soil chemical properties, microclimate, weather and forest stand composition) and season were related to the fungal biomass dynamics to identify the guild-specific drivers of biomass. Biomass of most fungal guilds increased with nutrient availability (nitrogen and potassium in particular) and decreased with forest thinning, and variation in total biomass was mainly driven by variation in mycorrhizal biomass. Most fungal guilds reached a minimum in biomass during summer except for mycorrhizal and root-associated ascomycetes, which instead reached a minimum during winter. Mycorrhizal fungi and root-associated ascomycetes displayed similar spatiotemporal variability in biomass. Yeasts and moulds were the only fungi displaying strong linkages with microclimate, whereas pathogenic and moss-associated fungi largely diverged in their responses to the environmental factors. The results of our study highlight that environmental factors related to the availability of soil nutrients may have an overall stronger effect on variation in biomass of fungal guilds in Mediterranean Pinus pinaster forests than direct influences of microclimate, weather and forest management.

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Historically, the autumn dynamics of deciduous forest trees have not been investigated in detail. However, autumn phenological events, like onset of loss of canopy greenness (OLCG), onset of foliar senescence (OFS) and cessation of wood growth (CWG), have an important impact on tree radial growth and the entire ecosystem's seasonal dynamics. Here, we monitored the leaf and wood phenological events of silver birch (Betula pendula) at four different sites in Ås, southeastern Norway: (a) a natural mature stand, (b) a plantation on former agricultural ground, (c) young natural trees, and (d) young trees in pots under different fertilization levels. The study took place over four consecutive years (from 2017 to 2020), with a particular focus on 2018, a year in which there was a severe summer drought, and the next year, 2019, which featured more normal conditions. First, we provided a description of birch phenology within its mid-north distributional. Second, we showed that drought advanced CWG by about 5 to 6 weeks and it delayed OLCG and OFS up to 30 days. Third, we observed an unexpected advance in OLCG in 2019 compared to 2018 (30 days) and 2020 (14 days). OFS presented similar dynamics as OLCG, whereas CWG was advanced only in 2018. These findings might indicate lag-effects of severe drought on the next year autumn leaf phenology but not on wood growth. On the other hand, the comparison between the natural stand and the plantation showed that, under drought conditions, wood growth is more sensitive to site fertility than autumn leaf phenology. In summary, our study elucidated the autumn dynamics of an important deciduous forest species in the northern temperate zone and showed unexpected impacts of a severely dry and warm summer on the current and next year leaf phenology.