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While forest inventories based on airborne laser scanning data (ALS) using the area based approach (ABA) have reached operational status, methods using the individual tree crown approach (ITC) have basically remained a research issue. One of the main obstacles for operational applications of ITC is biased results often experienced due to segmentation errors. In this article, we propose a new method, called "semi-ITC" that overcomes the main problems related to ITC by imputing ground truth data within crown segments from the nearest neighboring segment. This may be none, one, or several trees. The distances between segments were derived based on a set of explanatory variables using two nonparametric methods, i.e., most similar neighbor inference (MSN) and random forest (RF). RF favored the imputation of common observations in the data set which resulted in significant biases. Main conclusions are therefore based on MSN. The explanatory variables were calculated by means of small footprint ALS and multispectral data. When testing with empirical data the new method compared favorably to the well-known ABA. Another advantage of the new method over the ABA is that it allowed for the modeling of rare tree species. The results of predicting timber volume with the semi-ITC method were unbiased and the root mean squared error (RMSE) on plot level was smaller than the standard deviation of the observed response variables. The relative RMSEs after cross validation using semi-ITC for total volume and volume of the individual species pine, spruce, birch, and aspen on plot level were 17, 38, 40, 101, and 222%, respectively. Due to the unbiasedness of the estimation, this study is a showcase for how to use crown segments resulting from ITC algorithms in a forest inventory context. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Measurements of heat production rate have been made on wood samples with the brown rot fungus Postia placenta at different moisture contents. The results clearly indicate that the heat production rate (a measure of respiration rate and activity) is moisture dependent. When the moisture content is decreased, less heat is produced, and when the moisture content is increased, more heat is produced. Isothermal calorimetry seems to be a measurement technique well suited to the study of rot fungal activity as a function of temperature and moisture content.


One of the main challenges for new wood protection systems is to predict in a fast and accurate way service life in use class 3 (above ground) and use class 4 (in soil or fresh water contact). New environmentally benign wood protection systems are expected to have different modes of action against wood deteriorating fungi compared to the traditional preservatives, change in water sorption being one of them. Therefore it is of importance to evaluate new treated wood products in a broad range of exposure situations, also exploring the variation within use class 3 and 4. Due to the restrictions in the use of chromium containing wood preservatives, a range of studies have been published the last decade evaluating the performance of new products after laboratory or field test exposure. However, there is still a lack of studies comparing the same material in different field exposure situations. This study evaluates the efficacy of 13 novel wood protecting systems in three different above ground tests (horizontal double layer, block test and mini stakes) and two different in-ground tests (EN 252 and mini stakes). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood from the same wood source was used for all treatments. For each wood protecting system the wood specimens for all five tests were treated together in the same batch. The results after five years of field exposure are presented. In the three above ground tests no or only initial signs of decay were detected after five years (not reaching a mean rating of 1). The decay rate in soil contact was faster than above ground, but after five years only untreated wood (controls) failed in both tests. No significant difference in performance was found between the two tests in soil contact. The use of median decay rate values gave an earlier indication of performance than the use of mean decay rate values.


Modified wood can provide protection against a range of wood deteriorating organisms. But we still lack information about why the modified wood is protected from microbial attack. Several hypotheses have been put forward for the mode of action against wood decaying fungi, including inhibition of action of specific enzymes, but they still need further testing. In this study gene expression of the brown rot fungus Postia placenta FPRL 280 has been monitored after 2, 4 and 8 weeks of colonization in furfurylated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and in untreated control samples. Preliminary results are given. The main finding was that genes related to oxidative metabolic activity generally was higher in furfurylated wood compared to untreated Scots pine. Carbohydrate metabolism related expression varied. For one endo-glucanase and two β-glucosidases the expression was lower in furfurylated wood compared to untreated control, while for one glucoamylase and one glucan 1,3b glucosidase the expression was higher in furfurylated wood. The four cytochrome P450 tested, involved in breakdown of toxic compounds, gave inconsistent results between furfurylated and untreated control samples. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase and cytosolic oxaloacetase gave higher expression in control than in furfurylated samples.

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During the first few weeks of life, chicks of the capercaillie (Tetra urogallus) and black grouse (T. tetrix) subsist mainly on insects, of which lepidopteran and hymenopteran larvae are the main components. We studied the breeding phenology of these two species and examined how the timing of breeding was related to the temporal distribution of their larval food source. During a five-year survey, capercaillie mated and hatched consistently four to six days before black grouse. Depending on the vegetation type, the number of larvae (>= 2 mm in length) increased between five and ten times within 10 days, and hatching coincided roughly with the peaks in larval numbers. Due to body growth, however, larval abundance in terms of volume was reached later and occurred 8-9 and 13-14 days after the mean hatching dates in the two species, respectively. Slightly later development of Hymenoptera as compared with that of Lepidoptera contributed in extending the period of high larval abundances for more than one week. The timing of breeding of the two species appears, therefore, to match the temporal distribution of insect food for the fast-growing chicks as they hatch several days before the peak in larval volumes. In one year, when mating was advanced, presumably due to exceptionally warm weather before mating (yet the temporal abundance of larvae was unchanged), breeding success was higher than in years when mating occurred later.


Competition for canopy space is a fundamental structuring feature of forest ecosystems and remains an enduring focus of research attention. We used a spatial neighborhood approach to quantify the influence of local competition on the size of individual tree crowns in north-central British Columbia, where forests are dominated by subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea glaucax engelmanii).Using maximum likelihood methods, we quantified crown radius and length as functions of tree size and competition, estimated by the species identity and spatial arrangement of neighboring trees.Tree crown size depended on tree bole size in all species. Given low levels of competition, pine displayed the widest, shortest tree crowns compared to the relatively long and narrow crowns found in spruce and fir. Sensitivity to crowding by neighbors declined with increasing tree height in all but the pine crown radius model. Five of the six selected best models included separate competition coefficients for each neighboring tree species, evidence that species generally differ in their competitive effects on neighboring tree crowns.The selected crown radius model for lodgepole pine, a shade-intolerant species, treated all neighbors as equivalent competitors. In all species, competition from neighbors exerted an important influence on crown size. Per-capita effects of competition across different sizes and species of neighbors and target trees varied, but subalpine fir generally displayed the strongest competitive effects on neighbors.Results from this study provide evidence that species differ both in their response to competition and in their competitive influence on neighbors, factors that may contribute to maintaining coexistence.

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The primary aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of interferometric X-band SAR (InSAR) for inventory of boreal forest biomass. We investigated the relationship between SRTM X-band InSAR height and above-ground biomass in a study area in southern Norway. We generated biomass reference data for each SRTM pixel from a field inventory in combination with airborne laser scanning (ALS). One set of forest inventory plots served for calibrating ALS based biomass models, and another set of field plots was used to validate these models. The biomass values obtained in this way ranged up to 250 t/ha at the stand level. The relationship between biomass and InSAR height was linear, no apparent saturation effect was present, and the accuracy was high (RMSE = 19%). The relationship differed between Norway spruce and Scots pine, where an increase in InSAR height of 1 m corresponded to an increase in biomass of 9.9 and 7.0 t/ha. respectively. Using a high-quality terrain model from ALS enabled biomass to be estimated with a higher accuracy as compared to using a terrain model from topographic maps. Interferometric X-band SAR appears to be a promising method for forest biomass monitoring. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Terrestrial biosphere models are indispensable tools for analyzing the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of carbon and water. Evaluation of these models using site level observations scrutinizes our current understanding of biospheric responses to meteorological variables. Here we propose a novel model-data comparison strategy considering that CO2 and H2O exchanges fluctuate on a wide range of timescales. Decomposing simulated and observed time series into subsignals allows to quantify model performance as a function of frequency, and to localize model-data disagreement in time. This approach is illustrated using site level predictions from two models of different complexity, Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) and Lund-Potsdam-Jena (LPJ), at four eddy covariance towers in different climates. Frequency-dependent errors reveal substantial model-data disagreement in seasonal-annual and high-frequency net CO2 fluxes. By localizing these errors in time we can trace these back, for example, to overestimations of seasonal-annual periodicities of ecosystem respiration during spring greenup and autumn in both models. In the same frequencies, systematic misrepresentations of CO2 uptake severely affect the performance of LPJ, which is a consequence of the parsimonious representation of phenology. ORCHIDEE shows pronounced model-data disagreements in the high-frequency fluctuations of evapotranspiration across the four sites. We highlight the advantages that our novel methodology offers for a rigorous model evaluation compared to classical model evaluation approaches. We propose that ongoing model development will benefit from considering model-data (dis)agreements in the time-frequency domain.