Sustainable agriculture and innovation in Africa

Village in Masai Mara, Kenya. Photo: Kathrine Torday Gulden.
The new Horizon2020 project, InnovAfrica, will take an innovative and integrated approach to improve food and nutrition security for African smallholders through climate adaptability.
Despite efforts made in agricultural research and extension in the past, food and nutrition security remains a major challenge in Africa due to inefficient implementation and exchange of technologies and knowledge to end users.
InnovAfrica, a new multidisciplinary project, aims to integrate sustainable agriculture intensification systems and innovative institutional approaches with novel extension and advisory services. This will strengthen the adaptive capacity of smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa, thus contributing to their productivity, profitability and nutritional benefits while at the same time reducing environmental impacts.
Reducing environmental impacts, enhancing food and nutrition security and creating a more sustainable agriculture is dependent on many things. InnovAfrica aims to gain a better understanding of the needs and opportunities of existing sustainable agriculture intensification systems, and thereby strengthen the innovation capacity of farmers to implement these systems. The project further seeks to improve selected product value chains through viable innovative institutional approaches, in particular benefiting rural women and youth. The project will also contribute to innovative policies and public private partnerships towards strengthening agri-business models.
Widespread dissemination of knowledge to smallholders and women within and outside the InnovAfrica project areas is an important aspect of the project. This will be achieved through multi-actor platforms supported by effective and targeted use of social media.

EU-Africa consortium
InnovAfrica is a multi-disciplinary collaborative effort with 16 partners from Europe and Africa. Dr. Udaya Sekhar Nagothu from The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy (NIBIO) is the project coordinator. The duration of the project is four years, with a total budget of 4.8 million Euros.
Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and South Africa make out the case countries. The project is funded by the EU under the Horizon2020 program.

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