NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
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Klaus Mittenzwei Maria Loureiro Wenche Dramstad Wendy Fjellstad Ola Flaten Arnt Kristian Gjertsen Sjur Spildo PrestegardAbstract
The level of support to Norwegian agriculture is partly justified with reference to agriculture’s multifunctionality. The concept of multifunctionality involves the provision of so-called “public goods» by agriculture, in addition to the production of food and fibre. Examples of these public goods include cultural landscape, biodiversity, ecological functions, cultural heritage, the viability of rural areas, and food security. The overall aim of the research project “Operationalization of multifunctionality using the CAPRI modeling system» is to study the effects of policy instruments on agriculture’s multifunctionality by defining quantitative indicators for selected elements of agriculture’s multifunctionality that can be implemented in the agricultural sector model CAPRI. This working paper takes a first step towards the appropriate regionalization when multifunctionality is concerned. The current regionalization of the CAPRI model is at the county level. This approach fails when multifunctionality is concerned, because many issues of multifunctionaliy (e.g., cultural landscape aspects) are independent of administrative borders at that level. As the aim of the overall project is to study the effects of policy instruments on agriculture’s multifunctionality, it is important to design regions within the CAPRI model that to a greater extent exhibit similar characteristics with respect to aspects of agriculture’s multifunctionality. Accordingly, it is reasonable to assume that policy changes will have quite similar effects on the multifunctionality indicators within each of these CAPRI regions. This task has been addressed by performing a cluster analysis by which Norwegian municipalities have been grouped with respect to their performance on variables that are expected to describe different aspects of the multifunctionality of agriculture. This information will then later on be used to regionalize the CAPRI model accordingly. […]
Kaj Bo Veiersted Tove M. ØstensvikAbstract
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Alhaji Jeng Bishal K. Sitaula Roshan M. Bajracharya Subodh SharmaAbstract
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Celine ReboursAbstract
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H Schmidt A. Adler Arne Holst-Jensen Sonja Klemsdal C.M. Kullnig-Gradinger Antonio Logrieco C.P. Kibecek Robert L. Mach Rudi F. Vogel Helga I. Nirenberg Ulf Thrane Mona Torp Tapani Yli-Mattila Ludwig NiessenAbstract
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Svein Ole Borgen Eivind Jacobsen Anne Moxnes JervellAbstract
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Thomas Nord-Larsen Bruce TalbotAbstract
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