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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The halogens, most importantly fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, occur in nature as ions and compounds, including organic compounds. Halogenated organic substances (haloorganics) were long considered purely anthropogenic products; however, they are in addition a commonly occurring and important part of natural ecosystems. Natural haloorganics are produced largely by living organisms, although abiotic production occurs as well. A survey is given of processes of formation, transport, and degradation of haloorganics in temperate and boreal forests, predominantly in Europe. More work is necessary in order to understand the environmental impact of haloorganics in temperate and boreal forest soils. This includes both further research, especially to understand the key processes of formation and degradation of halogenated compounds, and monitoring of the substances in question in forest ecosystems. It is also important to understand the effect of various forest management techniques on haloorganics, as management can be used to produce desired effects.


This presentation describes the Conifer Heartwood rule, i.e. the constant difference between the square root of the cambial age and the number of heartwood rings. This difference seems to be an inherent property of each species, irrespective of stand or site characteristics, or for location in the tree. When needed, heartwood can be identified by means of IR ecposures or chemical indicators.


Commercial timber sawing is always done in trade-off between yield and capacity, between cost of raw material and of production. Accurate knowledge of the dimensions for every single log is needed for successful breakdown. Traditionally, mills sawing to customers\" order, i.e. timber lots of given dimension and quality, start the breakdown process by scaling and sorting unbarked logs. However, accuracy can be greatly improved if scaled after barking. Scaling barked logs to adapt sawing pattern to each log inevitably slows down production speed, and also produces a variety of sawn boards besides the ordered one. The goal of the project described in this paper was to optimise the yield while maintaining high capacity and sawing to order. A modern, medium-sized sawmill producing ca. 60 000 m3 spruce timber annually was about to renew the sawlog intake. A two-stage log scaling/sorting and sawing twin mini-series was concluded. The first stage is the traditional sorting of unbarked logs. In the new intake, when the order is to be produced, logs are debarked before a second scaling with a 3D scanner based on laser beams reflected from the smooth and bright log surface. Logs are directed to either of two log decks, or buffers, each of ca. 25 logs, and sawn in twin mini-series alternating between the two. Sorting criteria might be purely diameter, log length, quality prediction generated from log geometry, or a combination. The sawn timber yield was increased by up to 3 000 m3 annually, corresponding to the contribution margin improved by 3 mill. NOK or more. Production speed is increased by ca. 4%, but producing two orders simultaneously increases planning complexity, requiring additional training for involved personnel. It can be concluded that the chosen set-up: Two-stage log sorting with accurate scaling in the final sorting and sawing twin orders in alternating twin mini-series, has proved successful with respect to sawn timber recovery and production capacity.

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Conclusions: CYP75A31 (NCBI accession number GQ904194), encodes a flavonoid 3'5'-hydroxylase, which accepts flavones, flavanones, dihydroflavonols and flavonols as substrates. The expression of the CYP75A31 gene was found to increase in response to nitrogen deprivation, in accordance with other genes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, as expected for a gene involved in flavonoid metabolism.

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Information retrieval from spatiotemporal data cubes is key to earth system sciences. Respective analyses need to consider two fundamental issues: First, natural phenomena fluctuate on different time scales. Second, these characteristic temporal patterns induce multiple geographical gradients. Here we propose an integrated approach of subsignal extraction and dimensionality reduction to extract geographical gradients on multiple time scales. The approach is exemplified using global remote sensing estimates of photosynthetic activity. A wide range of partly well interpretable gradients is retrieved. For instance, well known climate-induced anomalies in FAPAR over Africa and South America during the last severe ENSO event are identified. Also, the precise geographical patterns of the annual–seasonal cycle and its phasing are isolated. Other features lead to new questions on the underlying environmental dynamics. Our method can provide benchmarks for comparisons of data cubes, model runs, and thus be used as a basis for sophisticated model performance evaluations.