NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Kamal Atmeh Christophe Bonenfant Jean-Michel Gaillard Mathieu Garel A. J. Mark Hewison Pascal Marchand Nicolas Morellet Pia Anderwald Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar Jeffrey L. Beck Matthew S. Becker Floris M. van Beest Jodi Berg Ulrika A. Bergvall Randall B. Boone Mark S. Boyce Simon Chamaillé-Jammes Yannick Chaval Chimeddorj Buyanaa David Christianson Simone Ciuti Steeve D. Côté Duane R. Diefenbach Egil Droge Johan T. du Toit Samantha Dwinnell Julian Fennessy Flurin Filli Daniel Fortin Emma E. Hart Matthew Hayes Mark Hebblewhite Morten Heim Ivar Herfindal Marco Dietmar Heurich Christian von Hoermann Katey Huggler Craig Ryan Jackson Andrew F. Jakes Paul F. Jones Petra Kaczensky Matthew Kauffman Petter Kjellander Tayler LeSharr Leif Egil Loe Roelof Frans May Philip McLoughlin Erling Meisingset Evelyn Merrill Kevin L. Monteith Thomas Mueller Atle Mysterud Dejid Nandintsetseg Kirk Olson John Payne Scott Pearson Åshild Ønvik Pedersen Dustin Ranglack Adele K. Reinking Thomas Rempfler Clifford G. Rice Eivin Røskaft Bernt-Erik Sæther Sonia Saïd Hugo Santacreu Niels Martin Schmidt Daan Smit Jared A. Stabach Martin-Hugues St-Laurent Joëlle Taillon W. David Walter Kevin White Guillaume Péron Anne LoisonAbstract
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Jens Leifeld Brieuc Hardy Alice Budai Lars Elsgaard Sonja Keel Florent Levavasseur zhi lang Claudio Mondini Cesar Plaza Leonor RodriguesAbstract
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Ahmed Seid Ahmed Anagaw Meshesha Atickem Afework Bekele Diress Tsegaye Alemu Nils Christian Stenseth David Zinner Christian Roos Zinner DietmarAbstract
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Vibeke LindAbstract
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Ievina SturiteAbstract
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It is widely acknowledged that welfare states are important determinants of health in Europe through their mediation of the extent, and impact, of socio-economic positions on health. Arguably, immunisation from market dependencies in healthcare has been associated with core public values of the traditional welfare state and has thus been perceived important for achieving public goods such as social cohesion, equity, and people’s well-being. In recent years, we have seen a change in change in welfare states, where policies aimed at decommodifying the citizens by sheltering them from market dependency, have been supplemented and even replaced by the reverse trend of healthcare recommodification, where the role of markets has been strengthened and access to services through citizenship has been reduced. There is consequently a need for studies that investigate the specific welfare regime features that best contribute to the protection and promotion of the well-being of its citizens. Concentrating on the healthcare part of the welfare state, we analyse differences of subjective perceptions of well-being (self-rated health and happiness) between European countries, by examining how such perceptions are associated with selected indicators related to expenditure, financing, provision, institutional features, primary care orientation, and health decommodification. The paper utilises ten rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS), spanning 20 years and including more than 130,000 individuals from 21 countries. Using multilevel modelling and controlling for individual-level demographic and socio-economic variables, the results suggest that several of the system characteristics are relevant for subjective perceptions of well-being. Public healthcare coverage shows the strongest positive association, while indicators of public–private mix in financing and private provision of healthcare showed less significant results.
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«Norwegian Agriculture – Status and Trends 2024» provides a brief overview of major aspects of agriculture in Norway and summarizes some of the information that is annually published within the sector.