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In the EU 2020 biodiversity strategy, maintaining and enhancing forest biodiversity is essential. Forest managers and technicians should include biodiversity monitoring as support for sustainible forest management and conservation issues, through the adoption of forest biodiversity indices. The present study investigates the potential of a new type of Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry derived variables for modelling forest structure indicies, which do not require the availability of a digital terrain model (DTM) such as those obtainable from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) surveys. The DTM-independent variables were calculated using raw 3D UAV photogrammetric data for modeling eight forest structure indices which are commonly used for forest biodiversity monitoring, namely: basal area (G); quadratic mean diameter (DBHmean); the standard deviation of Diameter at Breast Height (DBHσ); DBH Gini coefficient (Gini); the standard deviation of tree heights (Hσ); dominant tree height (Hdom); Lorey’s height (Hl); and growing stock volume (V). The study included two mixed temperate forestsareas withadifferenttype ofmanagement, with onearea, left unmanagedfor thepast 50years while the other being actively managed. A total of 30 fieldsample plots were measured in the unmanaged forest, and 50 field plots were measured in the actively managed forest. The accuracy of UAV DTM-independent predictions was compared with a benchmark approach based on traditional explanatory variables calculated from ALS data. Finally, DTM-independent variables were used to produce wall-to-wall maps of the forest structure indices in the two test areas and to estimate the mean value and its uncertainty according to a model-assisted regression estimators. DTM-independent variables led to similar predictive accuracy in terms of root mean square error compared to ALS in both study areas for the eight structure indices (DTM-independent average RMSE% = 20.5 and ALS average RMSE% = 19.8). Moreover, we found that the model-assisted estimation, with both DTM-independet and ALS, obtained lower standar errors (SE) compared to the one obtained by modelbased estimation using only field plots. Relative efficiency coefficient (RE) revealed that ALS-based estimates were, on average, more efficient (average RE ALS = 3.7) than DTM-independent, (average RE DTM-independent = 3.3). However, the RE for the DTM-independent models was consistently larger than the one from theALSmodelsfortheDBH-relatedvariables(i.e.G,DBHmean,andDBHσ)andforV.Thishighlightsthepotential of DTM-independent variables, which not only can be used virtually on any forests (i.e., no need of a DTM), but also can produce as precise estimates as those from ALS data for key forest structural variables and substantially improve the efficiency of forest inventories.
Min-Rui Wang Zhibo Hamborg Rune Slimestad Abdelhameed Elameen Dag-Ragnar Blystad Sissel Haugslien Gry Skjeseth Qiao‑Chun WangAbstract
Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum), a small bulb onion, is widely grown in the world. We previously reported a droplet-vitrification for cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of shallot genotype ‘10603’. The present study further evaluated rooting, vegetative growth, bulb production and contents of biochemical compounds, as well as genetic stability in cryo-derived plants. The results showed no significant differences in rooting, vegetative growth, bulb production and contents of soluble sugars and flavonols between the cryo- and in vitro-derived plants. Analyses of ISSR and AFLP markers did not detect any polymorphic bands in the cryo-derived plants. These results indicate rooting and vegetative growth ability, biochemical compounds and genetic stability were maintained in cryo-derived plants. The present study provides experimental evidences that support the use of cryopreservation method for long-term preservation of genetic resources of shallots and other Allium species.
Gunda Thöming Sándor Koczor Ferenc Szentkirályi Hans Ragnar Norli Marco Tasin Geir Kjølberg KnudsenAbstract
In a field-trapping experiment with plant volatiles, we observed notably high attraction of green lacewing (Chrysotropia ciliata) males to the compound p-anisaldehyde. Based on this finding, we initiated the present study to elucidate this phenomenon and to investigate the chemical ecology of C. ciliata. Scanning electron microscopy revealed elliptical glands abundantly distributed on the 2nd to 6th abdominal sternites of C. ciliata males, whereas females of the species completely lacked such glands. No p-anisaldehyde was found in extractions of body parts of C. ciliata. Methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid were identified exclusively in the extract from abdominal segments 2–8 of males. Field-trapping experiments revealed no attraction of C. ciliata to either methyl p-anisate or p-methoxybenzoic acid. In contrast, males showed marked attraction to p-anisaldehyde in the field and antennae showed strong responses to this compound. Headspace collections in the field from living insects in their natural environment and during their main daily activity period indicated that p-anisaldehyde was emitted exclusively by C. ciliata males. Our overall results suggest that p-anisaldehyde might serve as a male-produced pheromone that attracts conspecific C. ciliata males. Here, we discuss hypotheses regarding possible mechanisms involved in regulation of p-anisaldehyde production, including involvement of the compounds methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid, and the potential ecological function of p-anisaldehyde in C. ciliata.
Elisabet Martínez-Sancho Lenka Slámová Sandro Morganti Claudio Grefen Barbara Carvalho Benjamin Dauphin Christian Rellstab Felix Gugerli Lars Opgenoorth Katrin Heer Florian Knutzen Georg von Arx Fernando Valladares Stephen Cavers Bruno Fady Ricardo Alía Filippos Aravanopoulos Camilla Avanzi Francesca Bagnoli Evangelos Barbas Catherine Bastien Raquel Benavides Frédéric Bernier Guillaume Bodineau Cristina C. Bastias Jean-Paul Charpentier José M. Climent Marianne Corréard Florence Courdier Darius Danusevicius Anna-Maria Farsakoglou José M. García del Barrio Olivier Gilg Santiago C. González-Martínez Alan Gray Christoph Hartleitner Agathe Hurel Arnaud Jouineau Katri Kärkkäinen Sonja T. Kujala Mariaceleste Labriola Martin Lascoux Marlène Lefebvre Vincent Lejeune Grégoire Le-Provost Mirko Liesebach Ermioni Malliarou Nicolas Mariotte Silvia Matesanz Célia Michotey Pascal Milesi Tor Myking Eduardo Notivol Birte Pakull Andrea Piotti Christophe Plomion Mehdi Pringarbe Tanja Pyhäjärvi Annie Raffin José A. Ramírez-Valiente Kurt Ramskogler Juan J. Robledo-Arnuncio Outi Savolainen Silvio Schueler Vladimir Semerikov Ilaria Spanu Jean Thévenet Mari Mette Tollefsrud Norbert Turion Dominique Veisse Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin Marc Villar Johan Westin Patrick FontiAbstract
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The EU has developed a Directive on Sustainable Use of Chemical Pesticides (2009/128/EC) (SUD) that aims to enhance the use of non-chemical alternatives to pesticides like microbial plant protection products (PPP). The number of authorized microbial PPP for plant protection has increased globally during the last decade. There is, however, variation between different countries. Sweden and Denmark have for example each authorized 20 microbial PPP while Norway has only authorized four microbial PPP. Norway has also received significantly fewer applications for authorization of microbial PPP than the other Scandinavian countries. We explore possible explanations for the observed differences. Our results show that that the regulations in the three countries had similar requirements for the authorisation of microbial PPP. The size of the market is somewhat smaller in Norway than in Sweden and Denmark, and could therefore explain some of the differences. We suggest, however, that the most important explanation is implementation differences in terms of different decisions made in the authorization process. By comparing the authorization process for three microbial PPP in the Scandinavian countries, we found that Norway used more time for the product authorization decisions. Norway assess the same types of microbial PPP more restrictively with respect to environmental aspects and especially human health risks.
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Roland Gerhards Michael Späth Markus Sökefeld Gerassimos G. Peteinatos Adnan Nabout Victor Rueda-AyalaAbstract
Precision farming technologies were implemented into a commercial harrow to increase selectivity of weed harrowing in spring cereals. Digital cameras were mounted before and after the harrow measuring crop cover. Crop soil cover (CSC) was computed out of these two images. Eight field experiments were carried out in spring cereals. Mode of harrowing intensity was changed in four experiments by speed, number of passes and tine angle. Each mode was varied in five intensities. In four experiments, only intensity of harrowing was changed. Weed control efficacy (WCE) and CSC were measured immediately after harrowing. Crop recovery was assessed 14 days after harrowing. Modes of intensity were not significantly different. However, intensity had significant effects on WCE and CSC. Cereals recovered from 10% CSC, and selectivity was in the constant range at 10% CSC. Therefore, 10% CSC was the threshold for the decision algorithm. If the actual CSC was below 10% CSC, intensity was increased. If the actual CSC was higher than 10%, intensity was decreased. Image analysis, decision support system and automatic control of harrowing intensity by hydraulic adjustment of tine angle were installed on a controller mounted on the harrow. The new system was tested in an additional field study. Threshold values for CSC were set at 10%, 30% and 60%. Automatic tine angle adjustment precisely realised the three different CSC values with variations of 1.5% to 3%. This development contributes to selective weed control and supports farmers during harrowing.
Håvard Steinshamn Inga Marie Aasen Sokratis Ptochos Caroline Chylinski Berit Marie Blomstrand Kristin SørheimAbstract
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Carlos Sacristan Carlos G Das Neves Faisal Suhel Irene Sacristán Torstein Tengs Inger Sofie Hamnes Knut Ivar Engesæter MadslienAbstract
Bartonella spp. are fastidious, Gram‐negative, aerobic, facultative intracellular bacteria that infect humans, domestic and wild animals. In Norway, Bartonella spp. have been detected in cervids, mainly within the distribution area of the arthropod vector deer ked (Lipoptena cervi ). We used PCR to survey the prevalence of Bartonella spp. in blood samples from 141 cervids living outside the deer ked distribution area (moose [Alces alces , n = 65], red deer [Cervus elaphus , n = 41], and reindeer [Rangifer tarandus , n = 35]), in 44 pool samples of sheep tick (Ixodes ricinus , 27 pools collected from 74 red deer and 17 from 45 moose) and in biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae, 120 pools of 6710 specimens). Bartonella DNA was amplified in moose (75.4 %, 49/65) and in red deer (4.9 %, 2/41) blood samples. All reindeer were negative. There were significant differences in Bartonella prevalence among the cervid species. Additionally, Bartonella was amplified in two of 17 tick pools collected from moose and in 3 of 120 biting midge pool samples. The Bartonella sequences amplified in moose, red deer and ticks were highly similar to B. bovis , previously identified in cervids. The sequence obtained from biting midges was only 81.7 % similar to the closest Bartonella spp. We demonstrate that Bartonella is present in moose across Norway and present the first data on northern Norway specimens. The high prevalence of Bartonella infection suggests that moose could be the reservoir for this bacterium. This is the first report of bacteria from the Bartonella genus in ticks from Fennoscandia, and in Culicoides biting midges worldwide.
Yongjie Kuang Shaofang Li Bin Ren Fang Yan Carl Jonas Jorge Spetz Xiangju Li Xueping Zhou Huanbin ZhouAbstract
Recently developed CRISPR-mediated base editors, which enable the generation of numerous nucleotide changes in target genomic regions, have been widely adopted for gene correction and generation of crop germplasms containing important gain-of-function genetic variations. However, to engineer target genes with unknown functional SNPs remains challenging. To address this issue, we present here a base-editing-mediated gene evolution (BEMGE) method, employing both Cas9n-based cytosine and adenine base editors as well as a single-guide RNA (sgRNA) library tiling the full-length coding region, for developing novel rice germplasms with mutations in any endogenous gene. To this end, OsALS1 was artificially evolved in rice cells using BEMGE through both Agrobacterium-mediated and particle-bombardment-mediated transformation. Four different types of amino acid substitutions in the evolved OsALS1, derived from two sites that have never been targeted by natural or human selection during rice domestication, were identified, conferring varying levels of tolerance to the herbicide bispyribac-sodium. Furthermore, the P171F substitution identified in a strong OsALS1 allele was quickly introduced into the commercial rice cultivar Nangeng 46 through precise base editing with the corresponding base editor and sgRNA. Collectively, these data indicate great potential of BEMGE in creating important genetic variants of target genes for crop improvement.