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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The worldwide decline in bees and other pollinating insects is a threat to biodiversity and food security, and urgent action must be taken to stop and then reverse this decline. An established cause of the insect decline is the use of harmful pesticides in agriculture. This case study focuses on the use of pesticides in Norwegian apple production and considers who among farmers, consumers and public authorities is most responsible for protecting bees against harmful pesticides. The extent to which these three different groups consider themselves responsible and the degree to which they are trusted by each of the other groups are also studied. This empirical study involves both qualitative interviews with Norwegian apple farmers, consumers and public authorities and survey data from consumers and farmers. The results show that consumers consider public authorities and farmers equally responsible for protecting bees, while farmers are inclined to consider themselves more responsible. Farmers, consumers and public authorities do not consider consumers significantly responsible for protecting bees, and consumers have a high level of trust in both farmers and public authorities regarding this matter. This study also finds that a low level of consumer trust in farmers or public authorities increases consumers’ propensity to purchase organic food, suggesting that those who do not trust that enough action is adopted to protect the environment take on more individual responsibility. This paper adds to the existing literature concerning the allocation of responsibility for environmental outcomes, with empirical evidence focusing specifically on pesticides and bees.

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Denne rapporten oppsummerer foreløpige resultater fra 2020 i IPM-Golf-prosjektet "Ingergrated Management of Important Turfgrass Diseases and Insect Pests on European Golf-Courses" Feltforsøk på Microdochium flekk ble utført i Landvik, Norge og Bingley, Storbritannia. På Landvik viste resultatene at rulling ved lav N og sitronsyre, tilført fra aug.-okt. kan redusere Microdochium flekk til en viss grad blant de ikke-kjemiske behandlingene. Høy N resulterte i mer Mikrodochium flekk, men mindre antraknose. På Bingley viste resultatene at behandlingene som inneholder jernsulfat spesielt høyt jern, lyktes med å kontrollere sykdommen, men effekten varte ikke gjennom vinteren. Feltforsøkene ved Kjøpenhavns Golf Club viste at rulling to ganger i uken forbedret kvaliteten på greens gjennom vekstsesongen og at reduksjon av Microdochium flekk ble oppnådd ved å rulle fra august til desember. Feltforsøkene med UV-C-stråling ved Osnabrück Golf Club viste at denne metoden kunne kontrollere, men ikke bekjempe fullstendig dollar spot. Litteraturgjennomgangen om myrstankelbein og hageoldenborre viste at problemene varierer sterkt mellom år og de ulike landene.

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Production of biochar from corn cob and corn stalk has gained great interest for efficient waste management with benefits of improving soil properties, increasing crop productivity, and contributing to carbon sequestration. This study investigated slow pyrolysis of corn cob and corn stalk at 600 °C to characterize yields and properties of products, with focus on solid biochar. Spruce wood, a rather well studied woody biomass, was also included for comparison purposes. It was observed that yields of biochar and condensates from corn cob, corn stalk, and spruce wood were comparable. However, gas release profiles and yields from the three biomasses were quite different, which is mainly related to the different chemical compositions (i.e., hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and inorganic species) of the studied raw feedstocks. The produced biochars were analyzed for proximate analysis, CHNS-elemental analysis, specific surface area and specific pore volume for pores in the nm-range, inorganic composition, solid functional groups, and aromaticity. The corn cob and corn stalk biochar presented significantly higher concentration of inorganic elements, especially P and K, favoring soil application. The SEM analysis results showed that the spruce wood biochar has different microstructure than corn cob and corn stalk biochars. Condensates and light gases, as by-products from biochar production, contained over 50% of the energy and 40% of the total carbon of the initial biomass. Utilization of the condensates and light gases as valuable resources is therefore critical for improving environmental and energy benefits of the biochar production process.