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The control of Alopecurus geniculatus, Poa annua and Poa trivialis using iodosulfuron (Hussar/Hussar OD) was investigated in field experiments in the seed harvest year in timothy (Phleum pratense), and in the sowing year and seed harvest year in smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) and red fescue (Festuca rubra). Iodosulfuron (10 g a.i. ha-1) usually had good effect on Poa trivialis and Alopecurus geniculatus. As for Poa annua the effect on seed contamination was better than on weed coverage in the field. Early application improved weed control in the seed harvest years, and iodosulfuron was shown to perform well at low temperatures. The herbicide often delayed timothy development, but caused seed yield reduction only in two out of eight experiments, both with moist soil at treatment. The visual damage increased with increasing rates and use of additives (alcoholetoxylate or rape oil). A questionnaire investigation among timothy growers in 2004 showed that farmers using Hussar had 43% lower contamination of P. trivialis in cleaned seed yield and 20% lower yield than the farmers not using Hussar. In some trials in timothy and smooth meadow-grass, the new formulation Hussar OD gave slightly more damage than the old formulation Hussar. While well-established timothy crops seem to tolerate some visual damage without seed yield reduction, the risk of yield reduction in first year crops can usually be avoided by splitting the application into 5 g a.i. ha-1 at 14 days intervals. In smooth meadow-grass and red fescue established without cover crop, repeated applications of 5 g a.i. ha-1 in the sowing year resulted in better control of P. annua and significant seed yield improvements compared to application only in the seed harvest year. Both Hussar and Hussar OD have off-label approvals for members of the Norwegian Seed Growers Association.


The area of wood protection is in a period of change. New tools are needed to understand the mode of action, and to further improve the new wood protection systems. A set of useful tools are found among the molecular methods. This paper presents an overview of some of the tools available, and the methods are exemplified by papers within the frame of wood protection issues. However, there is still a great unexplored potential within the field of wood protection by the use of various molecular methods. The majority of the work using molecular methods has been performed on species identification issues and within species variation. This paper lists some new promising molecular methods for wood protection issues and a presentation of a new project. The new project will help to gain some new knowledge about how the fungal decay processes are affected by different wood modification systems.