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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Browsing by cervids plays a key role in structuring forest ecosystems and dynamics. Many boreal forest systems are managed for timber resources, and at the same time the wild cervid populations are also harvested. Thus, the determination of sustainable densities of cervids for the purpose of forest and game management is challenging. In this study we report on a red deer (Cervus elaphus) exclosure experiment in the mature forests of Western Norway. Ten pairs of exclosures and browsed plots were initiated in 2008. The rate of browsing and height growth of marked individuals was recorded annually, and the total densities of all tree species assessed over the following 4 y. We found that height growth of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) saplings (1 m tall), the most numerous tree species at the site, was prevented when 20% of the shoots were browsed. Outside of the exclosures, net height growth of rowan saplings tended to be positive when trees were below 40 cm in height, but growth was constrained in rowan saplings over this height. The density of rowan also increased in both treatments, showing that recruitment was occurring, but the increase was greater where browsed than in the exclosure. The increase in density of rowan, combined with the curtailment of height growth in the presence of red deer, serves to create a carpet of short stature rowan saplings. This has parallels with the browsing lawn concept, but it seems to occur in interaction with snow depth; individuals protruding above the snow layer are likely to be browsed during the winter, whilst smaller individuals are protected during this season, when browsing is at its peak. Keywords: browsing lawns, Cervidae, Cervus elaphus, herbivory, snow depth, sustainable management. Résumé : Le broutement par les cervidés joue un rôle clé dans la composition, la structure et la dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers. De nombreux systèmes forestiers boréaux sont gérés à la fois pour la production de ressources ligneuses et la chasse sportive des cervidés. Un enjeu majeur réside dans la détermination d’une densité de cervidés permettant une exploitation durable de ces ressources. Dans cette étude, nous rapportons une expérience d’exclusion du cerf élaphe (Cervus elaphus) dans les forêts matures de l’ouest de la Norvège basée sur 10 paires d’exclos et de parcelles accessibles au broutement établies en 2008. Nous avons mesuré annuellement durant 4 ans le taux de broutement et de croissance verticale de semis et de gaulis marqués et estimé les densités totales de toutes les espèces d'arbres. Hors des exclos, la croissance des gaules (1 m de haut) de sorbier des oiseleurs (Sorbus aucuparia), l’espèce ligneuse la plus abondante sur le site, était compromise lorsque 20 % des pousses étaient broutées. Nous avons observé une tendance positive dans la croissance des gaules de moins de 40 cm alors qu’elle était compromise au-delà de ce seuil. La densité de sorbiers a également augmenté à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des exclos révélant un recrutement positif, toutefois l'augmentation de la densité était plus marquée dans les parcelles soumises au broutement. L'augmentation de la densité de sorbiers, combinée à la réduction de la croissance en hauteur, en présence du cerf élaphe génère une strate dense de sorbiers de petite stature. Cette situation présente des similitudes avec le concept de haie de pâturage (browsing lawn), mais pourrait être liée à l’épaisseur de neige au sol. En effet, les arbustes qui dépassent la couche nivale sont plus susceptibles d’être broutés que les plus petits qui sont protégés en hiver lorsque la consommation d’espèces ligneuses est maximale. Mots-clés : cervidés, Cervus elaphus, épaisseur de neige, exploitation durable, haie de pâturage, herbivorie

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The relative volume growth effects of thinning after whole-tree harvesting (WTH) compared to a conventional stem-only harvest (CH) in young stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were analyzed, using a series of four pine and four spruce field experiments. The series was established in the years 1972–1977, and thinning was performed only once. Results are shown periodically and cumulatively. All sites were included for 20 (19) years in pine and 25 years in spruce. The total experimental period varied between 19 and 35 years for individual sites. Four models assuming additive or multiplicative effects gave only slightly varying results. The inclusion of standing volume after thinning as a covariate was effective in spruce independent of whether the covariate was treated as multiplicative or additive. A logarithmic model with a multiplicative effect of the covariate was preferred in further presentations. Results for pine stands after 20 years indicated a nonsignificant loss of 5% with confidence limits (p = 0.05) of ±6–7%, while the spruce stands showed a significant growth loss of 11% with confidence limits of ±4–5% after 25 years. The difference between the species in relative growth effects was significant, and amounted to 8% for a cumulative 20-year period. No indications of trends in response were found during a 20-year period in pine and a 25-year period in spruce. An analysis of growth effects in the first years showed that basal area increment in spruce was significantly reduced already in the first growing season after thinning.


Nondetection of trees is a serious problem for the use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in forest inventory applications. The use of multiple coregistered scans can reduce nondetection but may not eliminate it, and it carries substantial field and post-processing costs. We examined and extended previously developed theoretical approaches to modeling nondetection. The results suggested that tree size as well as multiple stand structural characteristics may be factors, but the theoretical models do not lend themselves to empirical estimation. We then used distance sampling techniques to identify detection probabilities and develop adjusted estimates for trees per hectare and basal area in nine forest stands in southern Norway. The results compared favorably with field estimates based on fixed-area plots. The estimated detection probabilities indicate that correction for nondetection is needed unless the search for trees is limited to very small distances from the scanner. Distance sampling appears promising when TLS is used in the context of temporary-plot forest inventories.

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Terrestrial lidar (TLS) is an emerging technology for deriving forest attributes, including conventional inventory and canopy characterizations. However, little is known about the influence of scanner specifications on derived forest parameters. We compared two TLS systems at two sites in British Columbia. Common scanning benchmarks and identical algorithms were used to obtain estimates of tree diameter, position, and canopy characteristics. Visualization of range images and point clouds showed clear differences, even though both scanners were relatively high-resolution instruments. These translated into quantifiable differences in impulse penetration, characterization of stems and crowns far from the scan location, and gap fraction. Differences between scanners in estimates of effective plant area index were greater than differences between sites. Both scanners provided a detailed digital model of forest structure, and gross structural characterizations (including crown dimensions and position) were relatively robust; but comparison of canopy density metrics may require consideration of scanner attributes.

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1. Whether plant competition grows stronger or weaker across a soil fertility gradient is an area of great debate in plant ecology. We examined the effects of competition and soil fertility and their interaction on growth rates of the four dominant tree species in the sub-boreal spruce forest of British Columbia. 2. We tested separate soil nutrient and moisture indices and found much stronger support for models that included the nutrient index as a measure of soil fertility. 3. Competition, soil fertility and their interaction affected radial growth rates for all species. 4. Each species supported a different alternate hypothesis for how competitive interactions changed with soil fertility and whether competition intensity was stronger or weaker overall as soil fertility increased depended on the context, specifically, species, neighbourhood composition and type of competition (shading vs. crowding). 5. The four species varied slightly in their growth response to soil fertility. 6. Individual species had some large variations in the shapes of their negative relationships between shading, crowding and tree growth, with one species experiencing no net negative effects of crowding at low soil fertility. 7. Goodness-of-fit was not substantially increased by models including competition–soil fertility interactions for any species. Tree size, soil fertility, shading and crowding predicted most of the variation in tree growth rates in the sub-boreal spruce forest. 8. Synthesis. The intensity of competition among trees across a fertility gradient was species- and context-specific and more complicated than that predicted by any one of the dominant existing theories in plant ecology.

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Use of harvest residues for bioenergy is minimal in Norway, and the proposed increase of 14 TWh in annual bioenergy use by year 2020 may thus to a large part be based on residues from conventional timber harvesting. To judge the potential of harvest residues for bioenergy both in the short and long run, we present cost-supply curves for residue harvesting at national and regional levels. We produce different harvesting scenarios using the detailed forest model Gaya/J and a representative description of the Norwegian forest area from Norwegian national forest inventory (NFI) sample plots including environmental restrictions. Forest information is sufficiently detailed to estimate necessary biomass fractions and calculate costs of harvest residue extraction at plot level. We estimate a maximum annual energy production of 5.3 TWh from harvest residues with the present harvest level, which is far from the official target. In principle, there are two solutions for achieving this target; increase harvests and thus the corresponding residue supply, or increase the use of roundwood for energy purposes on the expense of pulpwood. Scenarios with long-run increase in timber production shows an annual energy potential from harvest residues in the range 6–9 TWh. Thus, to reach the political target roundwood must be used for energy production.

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A mountain pine beetle (MPB) epidemic is currently ravaging large areas of interior British Columbia (BC) with significant implications for ecosystem services including future timber supply and community economic stability. Information is needed on future stand dynamics in areas of impacted forests that are unlikely to be salvaged logged. Of greatest concern are stands dominated by lodgepole pine (>50% timber volume). Predicting how surviving trees in these areas respond and grow and the timing and species composition of natural regeneration ingress is of critical importance for multiple forest values. We undertook a retrospective study in the Flathead Valley of southeastern British Columbia where an intense MPB epidemic peaked in 1979–1980. Our objective was to gain insight into stand recovery and stand self-organization as influenced by species-specific growth responses of different sized secondary structure trees (individual seedling, sapling, sub-canopy and canopy trees surviving the epidemic) and post-beetle regeneration dynamics. MPB mortality rates, the percent of basal area killed by beetles, varied from 42% to 100% with most stands between 60% and 80%. In general, all surviving secondary structure released but the extent of growth release exhibited species variability. Release of surviving canopy lodgepole pine trees was often dramatic and greatest in stands with high total stand MPB mortality rates. Ingress of natural regeneration was slow in the first few years after MPB attack but there was a strong pulse of recruitment 10–20 years post disturbance which then slowed considerably. Nearly 30 years after the MPB attack, the stocking and composition of the understories have changed dramatically. Overall, the occurrence of the MPB epidemic resulted in more structurally and compositionally diverse stands leading to multiple successional pathways different from those of even-age pine dominated stands. The recovery and self-organization of unsalvaged natural stands in the Flathead Valley was a complicated process. It has provided insights for future forest management in areas impacted by the current massive MPB epidemic ongoing for the past decade in western North America.