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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Background and Aims: Forest trees directly contribute to carbon cycling in forest soils through the turnover of their fine roots. In this study we aimed to calculate root turnover rates of common European forest tree species and to compare them with most frequently published values. Methods: We compiled available European data and applied various turnover rate calculation methods to the resulting database. We used Decision Matrix and Maximum-Minimum formula as suggested in the literature. Results: Mean turnover rates obtained by the combination of sequential coring and Decision Matrix were 0.86 yr−1 for Fagus sylvatica and 0.88 yr−1 for Picea abies when maximum biomass data were used for the calculation, and 1.11 yr−1 for both species when mean biomass data were used. Using mean biomass rather than maximum resulted in about 30 % higher values of root turnover. Using the Decision Matrix to calculate turnover rate doubled the rates when compared to the Maximum-Minimum formula. The Decision Matrix, however, makes use of more input information than the Maximum-Minimum formula. Conclusions: We propose that calculations using the Decision Matrix with mean biomass give the most reliable estimates of root turnover rates in European forests and should preferentially be used in models and C reporting.


Sydowia polyspora was found to be seed borne on true fir (Abies spp.) where it is associated with two serious diseases; current season needle necrosis (CSNN) and Sclerophoma shoot dieback [1]. To our knowledge, S. polyspora was previously only reported to be seed borne on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) [3]. In 2009, we discovered S. polyspora on Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings from germination tests at the Norwegian Forest Seed Center. This indicated that S. polyspora also was seed borne on spruce. Based on this, we wanted to investigate how widespread S. polyspora was on conifer seeds. In 2010, we tested 44 seed lots from 8 genera. S. polyspora was isolates from seeds from the following genera; Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Thuja, and Tsuga. Interestingly, they are the exact same genera that Funk [2] reported S. polyspora from on diseased foliage and shoots. We found S. polyspora on Norway spruce harvested in 1970, thus, the fungus may survive for decades in seed lots. In Norway, Sclerophoma shoot dieback has been found on Norway spruce in Christmas tree fields. Fungal species from a number of other genera were also detected in the seed test, but here we only report S. polyspora.

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A large database of invasive forest pathogens (IFPs) was developed to investigate the patterns and determinants of invasion in Europe. Detailed taxonomic and biological information on the invasive species was combined with country-specific data on land use, climate, and the time since invasion to identify the determinants of invasiveness, and to differentiate the class of environments which share territorial and climate features associated with a susceptibility to invasion. IFPs increased exponentially in the last four decades. Until 1919, IFPs already present moved across Europe. Then, new IFPs were introduced mainly from North America, and recently from Asia. Hybrid pathogens also appeared. Countries with a wider range of environments, higher human impact or international trade hosted more IFPs. Rainfall influenced the diffusion rates. Environmental conditions of the new and original ranges and systematic and ecological attributes affected invasiveness. Further spread of established IFPs is expected in countries that have experienced commercial isolation in the recent past. Densely populated countries with high environmental diversity may be the weakest links in attempts to prevent new arrivals. Tight coordination of actions against new arrivals is needed. Eradication seems impossible, and prevention seems the only reliable measure, although this will be difficult in the face of global mobility.

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The ascomycete fungus Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (anamorph Chalara fraxinea) is responsible for ash dieback currently expanding over large parts of Europe. Our objective was to investigate the genetic structure of H. pseudoalbidus and to examine its relationship to the species H. albidus, known as a saprotroph. The study comprised 181 isolates of H. pseudoalbidus collected within the diseased area, 17 H. albidus isolates from six apothecia, collected outside the diseased area in Norway, and nine apothecia of H. pseudoalbidus collected in Sweden. By analysis of microsatellite markers developed for this study, combined with AP-PCR using the M13 primer, we demonstrated sexual heterothally in H. pseudoalbidus, detected high gene flow and low geographic structure of the H. pseudoalbidus population and found indications of a founder effect. Also, substantial genetic differences were detected between the two species of fungi; only four of seven microsatellite markers developed for H. pseudoalbidus were amplified for H. albidus, and no alleles were shared among the species. Furthermore, AP-PCR banding patterns were distinctly different for the two species. We conclude that even though the two fungi have a similar habitat and are morphologically virtually identical, they do not share a recent common ancestor.


Aspen trees are exposed to a range of attackers and employ varied strategies to reduce their impact. The diversity of responses may have importance for resistance properties at the stand level, and justifies the search for varied defensive strategies in natural populations. We used transcriptomic tools to evaluate diverse responses at the gene activity level in Populus tremula in response to wounding, and to inoculation with two pathogenic fungi (Melampsora magnusiana vs Ceratocystis sp.) that differ in life style (biotroph vs necrotroph) and host tissue requirement (live leaf vs dead wood tissues). Two aspen genotypes from the SwAsp collection with differences in growth and phenolic composition were used to study differences in resistance properties. High defence gene induction, high growth and elevated defence properties toward the biotroph appeared to support each other in this study exemplified in the more resistant SwAsp clone, whereas the more susceptible SwAsp clone was much less responsive to infections, and displayed more symptoms when infected with M. magnusiana. Interestingly, in the more resistant clone wounding gave greater systemic activity of selected candidate genes than when combined with the necrotroph, suggesting that this pathogen has some ability to suppress the induction or translocation of the systemic defence signal in this particular clone.


The GH61 represents the most enigmatic Glycoside Hydrolase Family (GH) regarding putative enzymatic activity and importance in cellulose degradation. Heterobasidion irregulare is a necrotizing pathogen and white rot fungus, causing enormous damages in conifer forests.The genome of H. irregulare allowed identification of ten HiGH61 genes. qRT-PCR analysis separate the HiGH61 members into two groups; one that show up regulation on lignocellulosic substrates and another that show either down regulation or constitutive expression. This grouping suggests that the fungus relates different sets of GH61s for different substrates, like in the various stages of necrotizing and saprophytic growth on the host.One HiGH61 showed up to 17000 fold increase on spruce heartwood suggesting a pivotal role in cellulose decomposition during saprophytic growth. Sequence analysis of these genes reveals that all GH61s but one possess the conserved metal binding motif predicted to be essential for activity.The sequences also divide into groups having either an insert near the N-terminus or an insert near the second catalytic histidine, which both may represent extensions of the substrate binding surface. Three HiGH61s encode cellulose-binding modules (CBM1), indicating direct targeting of crystalline cellulose, two being up regulated on pure cellulose.There was a common substrate-specific induction patterns of the HiGH61s with several reference cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic GHs, this taken together with their low levels on media lacking lignocellulose, reflect the concerted nature of cell wall polymer degradation.


The outcome of a compatible mycorrhizal interaction is different from that in a compatible plant–pathogen interaction; however, it is not clear what mechanisms are used to evade or suppress the host defence. The aim of this work is to reveal differences between the interaction of Norway spruce roots to the pathogen Ceratocystis polonica and the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria bicolor, examine if L. bicolor is able to evade inducing host defence responses typically induced by pathogens, and test if prior inoculation with the ectomycorrhizal fungus affects the outcome of a later challenge with the pathogen. The pathogen was able to invade the roots and caused extensive necrosis, leading to seedling death, with or without prior inoculation with L. bicolor. The ectomycorrhizal L. bicolor colonised primary roots of the Norway spruce seedlings by partly covering, displacing and convoluting the cells of the outer root cortex, leaving the seedlings healthy. We detected increased total peroxidase activity, and staining indicating increased lignification in roots as a response to C. polonica. In L. bicolor inoculated roots there was no increase in total peroxidase activity, but an additional highly acidic peroxidase isoform appeared that was not present in healthy roots, or in roots invaded by the pathogen. Increased protease activity was detected in roots colonised by C. polonica, but little protease activity was detected in L. bicolor inoculated roots. These results suggest that the pathogen efficiently invades the roots despite the induced host defence responses, while L. bicolor suppresses or evades inducing such host responses in this experimental system.

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Norway spruce (Picea abies) bark contains specialized phloem parenchyma cells that swell and change their contents upon attack by the bark beetle Ips typographus and its microbial associate, the blue stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica. These cells exhibit bright autofluorescence after treatment with standard aldehyde fixatives, and so have been postulated to contain phenolic compounds. Laser microdissection of spruce bark sections combined with cryogenic NMR spectroscopy demonstrated significantly higher concentrations of the stilbene glucoside astringin in phloem parenchyma cells than in adjacent sieve cells. After infection by C. polonica, the flavonoid (+)-catechin also appeared in phloem parenchyma cells and there was a decrease in astringin content compared to cells from uninfected trees. Analysis of whole-bark extracts confirmed the results obtained from the cell extracts and revealed a significant increase in dimeric stilbene glucosides, both astringin and isorhapontin derivatives (piceasides A to H), in fungus-infected versus uninfected bark that might explain the reduction in stilbene monomers. Phloem parenchyma cells thus appear to be a principal site of phenolic accumulation in spruce bark.