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Division of Environment and Natural Resources

ADAPTAN II. Integrated approaches of the Moravian - Silesian Region landscape to climate change adaptation

Finished Last updated: 23.05.2024
End: apr 2024
Start: jul 2021

The project will support implementation of selected nature friendly adaptation and mitigation measures in the landscape of the Moravian- Silesian Region in Czech Republic. It includes measures for protection against drought and erosion, strengthening retention and improving the green infrastructure of the landscape.



Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants.
External project link Visit the official project web page
Start - end date 01.07.2021 - 30.04.2024
Project manager at Nibio Lillian Øygarden
Division Division of Environment and Natural Resources
Department Soil and Land Use
Funding source Funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism within the Norway Grants Programme (2014 - 2021), grant call 4A Bergen

The project builds on the previous, successfully evaluated project AdaptaN I, which was solved in the period 2015-2016 and was financially supported by the EEA mechanism Norwegian Funds. The aim of the project is to support the implementation of selected nature-friendly adaptation and mitigation measures in the Moravian-Silesian region.

The Moravian-Silesian Region (MSR) was the first region in the Czech Republic to develop "Adaptation Strategy of the Region for the Impacts of Climate Change. The project will support next phases of implementation and realization of adaptation measures in MSR, will elaborate the whole implementation process of adaptation for free landscape and suburban zones as a model for other czech regions. It will apply integrated approaches according to the National Action Plan for Climate Change and it will contribute to the implementation of 7 measures according to the MSR Adaptation Strategy.

In accordance with the BERGEN Call, the project supports the implementation of selected nature-friendly adaptation and mitigation measures in the MSR. The project is aimed at supporting the goals of regional, national and European strategies for adaptation to climate change. The project mainly addresses protection against drought and erosion, reduction of material runoff, strengthening retention and improving the green infrastructure of the landscape. The suitable areas for precise targeting of measures will be defined together with the instructions for landscape adaptation. Activities and outputs are planned for the whole region, selected territories, and pilot municipalities.

Measures implemented in selected localities include planting greenery, construction of ponds and wetlands, creation of anti-erosion belts, agrotechnical measures to minimize surface water runoff, implementation of flower meadows and more.

Publications in the project


Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.


Rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over viktige faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.