Sustainable management of Fall armyworm
Sustainable management of the Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Africa coordinated by FAO. NIBIO is one of the implementing partners in Malawi.
NIBIO lever av prosjekter - vi henter inn rundt 400 millioner kroner årlig i prosjektinntekter fra nasjonale og internasjonale finansieringskilder. Vi har høy aktivitet innen EU- og EØS-prosjekter og vi deltar også i forskningsprosjekter i Asia, Afrika og Latin Amerika. NIBIO leder flere store internasjonale prosjekter med fokus på matsikkerhet og klimaendringer. Prosjektlisten er ikke fullstendig.
Sustainable management of the Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Africa coordinated by FAO. NIBIO is one of the implementing partners in Malawi.
CAP-Africa will address the most important and pressing continental issues of malaria and emerging infectious diseases (yellow fever and dengue), climate change impact and education, to improve the livelihood of rural communities in the Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia. It is a response to accumulating evidence that addressing these major problems will improve health, food and nutritional security. At the same time, it will build the resilience of the people against the impacts of climate change and enhance the capacity for leadership in scientific research, policy and technology dissemination.
The objective of the proposed work is to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Mali and Niger. Measures will be taken to protect natural resources and increase farmer incomes by enhancing agricultural productivity, strengthening market linkages, and facilitating new agribusinesses particularly those led by women and youth. The project will provide farmers with options to help increase their resilience and adaptation to the effects of climate change. Overall project activities are expected to lead to more than 20% increase in crop yields and 15% increase in household crop income.