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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Premise Phylogenetic approaches can provide valuable insights on how and when a biome emerged and developed using its structuring species. In this context, Brachystegia Benth, a dominant genus of trees in miombo woodlands, appears as a key witness of the history of the largest woodland and savanna biome of Africa. Methods We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the genus using targeted-enrichment sequencing on 60 Brachystegia specimens for a nearly complete species sampling. Phylogenomic inferences used supermatrix (RAxML-NG) and summary-method (ASTRAL-III) approaches. Conflicts between species and gene trees were assessed, and the phylogeny was time-calibrated in BEAST. Introgression between species was explored using Phylonet. Results The phylogenies were globally congruent regardless of the method used. Most of the species were recovered as monophyletic, unlike previous plastid phylogenetic reconstructions where lineages were shared among geographically close individuals independently of species identity. Still, most of the individual gene trees had low levels of phylogenetic information and, when informative, were mostly in conflict with the reconstructed species trees. These results suggest incomplete lineage sorting and/or reticulate evolution, which was supported by network analyses. The BEAST analysis supported a Pliocene origin for current Brachystegia lineages, with most of the diversification events dated to the Pliocene-Pleistocene. Conclusions These results suggest a recent origin of species of the miombo, congruently with their spatial expansion documented from plastid data. Brachystegia species appear to behave potentially as a syngameon, a group of interfertile but still relatively well-delineated species, an aspect that deserves further investigations.

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Phytophthora pseudosyringae is a self-fertile pathogen of woody plants, particularly associated with tree species from the genera Fagus, Notholithocarpus, Nothofagus and Quercus, which is found across Europe and in parts of North America and Chile. It can behave as a soil pathogen infecting roots and the stem collar region, as well as an aerial pathogen infecting leaves, twigs and stem barks, causing particular damage in the United Kingdom and western North America. The population structure, migration and potential outcrossing of a worldwide collection of isolates were investigated using genotyping-by-sequencing. Coalescent-based migration analysis revealed that the North American population originated from Europe. Historical gene flow has occurred between the continents in both directions to some extent, yet contemporary migration is overwhelmingly from Europe to North America. Two broad population clusters dominate the global population of the pathogen, with a subgroup derived from one of the main clusters found only in western North America. Index of association and network analyses indicate an influential level of outcrossing has occurred in this preferentially inbreeding, homothallic oomycete. Outcrossing between the two main population clusters has created distinct subgroups of admixed individuals that are, however, less common than the main population clusters. Differences in life history traits between the two main population clusters should be further investigated together with virulence and host range tests to evaluate the risk each population poses to natural environments worldwide.

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Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivation generates a vast amount of by-product after the harvest of edible products in the form of used compost, so called spent mushroom composts (SMC) or spent oyster substrate (SOS). In Europe, more than three million tons of SMC are produced every year as a by-product from mushroom cultivation. The management of SMC and SOS has thus become an increasing challenge from an environmental point of view. This spent material has been utilized as growing media, bio-fertilizers, in bioremediation and as a tool to control plant diseases. They have, therefore, a great potential to be implemented in primary food production. The current study investigated the impact of SMC or SOS amendment to peat on plant and microbial growth. The achieved results indicated increased flower and yield potential after SMC amendment to peat compared with SOS. Assessment of microflora in the substrate highlighted higher amount of beneficial microbial groups such as Pseudomonas, in peat and SMC mixtures compared to the ones with peat and SOS.

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Strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L. spp. rubra Gaudin) is a cool-season perennial turfgrass widely used in temperate and subalpine regions around the globe. Although creeping red fescue turf is tolerant of shade, low fertility acidic soils, and drought conditions, creeping red fescue seed crops grown in optimal growing environments can lodge, ultimately reducing yield in regions where this important turfgrass is grown for seed. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of two plant growth regulators (PGRs), chlormequat chloride (CCC) and trinexapac-ethyl (TE), on plant height, lodging, and seed yield of strong creeping red fescue over 9 site-years in the Peace River region of western Canada. The study encompassed 6 site-years with first-year stands and 3 site-years with second-year stands. The PGRs were applied alone and in a TE + CCC mixture at the two-node (BBCH 32–33, where BBCH is Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemische Industrie) and early head emergence (BBCH 51–52) growth stages in first- and second-year stands, respectively. The application of TE, CCC, and their mixture resulted in a differential decrease in lodging and an increase in seed yield in first-year stands. However, PGRs applied at BBCH 51–52 on second-year stands had no effect on seed yield but reduced plant height and lodging. This study found a negative correlation between seed yield and lodging. Among the PGR treatments, the CCC + TE mixture was the most effective in reducing lodging and increasing seed yield of strong creeping red fescue.

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The use of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) to control weeds has increased exponentially in recent decades, and their residues and degradation products have been found in soils across the globe. GBH residues in soil have been shown to affect plant physiology and specialised metabolite biosynthesis, which, in turn, may impact plant resistance to biotic stressors. In a greenhouse study, we investigated the interactive effects between soil GBH residues and herbivory on the performance, phytohormone concentrations, phenolic compound concentrations and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions of two woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) genotypes, which were classified as herbivore resistant and herbivore susceptible. Plants were subjected to herbivory by strawberry leaf beetle (Galerucella tenella) larvae, and to GBH residues by growing in soil collected from a field site with GBH treatments twice a year over the past eight years. Soil GBH residues reduced the belowground biomass of the susceptible genotype and the aboveground biomass of both woodland strawberry genotypes. Herbivory increased the belowground biomass of the resistant genotype and the root–shoot ratio of both genotypes. At the metabolite level, herbivory induced the emission of several VOCs. Jasmonic acid, abscisic acid and auxin concentrations were induced by herbivory, in contrast to salicylic acid, which was only induced by herbivory in combination with soil GBH residues in the resistant genotype. The concentrations of phenolic compounds were higher in the resistant genotype compared to the susceptible genotype and were induced by soil GBH residues in the resistant genotype. Our results indicate that soil GBH residues can differentially affect plant performance, phytohormone concentrations and phenolic compound concentrations under herbivore attack, in a genotype-dependent manner. Soil GBH altered plant responses to herbivory, which may impact plant resistance traits and species interactions. With ongoing agrochemical pollution, we need to consider plant cultivars with better resistance to polluted soils while maintaining plant resilience under challenging environmental conditions.