NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Magnus Karlsson Ari M. Hietala Harald Kvaalen Åke Olson Halvor Solheim Jan Stenlid Carl Gunnar FossdalAbstract
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Instationarities in runoff time series are ubiquitous. However, simple trend analyses are often obscured by the presence of long-term correlations, and some instationarities are not simply changes in the mean or periodicities. Thus, wherever feasible, instationarities should be based on the full frequency distribution, or the cumulative distribution function (cdf), of the series. In this paper, we investigate the time-dependence of the empirical cdfs of 97 runoff datasets from the upper Danube basin applying a new pairwise test statistic, KSSUM, based on integrated differences of the cdfs. This is an improvement to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and was applied on different time scales, i.e. windows of varying size. If desired, the influence of drifts in the mean as well as heteroscedasticity can be excluded via z-transformations. The resulting time series of the KSSUM variable, either within a runoff series for different windows, or across series for the same period, is then subjected to the detection of spatiotemporal patterns with different methods. For most of the time series the underlying distributions move towards higher values in the long run. We also observed a periodic drift in the mean across all analysed gauges. It is furthermore possible to separate exceedingly variable runoff series from those with intermediate or small changes in value distribution on a regional basis, and thus to separate overall trends from local deviations at individual gauges. It is demonstrated that KSSUM is a sensitive method to investigate instationarities in sets of time series based on pairwise comparisons. An extension to a proper multivariate comparison is a possible further development.
The purpose of the report is to provide an overview of international guidelines dealing with the application of equivalence and mutual recognition as trade facilitating tools, focusing on the main aspects and application areas of these guidelines. The aim is furthermore to get a better understanding of both existing relevant guidelines and the possible need for development of further guidance in this area. The report focuses in particular on the potential for applying equivalence and mutual recognition in relation to food trade, and relates this to discussions taking place in the WTO and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The report seeks to increase the knowledge about relevant guidelines and thus provide a better basis for decisions on whether to move the work on these issues further in the relevant international forums dealing with trade facilitation.
Line HoemAbstract
A Marketing Consultant Report for the Advantage Hardwood Project. Key Findings:• The use of hardwood products has grown considerably the last decade• Main hardwood products are floors, furniture, carpentry work and external claddings• Fire restrictions give the interior cladding for walls and ceilings a marketing challenge.
Tore SkrøppaAbstract
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Birger VenneslandAbstract
During the 1980s Norway was troubled with overcapacity in the agricultural sector. The rural development support scheme (RDSS) was introduced. Farmers were encouraged to invest in forestry-related projects and rural business. More than 15 evaluations of the RDSS are undertaken, all of them having severe methodological weakness. The following study introduces a new tool, when analyzing a public support scheme like the RDSS in Norway. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a multi-input, multi-output optimization model used to measure relative efficiency of the best practice counties. The analysis is a two-stage study. In step one, it is found that 13 of the 18 (72%) counties in Norway are generating less output in the form of employment from a given level of the RDSS-budget than technically possible. In step two, a reallocation of the budget is shown for the purpose of maximizing the output of job establishments in rural Norway. The DEA is seen as a useful tool in measuring the efficiency of the RDSS at regional level in Norway.
Carl-Magnus Mörth Peter Torssander O. Janne Kjønaas Arne O. Stuanes Filip Moldan Reiner GieslerAbstract
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Toril Drabløs EldhusetAbstract
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Toril Drabløs EldhusetAbstract
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Helena Bichão Hanna Mustaparta Atle Wibe Jorge Araùjo Anna-Karin Borg-KarlsonAbstract
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