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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.


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Organic farmers are often advised to plough shallowly (<15 cm) in order to optimise nutrient turnover and to promote the activity of soil biota, but deeper for better control of perennial weeds. Different ploughing depths (13 vs 25 cm) had minor effects on decomposition rate of barley straw and earthworm activity in the decomposing straw when using a light tractor (2 and 4 Mg). However, different burying depths (13 vs 25 cm) of barley straw had some important effects on decomposition and earthworm activity.


Seedlings of trees with a free growth pattern cease growth when night-lengths become shorter than a critical value, and this critical night-length (CNL) decreases with increasing latitude of origin. In northern populations, the light quality also appears to play an important role and a clinal variation in requirement for far-red (FR) light has been documented. In this study we dissected the light quality requirements for maintaining growth in different latitudinal populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) using light emitting diodes for red (R), FR and blue (B) light, as 12 h day extension to provide 24 h photoperiod. At equal spectral photon flux, FR light was more effective than R light in maintaining growth, and the requirement of both R and FR increased with northern latitude of origin. One-to-one mixtures of R and FR light were more effective in maintaining growth than either FR or R light alone, indicating a possible interaction between R and FR light maintaining growth. Using the blue light as day extension could not prevent growth cessation in any of the populations, but delayed the bud set slightly in all populations. Our results suggest that phytochrome(s) are the primary photoreceptors in high irradiance responses maintaining growth in Norway spruce seedlings.

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change under the UN finalised in 2004 the report “Good Practice Guidance for Estimating and Reporting of Emissions and Removals from Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry”. The present report describes the data material and the methods used to provide estimates for Norway for the period from 1990 to 2004 in accordance with the good practice guidance. Land-use changes cause changes in carbon storage, thus indirectly emissions and removals of CO2. Removals of CO2 in Norway due to land-use change are relatively insignificant compared to sequestration in existing forest. For 2004, the net sequestration of CO2 from this sector has been estimated at 26 million tonnes, which correspond to about 48% of the total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in Norway. The net sequestration increased by approximately 81 per cent from 1990 to 2004.

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Agricultural policy has in the last 50 years taken much of the risk and the initiative away from Norwegian farm forest owners. Subsidies in agriculture have guaranteed an acceptable income and there has been neither need nor incentives for starting up new activities at the farms. This situation is now gradually changing. The income both from agriculture and forestry is decreasing and farm forest owners have either to move, to find job opportunities outside the farm or to start up new activity at the farm using the farm's resources. Entrepreneurship theory is used to study the question why some farm forest owners choose to start up some new activity based on the forest resources they have. We identify two main elements of entrepreneurship; the ability to recognise business opportunities and the ability to take calculated risk. In a survey to 500 forest owners in southern Norway (response rate 45%), we included questions about opportunity recognition and risk aversion. From the answers, we were able to split the forest owners in two groups, those with entrepreneurial attitudes and those without. Using logistic regression we found a significantly higher probability for start-up of new activities in the group with entrepreneurial attitudes. This result has very interesting policy implications. Many studies show that entrepreneurial attitudes to a large degree can be learnt. The first way of learning about entrepreneurship is through the education system and through courses and training of forest owners. The other way is 'learning by doing', which is most probably the most efficient way to learn about entrepreneurship. Public policy should stimulate more owners to 'do', by that they will 'learn' and that will again lead to more entrepreneurial activities at the holdings. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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As a party to the Kyoto Protocol, Norway will be required to report its emissions by sources and removals by sinks of CO2 and other greenhouse gases resulting from afforestation, reforestation and deforestation (Article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol) for the first commitment period (2008-2012) and receive credits or debits accordingly. Norway will, in 2006, need to make a choice on election of activities under Article 3.4 – Forest Management, Cropland Management, Revegetation and Grazing Land Management. The purpose of this report is to provide estimates of the amount of emissions and removals to be expected under Article 3.3 and initial estimates of magnitudes of emissions/removals for different choices of 3.4 activities. The estimates are preliminary and uncertain. […]