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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Vridd vekst gir opphav til hellende fiber, som øker tørkedeformasjonene og reduserer styrken i trelast. Resultater fra nyere nordisk forskningblir her presentert for det italienske publikum, med utgangspunkt i egne undersøkelser (se bl.a. Oppdragsrapport 7/2000). En enkel modell for fibervinkel i en granstamme blir foreslått. Modellen har to parametre og er basert på én prediktor: avstand fra marg. Normalverdier og spredning for de to parametrene er oppgitt for nordiske forhold.


Toxic effects of aluminium (Al) on Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Norway spruce) trees are well documented in laboratory-scale experiments, but field-based evidence is scarce. This paper presents results on fine root growth and chemistry from a field manipulation experiment in a P. abies stand that was 45 years old when the experiment started in 1996. Different amounts of dissolved aluminium were added as AlCl3 by means of periodic irrigation during the growing season in the period 19972002. Potentially toxic concentrations of Al in the soil solution were obtained. Fine roots were studied from direct cores (1996) and sequential root ingrowth cores (1999, 2001, 2002) in the mineral soil (040 cm). We tested two hypotheses: (1) elevated concentration of Al in the root zone leads to significant changes in root biomass, partitioning into fine, coarse, living or dead fractions, and distribution with depth; (2) elevated Al concentration leads to a noticeable uptake of Al and reduced uptake of Ca and Mg; this results in Ca and Mg depletion in roots. Hypothesis 1 was only marginally supported, as just a few significant treatment effects on biomass were found. Hypothesis 2 was supported in part; Al addition led to increased root concentrations of Al in 1999 and 2002 and reduced Mg/Al in 1999. Comparison of roots from subsequent root samplings showed a decrease in Al and S over time. The results illustrated that 7 years of elevated Altot concentrations in the soil solution up to 200 M are not likely to affect root growth. We also discuss possible improvements of the experimental approach.


Fine root production, respiration, longevity and mortality are the major processes in carbon dynamics of the forest soils. The objective of the present work was to determine fine root biomass, respiration and root longevity. The study was carried out at a ten year-old stand of planted Norway spruce (Picea abies) (a clearcut, dominated by natural regrowth of Scots pine and birch) and three stands of Norway spruce, approximately 30, 60 and 120 years old, during 2001 and 2002. The stands were located at Nordmoen, a plain of sandy deposits in southeast Norway.Root biomass of both trees and understorey vegetation (0-1, 1-2 and 2-5 mm in diameter) in the humus layer and mineral soil horizons (to depth of 60 cm) was sampled by soil coring. Root respiration was performed in situ, by measuring the CO2 of excavated fine roots by using the CIRAS-I portable gas analyser. For the root turnover study, altogether 60 minirhizotrones were installed and images were processed. Root biomass and necromass (g m-2), specific root length (SRL, m g -1), root length density (RLD, cm cm-3), number of root-tips and mean longevity (y) were estimated.Root biomass was 2-3 times higher in the mineral soil than in the humus horizon. Compared with other stands, root biomass, SRL, RLD and the number of root tips were highest in the 30-year-old stand. At the 10 and 120 year-old stands understorey vegetation roots counted for 70 and 40% of total root biomass, respectively. The amount of necromass at 60 year-old stand was about twice as high (45%) compared to other stands.Root respiration (g C/min./g roots) was significantly lowest at 10-year-old stand. Root respiration among 30, 60 and 120 year-old stands was not significantly different, but it was highest in the 60-year-old stand. The respiration varied seasonally, with high peaks during the summer and lower values during the spring and autumn. Fine root longevity of tree and understorey roots at the 10-year-old stand were 1.2 and 1.4 years, respectively.It is concluded that stand age may influence the dynamics of the fine roots. The complexity of influences will be discussed.


Ecosystems commonly fall under the rubric of complex systems (West and Brown 2004). Nevertheless, in the practical management of certain ecosystems, we encounter simple heuristic rules of human interference that are often derived from cultural traditions rather than from scientific study. The increased technical power of computer-based simulation tools and their increased mathematical formalization may either remove former technical limits (e.g., of prediction) or, in contrast, reveal the fundamental character of some of these limits. Here, we shall argue that both cases occur, and that the main effect of simulation technology is to bring the distinction between these cases into scientific awareness.


This report describes a methodology for Norwegian reporting under Article 3.3 and Article 3.4 (if elected) of the Kyoto protocol. The proposal is to report Afforestation/Reforestation (AR) and Deforestation (D) under Article 3.3 (mandatory) and Forest management (FM) under Article 3.4 (if elected). The reporting requirements can probably not be fulfilled if Norway also elects Cropland management (CM), Grazing land management (GM) or Revegetation (RV) under Article 3.4 (all electives) because the necessary data are unavailable and probably also unobtainable. The reason is that change in carbon pools in 1990 is needed as part of the report for these three electives. Such data, with the required quality, are not available in Norway today. Regional stratification is recommended in order to use two different approaches in two different parts of the country (here called “Lowlands” and “Highlands”). It is not recommended to stratify the Norwegian reports because it is not realistic to provide the additional statistical support (in terms of additional sampling units) needed to break the results down to meaningful regional reporting units (eg County). […]


The effect of zinc on soil nitrification and composition of the microbial community in soil was investigated using a full factorial experiment with five zinc concentrations and four levels of biological complexity (microbes only, microbes and earthworms (Eisenia fetida), microbes and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum var. Macho), and microbes, ryegrass and earthworms). After 6 weeks of exposure, the activity of soil nitrifying bacteria was measured and the microbial community structure was characterized by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Soil nitrification and several PLFA markers were significantly influenced by either zinc addition and/or the presence of earthworms or ryegrass, and one of the most pronounced changes was the increase of fungi and decrease of bacteria with increasing concentrations of zinc. Of particular interest, however, was the potential interaction between the presence of plants and/or earthworms and the effect of zinc, which the factorial study design allowed us to explore. Such an effect was observed in two cases: Earthworms reduced the positive effect of zinc on the fungal biomass (ANOVA, p = 0.03), and the effect of earthworms on the soil nitrification activity depended on zinc concentration (ANOVA, p < 0.05). The effect of earthworm presence was not very large, but it does show that multispecies tests might give information about metal toxicity, or bioavailability that cannot be predicted from single-species tests. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.