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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Boreal forests are increasing in age partly due to reduced logging and efficient wildfire control. As a result, they also stock more carbon. Whether increased forest C stock causes greater production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is uncertain. DOC in bulk precipitation, throughfall and soil water was studied in 10-, 30-, 60- and 120-year-old stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) DOC concentrations in throughfall and O horizon soil water followed the order 10<30<60 = 120 and 10 = 30<120<60, respectively. DOC fluxes followed the order 10 = 30<60 = 120 in throughfall, while no significant difference between stands was found for O horizon soil water. Above-ground tree litter varied according to 10<30<60 = 120, a pattern identical to that for DOC concentrations in throughfall and resembling but not identical to that for DOC concentrations in O horizon soil water. This indicates additional sources for DOC in soil water. Seasonality in DOC concentrations was observed at the base of the O horizon, and seasonality in DOC fluxes in both throughfall and O horizon soil water. Our results suggest differences in the polarity of DOC between the 10-year stand and the others, which we interpret as reflecting the lack of grown trees and possibly the different vegetation on the 10-year stand.


The performance of the plum rootstocks Marianna, Pixy and Wangenheim using St. Julien A as a standard to the cultivars `Avalon", `Edda", `Excalibur", `Jubileum", `Reeves" and `Victoria" was assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60" North. Trees were planted in spring 1999, the plant material was one-year-old whips, spaced 2.0 x 4.5 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Soil management was grass in the alleyways and herbicide strips 1-m wide along the tree rows. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size and yield efficentcy were evaluated for the six subsequent years. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks after six years growth. Wangenheim produced the smallest and St. Julien A and Pixy the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area in average for the different cultivars. St. Julien A and Pixy were the most productive rootstocks for the cultivars. However, Pixy produced significant larger yields per tree to the cultivar `Reeves" than St. Julien A. Trees on Pixy were the most yield efficient for all cultivars with the exception of `Victoria". The fruit sizes were in general large for all cultivars and became little affected by the different rootstocks. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was in general high and did not differ between trees on the various rootstocks. The cultivar `Avalon" had the highest contents of soluble solids.


The object of this study was to obtain Norway spruce seedlings with buds set, ready for summer planting from the 1st of July. With an early long night treatment we prevented flushing of the newly formed terminal buds, ceased height growth, but slightly reduced hardiness in buds and needles. Nevertheless, a sufficient hardiness level in the autumn was acquired at a Norwegian nursery at 59°46’ N, with plants of the local provenance given a long night treatment (14 hours) for 13 days from the 25th of June. The similar treatment at a nursery at 64°30’N did not give the same result; all treatments led to a second flush with resumed growth of the local provenance. A trial with seed lots from several provenances was therefore performed at this nursery, and a significant correlation between the critical night length of the seed lot, and their ability to produce non-flushing buds, was found; the longer the critical night length of the seed lot, the less non-flushing buds. Responses at the northern nursery are probably due to the non existing dark period after termination of the treatment, and a too short treatment period to attain bud dormancy. An early and successful long-night treatment will, in addition, produce shorter seedlings with a larger root collar diameter.


During the period 1998-2000, thinning trials were conducted using bloom thinners on mature European plum trees at Ullensvang and at fruit growers sites in western Norway. In 1998, unsprayed control and handthinned `Victoria" trees were compared with trees treated at full bloom with a single application of 1% Armothin® or 1.5% ammoniumthiosulphate (ATS). The same program was conducted in the following two years with the addition of a single full bloom treatment with 250 ppm ethephon and a post-bloom application one month after full bloom with the mixture 10 ppm 1-napththaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 75 ppm ethephon. High volume sprays were conducted the first two years and low volume the last year. Thinning trials testing 1-1.5 % ATS and 5-7 % lime sulphur in comparison with unthinned and handthinned trees to the cultivars `Opal" and `Victoria" were conducted in 2000, at growers sites. Generally, thinning treatments reduced crop load and enhanced fruit quality (fruit size, soluble solid content, fruit firmness and ground and surface colour), but the results varied from year to year. Fruit set was reduced to about half of control values and the percentage of class 1 fruits was doubled compared to the control trees. High volume sprays to running off was more effective than low volume. The cultivar `Opal" was more sensitive to ATS than `Victoria" and a low dosage recommended. All thinning compounds caused some minor leaf injury but no fruit damage. The flower thinners were efficient at rather low temperture. No differences in the amount of gummosis (internal disorder of the fruits) were observed due to treatments on the `Victoria" plums. Return bloom was improved by thinning. In conclusion, a single dilute application at full bloom of 1% Armothin®, 1.5% ATS or 250 ppm ethephon or one application of the mixture 10 ppm NAA-75 ppm ethephon four weeks after bloom reduced fruit set and crop load and increased the fruit quality and return bloom to the cultivar `Victoria". Similar results gave one dilute spray with 1 % ATS or 5 % lime sulphur at full bloom to the cultivar `Opal".