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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Denitrification is a key ecosystem process which is essential to avoid massive enrichment of nitrate in surface and ground water. A rather narrow group of bacteria are able to carry out denitrification, and they are known to be sensitive to environmentally toxic pollutants like e.g. heavy metals. Since these microorganisms carry out a key ecosystem function, they are strong candidates for testing and monitoring environmental effects of toxic substances likely to reach the soil environment. We conducted a series of experiments where either a pure strain of a denitrifying bacterium (Paracoccus denitrificans) or intact soil microbial communities containing indigenous denitrifiers were subjected to different types of silver nanoparticles (average particle size 20 and 1 nm) at a wide range of concentrations. The results showed that the smallest particles were far more toxic than the larger ones on a mass basis and completely killed off denitrifying bacteria in vitro at concentrations as low as 100 ppb. When soil was present, this concentration had no effect on respiration and even the far more sensitive process of denitrification, measured as production of the gases NO, N2O and N2, was unaffected. Results from experiments that are under way will also be presented. Here threshold levels for inhibition of denitrification by P. denitrificans and intact microbial communities are established for the two types of silver nanoparticles and where toxicity is compared when expressed on a mass basis vs. a surface area basis. Also the sensitivity of the different steps in the denitrification process will be compared and related to corresponding data for dissolved metals. The perspectives for using denitrification impediment as a way to assess ecotoxicity at a functional level will be discussed.


Silver nanoparticles constitute one of the most common nanomaterials used in consumer products today, and the volumes used are increasing dramatically. Silver is an element known for its acute toxicity to both prokaryotes and a range of aquatic organisms. While ecotoxicity studies on nano-sliver is being studied at species level for some aquatic organisms, corresponding studies on terrestrial organisms are lagging behind. Also, studies targeting functional endpoints rather than purely physiological aspects are lacking. We have compared two types of nano-silver differing in average particle size (1 and 20 nm) with respect to their inhibitory effects on a pure strain of the soil bacterium Paracoccus sp. Which is an efficient denitrifyer capable of transforming NO3 into N2. This process is an important step in the biogeochemical cycling of N, and one that may potentially produce large amounts of the potent green house gas N2O if impeded by environmental pollutants. The results show that nano-silver is highly toxic to denitrifying bacteria and that low amounts severely affect the process of denitrification. Studies using indigenous denitrifying bacterial communities incubated in the presence of different concentrations of nano-silver in soil slurries are under way and will provide data where soil constituents affect the bioavailability nano-silver in a close to realistic exposure scenario. The implications of the relationship between toxicity levels in pure cultures and soil slurries will be discussed regarding the bioavailability of nanoparticles as pollutants in terrestrial environments.