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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The purpose of the experiment was to investigate whether the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) will survive steam treatment in SoilSaver. The results from the SoilSaver experiments show that heat treatment with steam affects PCN’s ability to hatch from the eggs. Juveniles who did hatch, died shortly after. No larvae or eggs that survived the treatment were found in any of the replications.


The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy aims to create fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food systems, ensuring universal access to sufficient, safe, nutritious, and sustainable food. Increasing the production and consumption of organic food is considered crucial to achieving these objectives. This study explores the development of organic food in four selected Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. We have observed the variance in the market share of organic products in the retail sector among these countries, with 13, 2.5, 1.73 and 8.9%, respectively (2021 statistics). This highlights a significant gap, with Denmark and Sweden leading in organic food consumption. We seek to understand the reasons behind this disparity by delving into public policies governing organic food strategies in the selected countries. The analysis entails examining multiple policy documents to pinpoint fundamental strategies and significant milestones influencing the development of the organic sector. Our findings indicate that Denmark and Sweden have historically implemented supportive policies, including financial incentives, subsidies, and regulatory frameworks, to promote organic agriculture. Their consistent, credible, comprehensive and coherent governmental policies and long-term commitments offer a stable environment for the organic sector to flourish. They seem to possess extensive distribution networks and better market access for organic products, contributing to the sector’s growth. The accessibility and availability of organic products in retail outlets play a vital role in influencing consumer choices. The paper provides policymakers with valuable insights into how to foster the consumption and production of organic food, not only within the case studies but also in other national contexts.

To document


The growth of the aquaculture industry requires more sustainable and circular economy-driven aquafeed formulas. Thus, the goal of the present study was to assess in farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) how different combinations of novel and conventional fish feed ingredients supported proper animal performance in terms of growth and physiological biomarkers of blood/liver/head kidney. A 77-day feeding trial was conducted with three experimental diets (PAP, with terrestrial processed animal protein from animal by-products; NOPAP, without processed animal protein from terrestrial animal by-products; MIX, a combination of alternative ingredients of PAP and NOPAP diets) and a commercial-type formulation (CTRL), and their effects on growth performance and markers of endocrine growth regulation, lipid metabolism, antioxidant defense and inflammatory condition were assessed at circulatory and tissue level (liver, head kidney). Growth performance was similar among all dietary treatments. However, fish fed the PAP diet displayed a lower feed conversion and protein efficiency, with intermediate values in MIX-fed fish. Such gradual variation in growth performance was supported by different biomarker signatures that delineated a lower risk of oxidation and inflammatory condition in NOPAP fish, in concurrence with an enhanced hepatic lipogenesis that did not represent a risk of lipoid liver degeneration.