NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Tatsiana EspevigAbstract
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Audun KorsæthAbstract
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Ragnar Våga PedersenAbstract
Brochure in English about NIBIO. NIBIO contributes to food security and safety, sustainable resource management, innovation and value creation through research and knowledge production. Multi-disciplinary and integrated activities Science-policy-stakeholder interactions
With increasing intensification of the dairy sector in many countries and with the introduction of automatic milking, exercise paddocks combined with full indoor feeding, as an alternative to production pasture, are being used as a compromise between farm economics and cow welfare. This study examined whether there are production benefits for high-producing dairy cows in an alternative system that uses pasture at a level of approximately 50% of the total roughage intake in the diet. In an automatic milking system with 12-h night access to the outdoor environment, we compared milk production and behavior of cows in 2 systems: an exercise paddock combined with ad libitum grass silage indoor feeding and a production pasture combined with a restricted daytime grass silage ration. There were 20 cows in the former and 21 cows in the latter system, with the treatments running in parallel. The experiment started in late June with no complete darkness during the night, and lasted for 12 wk, with 5.6 h of darkness at the end. We therefore also explored the effect of night length on milk production and behavior parameters. All cows showed strong motivation for going outdoors and grazing when pasture access was given in early evening, but after a few hours both groups went to the barn and did not return to the pasture area during the remaining night. As the season progressed and nights became longer, cows on the exercise paddock treatment reduced time spent outdoors and grazing time, whereas they increased time spent resting outdoors. The group on exercise paddock had a greater milk yield (kg of milk) over the experimental period than the production pasture group. The latter group also showed a greater drop in milk yield over the duration of the trial. Thus, for cows milked in an automatic milking system and offered nighttime outdoor access, no milk production benefits were observed in offering production pasture with restricted indoor silage allowance instead of an exercise paddock with ad libitum silage. We therefore suggest that automatic milking farmers with similar production levels and automatic milking-management systems as in the present experiment, who wish to in-clude grazed grass as part of the dairy cow diet, should ensure that cows have pasture access in the afternoon and evening.
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Nitrogen (N) losses from agricultural areas, especially into drinking water and marine environments, attract substantial attention from governments and scientists. This study analysed nitrogen loss from runoff water using long-term monitoring data (1994–2016) from the Skuterud catchment in southeastern Norway and the Naurstad catchment in northern Norway. Precipitation and runoff were lower in the Skuterud catchment than in the Naurstad catchment. However, in the Skuterud catchment, the annual total N (TN) losses ranged from 27 to 68 kg hm−2. High precipitation (1247 mm) in the Naurstad catchment resulted in substantial runoff water (1108 mm) but relatively low total TN losses ranged from 17 to 35 kg hm−2. The proportion of nitrate losses to TN loss was 51–86% and 28–50% in the Skuterud and Naurstad catchments, respectively. Furthermore, the monthly average TN concentrations and nitrate losses had two peaks, in April–May and October, in the Skuterud catchment; however, no significant fluctuations were found in the Naurstad catchment. The contributions of N and runoff water to TN and nitrate losses were calculated using multiple linear regression, and runoff water was the major contributor to TN loss in both catchments. Runoff water was the main factor in the Skuterud catchment, and the nitrate-N concentration was the main factor in the Naurstad catchment.
Arne Stensvand Aruppillai Suthaparan Belachew Asalf Tadesse Ranjana Pathak Hans Ragnar Gislerød Knut Asbjørn Solhaug Pål Johan From Rodrigo B. Onofre Natalia A. Peres William Turechek Andrew Bierman Mark Rea Lance Cadle-Davidson David M. GadouryAbstract
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Ljiljana Keca M. Marceta Gregor Bozic Sanja Peric Ivaylo Tsvetkov Kjell Andreassen A. Stijovic D. Mandzukovski Brane Zlokapa Valeriu Norocel NicolescuAbstract
The prospects and challenges for non-native tree species (NNTS) in Southeast Europe (SEE) were analyzed using a combination of SWOT Analysis and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Preference data from three groups of opinion leaders with extensive knowledge of the silviculture, ecology and impact of climate change on NNTS in SEE (researchers, practitioners and decision-makers) were used. Results revealed that strengths and opportunities for all three analyzed elements outweigh their weaknesses and threats. In the review of silviculture, key strengths and opportunities were identified as high p roductivity, adaptation to afforestation of degraded lands, gap filling in forest ecosystems after the loss of native tree species, and higher volume growth of NNTS compared to native tree species. Strength-Opportunity (SO) elements related to climate change were found to be adaptive management responsiveness to climate change and increased length of growing period, possibility of better-adapted mixtures with NNTS under climate change, and replacement of tree species that are sensitive to pests and outbreaks resulting from climate change. These results provide important insights into different segments of strategy approach of sustainable management of NNTS in relation to management, silviculture and climate change practices in SEE.
Many nonlinear methods of time series analysis require a minimal number of observations in the hundreds to thousands, which is not always easy to achieve for observations of environmental systems. Eddy Covariance (EC) measurements of the carbon exchange between the atmosphere and vegetation provide a noticeable exception. They are taken at high temporal resolution, typically at 20 Hz. This generates very long time series (many millions of data points) even for short measurement periods, rendering finite size effects unimportant. In this presentation, we investigate high-resolution raw data of 3D wind speed, CO2 concentrations, water vapor and temperature measured at a young forest plantation in Southeast Norway since July 2018. Guiding for the analysis is the gain or added value of the high resolution compared to more aggregated data, i.e. the scaling behavior of nonlinear properties of the time series. We present results of complexity analysis, Tarnopolski diagrams, q-Entropy, Hurst analysis, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Singular System Analysis. This provides detailed insights into the nature of dynamics of carbon fluxes across this system boundary at different temporal scales.
Anna Palme Heli Fitzgerald Jens Weibull Kristina Bjureke Kaija Eisto Dag Terje Filip Endresen Jenny Hagenblad Marko Hyvärinen Elina Kiviharju Birgitte Lund Morten Rasmussen Hjörtur ÞorbjörnssonAbstract
The report summarizes results from a cooperation among all the Nordic countries during the period 2015 – 2019 (two projects). The work has focused on the conservation of Crop Wild Relatives (CWR), i.e. wild plant species closely related to crops. They are of special importance to humanity since traits of potential value for food security and climate change adaptation can be transferred from CWR into crops. The projects represent the first joint action on the Nordic level regarding in situ conservation of CWR. Substantial progress has been made regarding CWR conservation planning, including development of a Nordic CWR checklist and identification of suitable sites for CWR conservation. A set of recommended future actions was developed, with the most important one being initiation of active in situ conservation of CWR in all Nordic countries.