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Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment elicits induced resistance (IR) against pests and diseases in Norway spruce (Picea abies). We recently demonstrated using mRNA-seq that this MeJA-IR is associated with both a prolonged upregulation of inducible defenses and defense priming. Gene expression can be regulated at both a transcrip-tional and post-transcriptional level by small RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs). Here we explore the effects of MeJA treatment and subsequent challenge by wounding on the Norway spruce miRNA transcriptome. We found clusters of prolonged down- or upregulated miRNAs as well as miRNAs whose expression was primed after MeJA treatment and subsequent wounding challenge. Differentially expressed miRNAs included miR160, miR167, miR172, miR319, and the miR482/2118 superfamily. The most prominent mRNA targets predicted to be differentially expressed by miRNA activity belonged to the nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS- LRR) family. Among other predicted miRNA targets were genes regulating jasmonic acid biosynthesis. Our re-sults indicate that miRNAs have an important role in the regulation of MeJA-IR in Norway spruce.
In a young Norway spruce stand (planted in 2012) at Hoxmark, Southeast Norway, Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) was measured using Eddy Covariance. The data were carefully processed with time-dependent stand parameters (i.e. canopy height), a detailed footprint analysis and calculated at 30 min temporal resolution. Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) as the primary driver for carbon uptake was also available at the site. Despite its young age, the plantation already acted as a net carbon sink according to the annual NEE budget, e.g. by ca. 300 g C m-2 in 2019. However, the response of the system depended strongly on hydrometeorological conditions. We demonstrate this by investigating the relationship between NEE and PAR for this system in a temporally local fashion (30 days moving windows), using a Michaelis-Menten approach involving three parameters. Although the regression captured up to ca. 80% of the variance, the parameter estimates differed substantially throughout the season, and were contrasting between the very dry year 2018 and the close to normal year 2019. Comparison with other EC-equipped sites in a future study will clarify whether this variable sensitivity is due to the young age or is a pattern pertaining also to mature spruce stands.
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Paal KrokeneAbstract
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Habtamu AlemAbstract
Growing environmental concerns have prompted governments to make sustainable choices in agricultural resource use. Evaluating the sustainability of agricultural systems is a key issue for the implementation of policies and practices aimed at revealing sustainability. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Norwegian dairy farms, accounting for marginal effects of environmental (exogenous) variables. We adopted the dynamic parametric approach within the input distance function framework to estimate the performance of Norwegian dairy farms, focusing on the technical efficiency and determinates. For comparison, we also estimated the static parametric model, which was used by previous studies. We used unbalanced farm-level panel data for the period 2000–2018. The result shows a mean technical efficiency score of 0.92 for the dynamic model and 0.87 for the static models. The empirical result shows that the previous studies that focused on the static model reported a biased result on the performance of dairy farms. The dynamic efficiency score suggests that Norwegian dairy farms can reduce the input requirement of producing the average output by 8% if the operation becomes technically efficient. The environmental variables have a different effect on the performance of the farmers; thus, policymakers need to place special focus on these variables for the sustainable development of the dairy sector.
Eris Aas Bakketeig Steven Ray Haakon Wilson Elsa Lundanes Henriette Engen Berg Christine Olsen Leon Reubsaet Tuula Anneli Nyman Bernd ThiedeAbstract
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Inger HansenAbstract
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