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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The water quality in the western part of Lake Vansjø in south eastern Norway is classified as very poor due to excessive growth of blue green algae. It has been shown that phosphorus (P) losses are high from a subcatchment where potatoes and vegetables are grown on 25 % of the agricultural area. The water quality of the lake is of great concern because it is the drinking water reservoir of 60.000 inhabitants and an important recreation area for people living in the area. An integrated project funded by the government was started in 2008 in order to improve the water quality of the lake. Within this project, the public agricultural management, agricultural advisors, farmers and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) collaborate to attain the target of improved water quality. The farmers are encouraged to sign a contract where they will receive a financial support for covering extra costs for committing to a set of restrictions and mitigation options aiming at reduced P losses. Vegetable- and potato fields give large challenges when aiming at reduced P losses. A large part of the research activity is therefore related to possible mitigation options on these fields, e.g. effect of reduced P fertilization on yields and quality of bulb onion (Allium cepa), carrots (Daucus carota) and white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata alba), and evaluation of catch crops as a mitigation option for reduced soil erosion from these fields. Development of constructed wetlands to include filters that adsorb P and measurement of P losses through tile drains are also included in the project.


This report gives an overview of some characteristics of the Vansjø-Hobøl (Morsa) catchment in Southern Norway. The catchment is one of the most studied catchments in Norway in terms of water quality, partly because it has been a pilot project for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), partly because eutrophication and harmful algal blooms have been a problem in the latter years. Information from the catchment has until now been scattered in several different papers and reports, and most of these have been written in Norwegian.