Diagnostics of turfgrass diseases
Identification of a disease or pest is the first step in integrated pest management.
The correct identification is very important and underlie the strategy in pest management. Greenkeepers, sport turf managers, sod producers and garden owners can make diagnostics by themselves based on the field symptoms. Such identification may be sufficient if the symptoms are classical. But the symptoms often depend on environment, weather and management practices, and different diseases may have similar symptoms. For example, microdochium patch can be mixed up with Pythium or anthracnose or dollar spot, and brown patch that be confused with fairy ring. Mechanical and other abiotic damages or non-infectious diseases may also resemble fungal diseases. Thus, the identification of turfgrass diseases often requires laboratory analysis and a microscope. The diagnostic laboratory at Landvik is specialized in turfgrass diseases.
We offer:
- Diagnostics of turf grass diseases and other pests
- Results during 1-2 days after receiving the sample
- Advice on long and short term measures
- We receive samples from all over Europe
A submission form and Information on how to take samples can be downloaded below. Samples from outside Norway must also be accompanied by a special license. The package must be shipped "express overnight" early in the week. If possible, contact the laboratory before you send the samples.
Submition form
License (norwegian)