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Although it is well known that insects are sensitive to temperature, how they will be affected by ongoing global warming remains uncertain because these responses are multifaceted and ecologically complex. We reviewed the effects of climate warming on 31 globally important phytophagous insect pests to determine whether general trends in their responses to warming were detectable. We included four response categories (range expansion, life history, population dynamics, and trophic interactions) in this assessment (Figure 1). For the majority of these species, we identified at least one response to warming that affects the severity of the threat they pose as pests. Among these insect species, 41% showed responses expected to lead to increased pest damage, whereas only 4% exhibited responses consistent with reduced effects; notably, most of these species (55%) demonstrated mixed responses. This means that the severity of a given insect pest may both increase and decrease with ongoing climate warming. Overall, our analysis indicated that anticipating the effects of climate warming on phytophagous insect pests is far from straightforward. Rather, efforts to mitigate the undesirable effects of warming on insect pests must include a better understanding of how individual species will respond, and the complex ecological mechanisms underlying their responses. Although not the focus of our review, the main conclusions we reach also should hold true for biological control agents and there is indeed evidence for phenological mismatch and other climate-change-related effects on biological control of varying magnitude among systems. At least some natural control agents seem to respond more positively to climate warming than their herbivore prey, and as such, one might expect better biological control in certain systems. One potential reason for these differences is that while both control agents and herbivores are affected physiologically by changing climate drivers, by for instance increasing development rate, the control agents in addition are affected behaviourally and, for instance, can increase foraging or searching rate. In addition, and specifically in relation to biological control, it is often crucial to achieve high synchronization between control agent and prey, which can be complicated by different response rates to winter temperature. This is something that has been observed with the chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and its parasitoid Proceedings of ISBCA 6 – D.C. Weber, T.D. Gariepy, and W.R. Morrison III, eds. (2022) page 3.19 Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) over the last years, as the gall wasp depends largely on the budbreak of the host plant while the parasitoid relies mainly on the air temperature for spring emergence. Figure 1. Four major categories of responses to climate warming. (a) Range changes include range expansions or shifts (latitudinal and/or altitudinal). (b) Life-history changes primarily consist of alterations to biological timing events or the number of annual generations. (c) Population dynamics reflect population size, and damage is expected to increase whenever temperature limits performance, but if threshold temperatures are reached, control and related feedback mechanisms may be triggered. Tpresent reflects current temperatures over a time period (e.g., a year or a day), whereas Tfuture reflects future temperatures over the same period. (d) Trophic interactions reflect temperature responses of organisms and trophic groups (plants = dashed green line, herbivores = solid red line, predators = dashed blue line). Because vital rates (i.e. rates of important life-history traits, such as growth, dispersal, and reproduction) may vary, climate warming could strongly affect trophic relationships. This is of direct consequence for the planning and efficiency of biological control programs.

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Bioretention cells are popular stormwater management systems for controlling peak runoff and improving runoff water quality. A case study on a functional large-scale bioretention cell and a laboratory column experiment was conducted to evaluate the concentrations and retention efficiency of bioretention cells towards tire wear particles (TWP). The presence of TWP was observed in all soil fractions (<50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–500 µm, and >500 µm) of the functional bioretention cell. TWP concentrations were higher (30.9 ± 4.1 mg/g) close to the inlet to the bioretention cell than 5 m away (19.8 ± 2.4 mg/g), demonstrating the influence of the bioretention cell design. The column experiment showed a high retention efficiency of TWP (99.6 ± 0.5%) in engineered soil consisting of sand, silty-sand, and garden waste compost. This study confirmed that bioretention cells built with engineered soil effectively retained TWP > 25 µm in size, demonstrating their potential as control measures along roads.

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1. In community ecology, unconstrained ordination can be used to indirectly explore drivers of community composition, while constrained ordination can be used to directly relate predictors to an ecological community. However, existing constrained ordination methods do not explicitly account for community composition that cannot be explained by the predictors, so that they have the potential to misrepresent community composition if not all predictors are available in the data. 2. We propose and develop a set of new methods for ordination and joint species distribution modelling (JSDM) as part of the generalized linear latent variable model (GLLVM) framework, that incorporate predictors directly into an ordination. This includes a new ordination method that we refer to as concurrent ordination, as it simultaneously constructs unconstrained and constrained latent variables. Both unmeasured residual covariation and predictors are incorporated into the ordination by simultaneously imposing reduced rank structures on the residual covariance matrix and on fixed-effects. 3. We evaluate the method with a simulation study, and show that the proposed developments outperform canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for Poisson and Bernoulli responses, and perform similar to redundancy analysis (RDA) for normally distributed responses, the two most popular methods for constrained ordination in community ecology. Two examples with real data further demonstrate the benefits of concurrent ordination, and the need to account for residual covariation in the analysis of multivariate data. 4. This article contextualizes the role of constrained ordination in the GLLVM and JSDM frameworks, while developing a new ordination method that incorporates the best of unconstrained and constrained ordination, and which overcomes some of the deficiencies of existing classical ordination methods.

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Prediction of the relative phosphorus (P) fertiliser value of bio-based fertiliser products is agronomically important, but previous attempts to develop prediction models have often failed due to the high chemical complexity of bio-based fertilisers and the limited number of products included in analyses. In this study, regression models for prediction were developed using independently produced data from 10 different studies on crop growth responses to P applied with bio-based fertiliser products, resulting in a dataset with 69 products. The 69 fertiliser products were organised into four sub-groups, based on the inorganic P compounds most likely to be present in each product. Within each product group, multiple regression was conducted using mineral fertiliser equivalents (MFE) as response variable and three potential explanatory variables derived from chemical analysis, all reflecting inorganic P binding in the fertiliser products: i) NaHCO3-soluble P, ii) molar ratio of calcium (Ca):P and iii) molar ratio of aluminium+iron (Al+Fe):P. The best regression model fit was achieved for sewage sludges with Al-/Fe-bound P (n = 20; R2 = 79.2%), followed by sewage sludges with Ca-bound P (n = 11; R2 = 71.1%); fertiliser products with Ca-bound P (n = 29; R2 = 58.2%); and thermally treated sewage sludge products (n=9;R2=44.9%). Even though external factors influencing P fertiliser values (e.g. fertiliser shape, application form, soil characteristics) differed between the underlying studies and were not considered, the suggested prediction models provide potential for more efficient P recycling in practice.

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Aim: In this study, we tested plant community-based management methods to reduce the abundance of the invasive native plant Jacobaea aquatica (marsh ragwort). As J. aquatica mainly occurs in species-rich wet grasslands, our aim was to define management measures that do not reduce the conservation value of the resident communities. Location: Data were collected from 20 independent sites which varied in productivity and management intensity across the pre-alpine Allgäu region (South Germany). Methods: We monitored effects of temporary abandonment and decreased mowing intensity in very low- and low-productive sites, as well as of decreased mowing and fertilization at moderately productive sites. Abundances of J. aquatica and the co-occurring species were recorded at start and end of two experiments (2018–2021: very low- and low-productive conservation grasslands; 2017–2020: moderately productive agricultural grasslands), while functional traits data of all species were gathered from the literature and specific databases. Generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) were used to analyse the effects of management intensity on the abundance of J. aquatica, functional diversity and species richness of the resident communities. Results: At all productivity levels, the abundance of J. aquatica declined under reduced management. Changes in community composition and species richness of the resident community were less pronounced than the reduction of J. aquatica, but species richness declined under lowest management intensities. Thus, moderate reduction in management intensity provided the most benefits in terms of reduction of J. aquatica, and maintenance of species richness and composition of the resident plant community. Conclusions: Reducing management intensity in wet grasslands decreases the abundance of J. aquatica and thus is a suitable method to control this species. As plant community responses were only partially consistent, management plans must account for the productivity of invaded sites. To avoid negative effects on grassland biodiversity, only moderate suppression of J. aquatica is recommended.

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The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive is of paramount importance for water management. According to the legal text, coordination with other directives like the Floods Directive is imperative and motivated by potential synergy effects. In this paper, the degree to which such coordination is achieved is evaluated for five Nordic and Baltic countries. The evaluation is based on legal documents, management plans, as well as on organizational structure in the five countries. The results show that the coordination between the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive (or flood management for Norway's case), have been successful for Estonia and Lithuania, whereas Norway, Finland, and especially Sweden need to improve more.