NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
Sondre Skatter R.R. ArcherAbstract
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Academic – Rural economic development and its influence on forest policy in Norway
Birger Vennesland
Birger VenneslandAbstract
The connection between rural economic development policy and forest policy in Norway during the past decades is discussed. Because of this connection it is debatable whether it is reasonable to maintain a strong focus on timber supply in Norwegian forest policy in the future. By analyzing studies related to forestry in the context of rural development, the lack of combined rural development research and forestry research is shown. It is argued that rural policy/research and forest policy/research should be combined in the future regarding topics related to forestry in the field of rural development.
Mehreteab TesfaiAbstract
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Injuries and mortality to advance growth (saplings) after selection harvesting was studied in 17 multi-storied Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. Harvest removals ranged from 33 to 67 % of initial basal area. Four of the stands were harvested motor-manually (chain saw + skidding with farm tractors; M-FT). The remaining stands were harvested with single-grip harvesters and forwarders (H-FW). In each stand, injury rates were evaluated on a 24x48 m plot, located between the centrelines of two parallel striproads that were spaced 24 m apart. All logging teams had at least five years of experience in clear-cutting and thinning operations. The trees to be removed, and striproad centrelines, were marked prior to harvest. Mortality varied between 5 and 51 %, whereas total injury (injured + dead saplings) varied between 17 and 76 %. Mortality- and injury levels were generally highest on H-FW plots. Crown reduction and leaning stems were the most frequent types of injury, regardless of operating method. Injury rates increased with sapling height with the H-FW method, whereas the opposite was found on M-FT plots. Saplings without pre-harvest damage in the form of top- or leader defects had a higher probability of being injured than saplings with such damage in stands harvested with the M-FT method. A similar difference was not found on H-FW plots. A logistic regression model show that the spatial risk for injury depends on the interaction between forest condition factors and operational characteristics. Forest condition factors influencing the risk of injury are sapling height and the location of saplings relative to larger residual trees and striproads. Corresponding operational characteristics are operating method and harvest intensity.
Fire ulike komposter ble benyttet til å evaluere ulike kjemiske parameteres egnethet som stabilitetsindeks. Vannløselig TOC viste signifikant korrelasjon til biologisk aktivitet målt som respirasjonsrate, og foreslås som en mulig operasjonell parameter ved komposteringsanlegg.
Karen Refsgaard Arild VatnAbstract
Over the last years many new methods have become available for treating wastewater. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential for cost reductions by a transition from a household strategy (HS) to a recipient strategy (RS). We will further discuss reasons for why municipalities still base their policies on the former strategy. Results from a case study show that an RS is clearly better than an HS from a standard allocative efficiency point of view. In addition, it is more flexible. However, such an assessment underestimates important factors. First, transaction costs following a transition from HS to RS may reduce profits substantially. Secondly, in most cases there will be both gainers and losers following a transition. Who they are, will, however, depend on the chosen rules for distribution costs under the RS. Thus, this ex ante uncertainty constitutes an impedement for change since action must be expected first of all from the potential gainers. Finally, since changes in the rights structure are involved, the economic gain obtained may not be great enough to compensate the losers, if this is a necessary prerequisite. The perceived loss may be much higher than the monetary loss as calculated in the standard analysis. This argument is based on the observed deviations between WTP and WTA in the literature. Most probably the existing municipal organizations have to initiate the process if a change is to come about. However lack of knowledge and professonal traditions concerning the planning of wastewater systems may delay or obstruct such a change.
Per Otto Flæte Bohumil Kucera Erlend Ystrøm HaartveitAbstract
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Epiphytic lichens (and some non-lichenized fungi) on 34 coppices (204 stems) of Corylus avellana were investigated in a 140 ha study area in south-western Norway. A total of 65 species were recorded on a total bark area of 63 m2. Corylus in broad-leaved deciduous forest supported more species of macrolichens, and fewer species of icrolichens, than Corylus in pine forest. The macrolichen flora of the deciduous forest differed from that of the pine forest by having a rich flora of species belonging to the Lobarion alliance. Old Corylus coppices with tall stems (>8 m), large girth (>8 cm diameter at breast height) and a noticeable cover of macrolichens (>10% of bark area) supported the highest number of rare species, and overall, species of mcrolichens. More than 50% cover of icrolichens indicated richness and rarity of microlichens on Corylus
Isabella BørjaAbstract
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