NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.
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Halvor TorgersenAbstract
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This manual contains description of field instrumemntation and the proceedures for field sampling of water and hadling of data at the Cai Jia Tang monitoring site in the Hunan province of China
E. Mäenpää Oddvar Skre E. Malila R. Partanen Frans-Emil Wielgolaski Kari M. LaineAbstract
Gjennom tre sesongar (1983-85) blei det hausta prøver av bjørk (Betula pubescens) og ulike planteslag i feltskiktet på på seks lokalitetar i bjørkeskog langs ein kyst-innlandsgradient i bjørkeskog i Nord-Skandinavia. Prøvene blei skilt i grupper etter vevstype og analysert for stivelse og løyselege sukker. Analysene viste ein kraftig nedgang i karbohydratinnhaldet gjennom vekstfasen om våren, etterfølgt av ei gradvis oppbygging frå fotosyntesen i nye blad. Deretter var det ein gradvis nedgang, først på grunn av frukt- og frøutvikling, deretter sekundærvekst, og endeleg respirasjonstap gjennom mørkeperioden om vinteren. Denne nedgangen var størt på lågtliggande lokalitetar med lite nedbør.
Nina Syversen Brit SalbuAbstract
The purpose of the study is to use soil particles labeled with the radioactive tracer cesium-134 as a method for studying soil erosion and sedimentation pattern within a small catchment with buffer zones. Cesium is adsorbed to soil particles, and by mea suring changes in the Cs-134 activity on the soil surface, erosion, sedimentation, and pathways for particles can be traced.
John Beck Jensen Jørgen A. Mølmann Jorunn Elisabeth Olsen Lars Sandved Dalen Olavi Junttila Øystein Johnsen Anders Lönneborg Carl Gunnar FossdalAbstract
To find interesting gene products and to study gene expression in the greenparts of Norway spruce we have sequenced 1101 cDNA clones based on mRNA isolated from needles. Here we present some preliminary findings describing the frequency of different Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), the ratio of similarity to known and unknown sequences present in GenBank and sequences not previously reported from Norway spruce. In addition we have tried to place the ESTs into major categories based on putative function
Carl Gunnar Fossdal Lars Sandved Dalen Jørgen A. Mølmann John Beck JensenAbstract
To find interesting gene products and to study gene expression in the green parts of Norway spruce we have sequenced 1101 cDNA clones based on mRNA isolated from needles. Here we present some preliminary findings describing the frequency of different Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), the ratio of similarity to known and unknown sequences present in GenBank and sequences not previously reported from Norway spruce. In addition we have tried to place the ESTs into major categories based on putative function
Peder Gjerdrum M. Warensjö M. NylinderAbstract
Log sorting according to dimension and quality is the first important step during conversion from sawlog to sawn timber. Crooked logs should be rejected or sawn to reduced yield. The 3D scanner furnish detailed information about the log geometry.Based on cylindrical co-ordinates four new parameters describing the centroid were evaluated: Maximum Radial Deviation (MRD), Standard deviation of the Sweep Angle (SSA), Distance from Log End to MRD (DLE), and Residual between the Radial deviation and a skew sinusoidal Model (RRM). 56 unbarked spruce logs were sampled, representing six different crook types denoted I, J, C, V, Z and S according to their curvature.Algorithms were established by means of logistic regression models to distinguish between several crook classes. It was concluded that the 3D scanner can be programmed to effectively perform automatic crook detection and classification.
Oddvar SkreAbstract
Direct and indirect effects of increased CO2 level on the mountain birch ecosystem are reviewed and evaluated, and supplemented with some case studies on mountain birch (Betula pubescens) based on field experiments at different altitudes and greenhouse experiments at elevated CO2 and winter temperature level. These studies have shown that large differences exist in responses on climate change between mountain birch populations, and that these differences may be related to the climate at their habitat.
Maria Sørensen Arild Ernstsen Leidulf Lund Jarle Nilsen Anders Lönneborg Øystein JohnsenAbstract
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