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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Spatio-temporal analyses of non-epidemic bark beetle populations may provide insight in dynamics predisposing for outbreaks. The present article presents a spatio-temporal analysis of the population dynamics of Ips typographus based on pheromone trap data from southeast and mid-Norway in the post-epidemic period 19792002. The analyses include regression analyses, hierarchical cluster analysis, and analysis of spatial synchrony of beetle time series and climatic data by means of nonparametric spatial covariance functions. The mean abundance of beetles declined linearly with latitude. In addition, the time series means were higher in areas with high forest productivity and rocky soils predisposed to drought. The time series patterns differed significantly between northern and southern study areas. The regional synchrony of the time series was fairly high (0.38), indicating that some large-scale climatic factor may influence the dynamics. Windfelling was the external variable showing the most parallel pattern of correlation to the beetle dynamics. We thus posit that large windfall events may be a major instigator and synchronizer of beetle outbreaks in areas subjected to regionalized weather systems.


The timber industry in Norway is quite fragmented. Several small-scale and a few medium-sized sawmill add up to an annual production of 2.5 mill. m3. Since three decades, most of the timber is kiln dried. Modern kilns and enhanced modelling contribute to improved drying quality and increased drying speed. However, due to harsh competition, fast dried, inferior drying quality timber is continually being offered and accepted for trade in the European area. This might put the overall goodwill for timber at hazard in the long run. Unfortunately, the detection of drying quality properties is quite complex. In this situation, industry and RTD-bodies like the Norwegian Forest Research Institute co-operate to offer competence-building activities. Seminars in wood drying and related topics are offered mainly on a corporate basis, thereby introducing an intimate atmosphere for dealing with these cautious topics. A fixed number of participants meet regularly for two day\"s of intensive work over a period of two or three years. The seminars typically include persons from all levels of the factory organisation, incorporating salesmen, mill operators and maintenance together with kiln operators, sometimes also bringing inn external customers. Work alternate between practical experiments, presentations and training. The activity is continued in working groups between the meetings. All seminars are adequately reported with respect to findings, thereby enhancing the business value of the achievements. The seminars also provide an invaluable basis for research projects and for recruiting fresh candidates. For the institute, this symbiosis with industry helps keeping focus on factors influencing profitability in the timber business.


Nowadays agricultural firms are more often than in the past decades forced to adapt operations, plans, strategies etc. to changes and uncertainties in their legal and business environment. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as an approach to strategic controlling in agriculture is discussed as an answer to the growing management demands in Danish farms. A brief description of the BSC-concept, its development process as well as principle potentials and limitations is given. In a case example on a dairy farm the current Danish strategic planning framework and the BSC are compared. The need for a stricter orientation of strategic planning to external demands (customers, stakeholders) is emphasised. Necessary prerequisites for the implementation of the BSC-concept into practical farming are discussed. Finally five critical success factors to the BSC adoption by Danish farmers are identified.


We fogged trees in two pine dominated forests in Norway with a synthetic pyrethroid in order to compare the canopy-dwelling fauna of arthropods between costal (Kvam) and boreal (Sigdal) sites and between old (250-330 years) and mature (60-120 years) trees at Sigdal. Almost 30,000 specimens were assigned to 510 species; only 93 species were present at both sites. Species diversity, as established by rarefaction, was similar in old and mature trees. However, the number of species new to Norway (including nine species new to science) was significantly higher in the old trees. We suggest that the scarcity of old trees, habitat heterogeneity and structural differences between old and mature trees may explain these patterns. Productivity and topographic position at the site of growth explained the between-tree variation in species occurrence for the more abundant species, which were mainly Collembola and Oribatida. Species diversity was similar at the boreal and coastal sites, but there were clear differences in species composition


Artikkelen omhandler forsøksopplegg og reslultater av forsøk med 1) små feilfri prøver tørket ved temperaturer 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 grader og 2) prøver av varierende lengde/kvalitet av vanlig, industrielt fremstilt trelast av gran. For trelast tørket ved temperatur opp til 60-75 grader er det liten endring av likevektsfuktigheten (LVF) og i hysterese, med økende effekt for høyere tørketemperatur. LVF ble funnet å øke proporsjonalt med logaritmen av prøvens lengde, og slik at prøver med kvist mv. har 0.4 %-enh. lavere LVF enn feilfri prøver av samme lengde. Også hysteresis øket med økende lengde. Ettersom bare en begrenset del av området for faktorer som påvirker LVF og hysterese er undersøkt, bør undersøkelsene fortsette.