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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Bark beetles and associated phytopathogenic fungi elicit defence responses in conifers that may interfere with beetle establishment and development. Norway spruce is serving as a useful model species for studies of induced defences elicited by beetle attacks, fungal inoculation, and treatment with chemical elicitors.When trees are pretreated with a sublethal dose of fungal inoculations or with the phytohormone methyl jasmonate they become much more resistant to subsequent bark beetle attacks or artificial mass inoculations with fungi. This induced disease resistance follows dose-response dynamics, is nonspecific with respect to the pretreatment organism, appears to be nonsystemic, takes weeks rather than days to become activated, and can also be activated by mechanical wounding alone.Application of methyl jasmonate to Norway spruce stems induces a massive increase in terpene levels and external resin flow on the stem, whereas no increase is observed in soluble phenolics. Methyl jasmonate-application also leads to significantly less bark beetle colonization, with shorter parental galleries and fewer eggs laid in treated bark. There were also reductions in the number of beetles produced and the mean dry weight per beetle in methyl jasmonate-treated bark. Furthermore, fewer beetles were attracted to conspecifics tunneling in MJ-treated bark.The exact mechanisms responsible for induced resistance in Norway spruce and other conifers have not been determined, but inducible anatomical defense responses such as changes in polyphenol-containing parenchyma cells (PP cells) in the phloem and induction of traumatic resin duct formation in the sapwood seem to play an important role.


White clover (WC, Trifolium repens L.) or red clover (RC, Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixture with grasses. Samples of the mixtures and pure clovers were taken during three cuts, and the fatty acids (FA) compositions were determined. The clover species had no significant effect on the individual FA contents of the leys (g kg-1 dry matter (DM)), nor on the total FA content. Pure clovers had lower content of all individual FA (8.2 vs. 12.4 g kg-1 DM) than mixtures; the contents of all FA decreased with increasing percentage of clover in the mixture, but the decrease was weaker for C18:3n-3 than for the other FA. Although pure WC and RC had similar FA contents, the relative proportions (percentage of total FA content) of C16:0 and C18:3n-3 differed; RC had a higher proportion of C18:3n-3 and a lower proportion of C16:0. These results are partly in contradiction with previously reported.


White clover (WC, Trifolium repens L.) or red clover (RC, Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixture with grasses. Samples of the mixtures and pure clovers were taken during three cuts, and the fatty acids (FA) compositions were determined. The clover species had no significant effect on the individual FA contents of the leys (g kg-1 dry matter (DM)), nor on the total FA content. Pure clovers had lower content of all individual FA (8.2 vs. 12.4 g kg-1 DM) than mixtures; the contents of all FA decreased with increasing percentage of clover in the mixture, but the decrease was weaker for C18:3n-3 than for the other FA. Although pure WC and RC had similar FA contents, the relative proportions (percentage of total FA content) of C16:0 and C18:3n-3 differed; RC had a higher proportion of C18:3n-3 and a lower proportion of C16:0. These results are partly in contradiction with previously reported.


To identify chemical resistant markers induced by fungal or mechanical injury, young trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were subjected to inoculations of blue stain fungi associated with the pine shoot beetles Tomicus piniperda and T. minor. Among the 20 trees selected for chemical analyses, 16 were divided into four groups: one as control and three were pretreated by wounding only, or by inoculation with either the blue stain fungus Leptographium wingfieldii or Ophiostoma canum.Four wk after pretreatment, all 16 pretreated trees were mass-inoculated with L. wingfieldii. The absolute and relative amounts, as well as the enantiomeric compositions of monoterpene hydrocarbons in the phloem, were determined via a small sample of the phloem before and after the pretreatment and mass inoculation, by using two-dimensional gas chromatography (2D GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (MS).After mass inoculation, the absolute amounts of most of the monoterpenes decreased in the phloem sampled 20 cm from the fungal infection, and were higher in the phloem sampled within the infected reaction zone.The relative amounts of both ()--pinene and ()-limonene increased in phloem samples taken 20 cm above the fungal inoculation in the preinoculated trees compared with phloem sampled from the remaining four control trees. The enantiomeric compositions of -pinene and limonene changed, after fungal growth, at defined distances from the inoculation site: the proportion of the ()-enantiomers was highest in the phloem sampled 20 cm from the fungal inoculation.Four wk after pretreatment, monoterpene production in the phloem at the site of inoculation was more enhanced by L. wingfieldii than by O. canum. However, the different virulence levels of the fungi did not affect the enantiomeric composition of the monoterpenes. The biosynthesis of monoterpene enantiomers is discussed in relation to induced pathogen resistance.


The article investigates innovation processes in the field of recreational services of forests. It takes a close look on innovation cases from five European countries with different institutional backgrounds in terms of forest ownership and access rights to forest land. The analysis first of all shows that forest related recreation services are developed in different institutional conditions and on public as well as private land. Financing is provided from public and private sources. Ideas may come from within and outside the forestry sector, however, impulses from outside seems to be of primary importance. In sum it can be said that both public and private spheres have important roles in providing natural, financial and human resources and usually a network of public and private actors are involved in innovation processes. Of particular importance are cross-sectoral interactions between forestry and tourism. A greater institutional support is needed for the development of forest related recreation services as the field is at the beginning of its development. Support should focus on providing ideas and financial resources for product development and on facilitating cross-sectoral interaction between forestry and tourism actors. A particular need is seen to develop models for durable interaction between land-owners and tourism operators on a regional scale.


An increasing interest for uneven-aged forestry requires more knowledge concerning the impact of selective cuttings on the physical environment, and the effect of an uneven-aged forest structure on establishment and growth of the regeneration. Our objectives were to correlate pre-harvest growth and vitality of advance seedlings and saplings with light levels in the stands, and to measure the change in light availability following selective cuttings. We performed a selective cutting with two levels of removal (40 and 60 % of standing volume) in three uneven-aged stands in eastern Norway, two Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands and one Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand. The standing volumes in the spruce stands were approximately 300 m3 ha-1, in the pine stand 180 m3 ha-1. The selective cutting was aimed at removing the economically ripe trees, resulting in the removal of large as well as damaged and diseased trees. Light levels were measured with hemispherical photography before and after cutting, and sapling growth and vitality was registered. Spruce sapling vitality and growth before cutting varied with light conditions. Saplings with good vitality on average received 26 % of full daylight. Few pine saplings had good vitality even though the average light level in the pine stand was 35 %, illustrating the difference in shade tolerance between the two species. The relationship between light levels and sapling growth might be caused by the availability of both light and soil resources, as a large gap will offer a better supply of nutrients and water as well as light. The selective cutting increased average light levels with 10-30 percent points. In the spruce forests, the frequency distribution curve of measured light values was rather narrow and peaked before harvesting but wide and low afterwards (Fig. 1), indicating that the selective cutting created a broad range of site conditions below the canopy. For the pine forest, the light distribution curve kept a rather narrow, unimodal shape also after cutting.