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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



The chapter reviews the available literature about the adverse effects of excess nickel on plants and their adaptation mechanisms. The study is focused on forest ecosystems exposed to extreme air pollution from the nickel-processing industry in Northern Fennoscandia. Long-term deposition of heavy metals and sulphur has caused strong soil contamination and severe damage to trees and ground vegetation, their structure, composition and chemistry. Tree leaves, branches and bark as well as dwarf shrubs, mosses and lichens show clearly elevated concentrations of nickel and copper in the surroundings of the smelters. Multivariate analyses show that changes in the element composition of plants depend both on air pollution and on natural factors. Besides direct input of pollutants from atmosphere, soil contamination and nutritional disturbance contribute significantly to the observed changes. Despite decline in emissions, extreme pool of heavy metals accumulated in surface soils is expected to influence plant metabolism and chemistry over a long period of time.


Wood products are typically produced in ‘break-down and sorting’ processes: stems are cross-cut and sorted into saw-, pulp- and energy-logs; sawlogs are sawn to boards and sorted according to quality, then split again and applied in various ways. Through the sorting processes, the ‘group traits’ become increasingly more homogeneous, but any individual identity or origin is lost after each process. ‘Group identity’ is even the method for the popular and much applied timber certification systems. ‘Individual identity’ should be an option, however, if the industry wants e.g. to send some specific information together with the wood pieces to subsequent processes, or the answer to questions like ‘what was the outcome of products and profitability of a given lot of raw material?’


The vine weevil, Othiorynchus sulcatus, is a serious pest in strawberries in Norway and biological control methods are needed to combat this pest. In this study, the rhizosphere competence of two cold active Norwegian fungal isolates (Metarhizium anisopliae isolate NCRI 250/02 and Beauveria bassiana NCRI 12/96) and the well known Ma43 originating from Austria were tested. This was done by estimating fungal concentrations in the bulk and rhizosphere soil surrounding the strawberry plant roots by counting colony forming unists (CFUs). The highest numbers of B. bassiana NCRI 12/96 CFUs were seen in the rhizosphere at 1.87x109 per liter soil 3 months after application. The highest numbers of M. anisopliae NCRI 250/02 CFUs were seen in the rhizosphere at 2.41x109 per liter soil 1 year after application. Numbers of CFUs for the M. ansiopliae Ma43 CFUs were generally lower than for the Norwegian isolates, but also for this isolate a higher fungal concentration was found in the rihzosphere soil than in the bulk soil.