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In this paper we discuss relations between kinship, law, and property enactment. A recent revision of The Norwegian Act Relating to Concession in the Acquisition of Real Property is designed to influence the relation between subjects (property owners) and objects (properties) through ceasing the obligation of residency and cultivation on certain properties, which in turn is intended to increase sales prices of the respective properties. Drawing upon empirical research conducted in four Norwegian local authority districts, we argue that responsibility for past, present, and future generations of family or kin is highly important in property enactment. Although relations between subjects and objects are powerful and inform policy actions, relations between social subjects might be just as influential and powerful. When enacting properties, people may live in more complicated worlds than is often assumed. We assert that further research in legal geography and the emerging field of \"geographies of relatedness\" might profit from seeing kinship and property as coconstituted.

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The article argues that geographies of home add important perspectives for analysing property enactment on Norwegian smallholdings. Characteristics of smallholdings as homes are described, and it is demonstrated that 'home matters' in terms of how property owners' senses of home affect how properties become enacted. In conformity with recent theories in legal geography, the article demonstrates that these socio-spatial relationships conflict with the dominant ownership model which permeates public policy initiatives. The ownership model assumes a single owner motivated by self-regarding behaviour and maximising economic benefits. The article, however, reveals a deep sense of home and place attachment relating to Norwegian smallholdings, and this influences how smallholdings as properties become enacted, and thus, how legal instruments aiming at affecting people's behaviour are responded to. The article draws upon empirical research conducted among current and former owners of smallholdings in four Norwegian local authority districts.


Minirhizotrons, transparent acrylic tubes inserted in the soil, are well suited for long term, non destructive, in situ observations of fine roots. In minirhizotrons, the fine roots are regularly photographed and the root images are visually evaluated according to their status as living, dead or disappeared. This evaluation gives the background for further statistical treatment to estimate the fine root longevity. It is inherent in the minirhizotron technique that a large group of roots will be described as “disappeared” due to grazing, overgrowing by other roots, unclear images or other reasons. Because the fraction of disappeared roots is substantial in some cases, this has consequences for the interpretation of the longevity results. We processed three years of minirhizotron images from Norway spruce stands in southeast Norway (30 yr old) and northern Finland (60 yr old). Of all processed fine roots 32 and 23% was evaluated as disappeared in Norway and Finland, respectively. When roots labelled as disappeared were pooled together with dead ones, the fine root longevity estimates, using the Kaplan Meier method, decreased almost by a factor of two (401 and 433 days), as opposed to labeling them as censored observations (770 and 750 days for Norway and Finland, respectively). Here we demonstrate how the early decision making on the fine root status bears consequences on the resulting longevity estimates. The implications will be discussed

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In woody plants of the temperate zone short photoperiod (SD) leads to growth cessation. In angiosperms CONSTANS (CO) or CO-like genes play an important role in the photoperiodic control of flowering, tuberisation and shoot growth. To investigate the role of CO-like genes in photoperiodic control of shoot elongation in gymnosperms, PaCOL1 and PaCOL2 were isolated from Norway spruce. PaCOL1 encodes a 3.9 kb gene with a predicted protein of 444 amino acids. PaCOL2 encodes a 1.2 kb gene with a predicted protein of 385 amino acids. Both genes consist of two exons and have conserved domains found in other CO-like genes; two zinc finger domains, a CCT and a COOH domain. PaCOL1 and PaCOL2 fall into the group 1c clade of the CO-like genes, and are thus distinct from Arabidopsis CO that belongs to group la. Transcript levels of both PaCOL-genes appear to be light regulated, an increasing trend was observed upon transition from darkness to light, and a decreasing trend during darkness. The increasing trend at dawn was observed both in needles and shoot tips, whereas the decreasing trend in darkness was most prominent in shoot tips, and limited to the late part of the dark period in needles. The transcript levels of both genes decreased significantly in both tissues under SD prior to growth cessation and bud formation. This might suggest an involvement in photoperiodic control of shoot elongation or might be a consequence of regulation by light. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.