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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Modified wood can provide protection against a range of wood deteriorating organisms. Several hypotheses have been put forward for the mode of action against wood decaying fungi, including inhibition of action of specific enzymes, but they still need further testing. This paper summarizes results from a project focusing on molecular studies of fungal colonization in modified wood. The focus has been on furfurylated wood, but also thermally modified and acetylated wood has been studied. Among the main finding was that wood modifications have an effect on the exploitation face of both brown and white rot colonization, but not on the exploration face. As already reported in a range of papers wood modification effects the wood moisture content, and this was confirmed within this project. New information was gathered about the effect on gene expression. Even before any mass loss was detected, differences in gene expression were measured. [...]

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Fusarium langsethiae is a recently characterized fungus within the genus Fusarium. It is found as a grain contaminant of small grain cereals such as oats and barley, and to a lesser extent wheat. Fusarium langsethiae is particularly widespread in the Nordic countries and the UK where it poses a serious problem as the main producer of T-2 and HT-2 mycotoxins. The biology of F. langsethiae and its interaction with the plant remains poorly understood, partly hampered by difficulties reproducing a natural level of infection under controlled conditions. The reported study was designed as a series of glasshouse experiments to advance our understanding of F. langsethiae biology by investigating alternative infection routes and its proliferation in oats, Avena sativa. Various methods of seed, soil, and seedling inoculation, boot injection and spray inoculation, were tested. The results clearly show a strong preference of F. langsethiae for the panicle, ruling out alternative infection routes. At relatively low temperatures spray infection, accompanied by prolonged humidity, ensured a thorough establishment of the fungus both at flowering and at early dough stage. Boot injection proved to be a reliable working tool for production of an even and predictable grain infection. Apart from in the panicle, considerable fungal proliferation was only detected in flag leaf nodes, and was a direct consequence of the boot injection method. Fungal presence in the node tissue also correlated with significant stunting of infected shoots. In light of the results the pathogenic and endophytic abilities of F. langsethiae are discussed.

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Gene expression levels (PAL, CCR1, HCT1, and CAD for the phenylpropanoid pathway, PX3 peroxidase, and CHI4 class IV chitinase), lignin, and soluble and cell wall bound phenolic compounds in bark and sapwood of Picea sitchensis clones inoculated with Heterobasidion annosum s.s. were compared before and 3 days after wounding and artificial inoculation, at site of inoculation and 1 cm above the inoculation site. In bark all genes were up-regulated at the site of inoculation but, except for CAD, not in the distal zone. In sapwood all genes were down-regulated, except for PX3 and CHI4; PAL, CCR1, HCT1 and CAD were present at lower levels around the inoculation site than in the distal zone. Compared to wounding only, inoculation with H. annosum triggered different CAD, PX3, and CHI4 levels in bark but not in sapwood. Different concentrations of cell wall bound phenolic compounds (unknown2, unknown3, coniferin, astringin, taxifolin, piceid, and isorhapontin) were found in bark after wounding and inoculation compared to constitutive material (i.e. untreated samples), whereas in sapwood concentrations did not differ following treatment. These results indicate that bark of Sitka spruce has a stronger and earlier response to wounding and pathogen inoculation than sapwood.