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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Based on intensive forest monitoring data, critical loads for acidification and eutrophication as well as their exceeedances were modelled for 107 Level II plots using the simple mass balance approach. Dynamic modelling using the VSD model was carried out for 77 plots using different deposition scenarios.Results show widespread soil acidification in the year 1980 with nearly 60% of the plots affected by critical load exceedances. A continued positive future development until 2020 is clearly visible, leading to full protection at least under the most ambitious deposition scenario.Critical loads for nutrient nitrogen were exceeded on 60% of the plots in 1980 and continue to be so in 2020 on between 10 and 30% of the plots depending on the scenario. Dynamic modelling shows that soil solution pH can recover to pre-industrial values but that over the all the 77 plots the C:N ratio shows a continuous decrease until 2050.A comparison with to measured solid soil pH from large scale plots confirms recovery for acidified soils until 2008 but shows increased acidification on soils with pH above 4.0. and points to the fact that full recovery from acidification will take decades. Decreasing C:N and continued exceedance of critical loads for nutrient nitrogen point to soil eutrophication as a major and continued area of concern.


In Latvia and other Nordic countries Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is an economically important tree species, and the losses incurred by Heterobasidion annosum, a fungi that causes root rot in pines, are significant. Here we present results about candidate resistance gene expression using laser captured samples from different tissue types of one year old Scots pine saplings. Results show increase of expression of thaumatin-like protein (TLP) gene and pinosylvin synthase (PsBBs) gene one day after wounding or artificial inoculation of the saplings. Expression was analysed using the relative absolute quantification method of real-time PCR.


Top dieback and mortality of Norway spruce is a particular forest damage that has severe occurrences in scattered forest stands in southeast Norway. As a part of a project to study the extent and causes of the damage we are working on an algorithm for automatic detection dead and declining spruce trees for an entire county, - Vestfold. The data set is aerial imagery. The county was covered in 2007. Preliminary tests showed a considerable confusion between dead trees and bare ground. In order to avoid this confusion we have had the imagery automatically processed into a photogrammetric digital surface model (DSM) and true orthophotos. The data set derived from this processing was a 5 layer file, containing blue, green, red, and near-infrared, as well as the height above ground of the canopy height model (a DSM normalized by the terrain height, nDSM)