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NIBIOs employees contribute to several hundred scientific articles and research reports every year. You can browse or search in our collection which contains references and links to these publications as well as other research and dissemination activities. The collection is continously updated with new and historical material.



Nibio Ullensvang har i perioden 2010-2016 gjennomført rettleiingsprøving av samla 14 sortar og seleksjonar av søtkirsebær frå foredlingsprogrammet ved forskingsstasjonen Summerland i Canada. Føremålet var å skaffa norske fruktdyrkarar sortar som gjev stor avling med kvalitetsfrukt og er tilpassa det norske klimaet. Sortane vart poda på den svaktveksande grunnstamma Gisela 5 og vart planta i ein plasttunnel. Pomologiske karakterar og fruktkvalitet vart vurderte og detaljert informasjon om dei ulike sortane er gjeve i denne rapporten. Sorten Starblush og seleksjonen SPC 108 er tilrådd for dyrking under norske tilhøve i tillegg til hovudsorten Lapins. Seleksjonen SPC 107 høver godt i småhagar.

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Apples are an important source of bioactive compounds, especially mineral nutrients. Minerals (both macro- and micro-elements) are responsible for the functioning of the human body, and involved in the metabolism and production of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and enzymes. The objective of this study was to determine and compare the content of some minerals (K, P, Ca, Mg and Fe) of two different apple cultivars (‘Red Aroma Orelind’ and ‘Discovery’), both in peel and pulp, grown in organic and integrated production systems in western Norway in 2015. Samples of fruits were prepared by microwave digestion using an Ethos 1 microwave system. All analyses were performed in triplicate on a Thermo Scientific iCAP 6500 Duo ICP. The results showed that potassium was found in the largest quantity in both apple cultivars and in both management systems and average concentration was 944.3 µg g-1 of fresh weight (FW). Calcium was in second place with average of 180.6 µg g-1 FW. Both apple cultivars had largest amounts of both K and P (in peel and flesh) from organic production compared to fruits coming from the integrated production system. The cultivar ‘Red Aroma Orelind’ had a significantly higher level of Fe in organic fruits compared to integrated. The present study showed that the highest values of K/Ca, (K+Mg)/Ca and Mg/Ca were obtained from the cultivar ‘Discovery’ under organic production (both in peel and flesh). Regarding significantly higher concentrations of P, K, Mg, Fe and balanced mineral ratios in organic apples, it can be concluded that those fruits have higher quality, and are at lower risk of bitter pit when stored.

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A non-destructive measuring technique was applied to test major vine geometric traits on measurements collected by a contactless sensor. Three-dimensional optical sensors have evolved over the past decade, and these advancements may be useful in improving phenomics technologies for other crops, such as woody perennials. Red, green and blue-depth (RGB-D) cameras, namely Microsoft Kinect, have a significant influence on recent computer vision and robotics research. In this experiment an adaptable mobile platform was used for the acquisition of depth images for the non-destructive assessment of branch volume (pruning weight) and related to grape yield in vineyard crops. Vineyard yield prediction provides useful insights about the anticipated yield to the winegrower, guiding strategic decisions to accomplish optimal quantity and efficiency, and supporting the winegrower with decision-making. A Kinect v2 system on-board to an on-ground electric vehicle was capable of producing precise 3D point clouds of vine rows under six different management cropping systems. The generated models demonstrated strong consistency between 3D images and vine structures from the actual physical parameters when average values were calculated. Correlations of Kinect branch volume with pruning weight (dry biomass) resulted in high coefficients of determination (R2 = 0.80). In the study of vineyard yield correlations, the measured volume was found to have a good power law relationship (R2 = 0.87). However due to low capability of most depth cameras to properly build 3-D shapes of small details the results for each treatment when calculated separately were not consistent. Nonetheless, Kinect v2 has a tremendous potential as a 3D sensor in agricultural applications for proximal sensing operations, benefiting from its high frame rate, low price in comparison with other depth cameras, and high robustness

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The stramenopile alga Nannochloropsis evolved by secondary endosymbiosis of a red alga by a heterotrophic host cell and emerged as a promising organism for biotechnological applications, such as the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids and biodiesel. Peroxisomes play major roles in fatty acid metabolism but experimental analyses of peroxisome biogenesis and metabolism in Nannochloropsis are not reported yet. In fungi, animals, and land plants, soluble proteins of peroxisomes are targeted to the matrix by one of two peroxisome targeting signals (type 1, PTS1, or type 2, PTS2), which are generally conserved across kingdoms and allow the prediction of peroxisomal matrix proteins from nuclear genome sequences. Because diatoms lost the PTS2 pathway secondarily, we investigated its presence in the stramenopile sister group of diatoms, the Eustigmatophyceae, represented by Nannochloropsis. We detected a full-length gene of a putative PEX7 ortholog coding for the cytosolic receptor of PTS2 proteins and demonstrated its expression in Nannochloropsis gaditana. The search for predicted PTS2 cargo proteins in N. gaditana yielded several candidates. In vivo subcellular targeting analyses of representative fusion proteins in different plant expression systems demonstrated that two predicted PTS2 domains were indeed functional and sufficient to direct a reporter protein to peroxisomes. Peroxisome targeting of the predicted PTS2 cargo proteins was further confirmed in Nannochloropsis oceanica by confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Taken together, the results demonstrate for the first time that one group of stramenopile algae maintained the import pathway for PTS2 cargo proteins. To comprehensively map and model the metabolic capabilities of Nannochloropsis peroxisomes, in silico predictions needs to encompass both the PTS1 and the PTS2 matrix proteome.

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The categorical and qualitative nature of currently available soil structural data along with the lack of a geographically broad dataset have impeded progress in understanding the development of soil structure. In this study, we assembled a soil, climate, and ecological dataset for the USA, and used it to analyze relationships between soil structure (ped type, shape, size, and grade) and exogenous and endogenous variables influencing the development of soil structure. We analyzed a subset of the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Soil Characterization database after merging this information with climatological and ecological data. The merged and cleaned dataset contains >4400 observations from approximately 1600 pedons. We found that climate, as an exogenous factor was the most important predictor of ped shape and size. Cold and/or dry climates promoted the development of larger anisotropic peds with rougher surfaces whereas warmer and more humid climates promoted the development of finer equidimensional peds with smoother surfaces. Based on these findings, we argue that climate promotes the development of soil structure along either fragmentation or aggregation pathways. The former pathway is characterized by largely mechanical processes in cold and dry environments, whereas aggregation is promoted by predominately biological and chemical mechanisms found in warmer and wet environments. This connection between climate and the development of soil structure represents a potentially important effect of climate on a morphological property strongly linked to soil hydrology that warrants further investigation with continental-scale soil data.

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Due to their unique flora, hydrology and environmental characteristics, peatlands are precious and specific habitats for microorganisms and microscopic animals. Their microbial network structure and their biomass are crucial for peatland carbon cycling, through primary production, as well as decomposition and mineralization of organic matter. Wetlands are one of the ecosystems most at risk from anthropogenic activities and climate change. Most recent scenarios of climate change for Central Europe predict an increase in air temperature and a decrease in annual precipitation. These changes may disturb the biodiversity of aquatic organisms, and the peat carbon sink. Considering the above climatic scenarios, we aimed to: i) assess the response of microbial community biomass to warming and reduced precipitation through the lens of a manipulative experiment in a peatland ecosystem ii) predict how global warming might affect microbial biodiversity on peatlands exposed to warmer temperatures and decreased precipitation conditions. Additionally, we wanted to identify ecological indicators of warming among microorganisms living in Sphagnum peatland. The result of a manipulative experiment carried out at Rzecin peatland (W Poland) suggested that the strongest reduction in microbial biomass was observed in heated plots and plots where heating was combined with a reduction of precipitation. The most pronounced changes were observed in the case of the very abundant mixotrophic testate amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio and cyanobacteria. Shifts in the Sphagnum microbial network can be used as an early warning indicator of peatland warming, especially a decrease in the biomass of important phototrophic microbes living on the Sphagnum capitula, e.g. Hyalosphenia papilio.


The LCA-model FARMnor (Flow Analysis and Resource Management for Norway) was updated to run using the new Umberto LCA+ version. This update allows also to get access to the new ecoinvent LCA-database version 3.x.