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Biodiversity is assumed to have high value for many people, but the necessary preservation also incurs a cost for the forest owner. Typically, studies of this cost are at the stand level, and hence, not very accurate as the cost may vary even within the stand. In this work, we use a 1m×1m grid, generated from LIDAR data, to estimate the cost for harvesting and forwarding. The method could be utilized to calculate compensation, and to select between key woodland habitats to minimise the cost. In three of four test cases, the main cost was reduced harvested volume, but in one case the key woodland habitat also made the harvesting operations more expensive.


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Riparian forests (RF) growing along streams, rivers and lakes comprise more than 2% of the forest area in the Nordic countries (considering a 10 m wide zone from the water body). They have special ecological functions in the landscape. They receive water and nutrients from the upslope areas, are important habitats for biodiversity, have large soil carbon stores, but may emit more greenhouse gases (GHG) than the uplands. In this article, we present a review of the environmental services related to water protection, terrestrial biodiversity, carbon storage and greenhouse gas dynamics provided by RF in the Nordic countries. We discuss the benefits and trade-offs when leaving the RF as a buffer against the impacts from upland forest management, in particular the impacts of clear cutting. Forest buffers are effective in protecting water quality and aquatic life, and have positive effects on terrestrial biodiversity, particularly when broader than 40 m, whereas the effect on the greenhouse gas exchange is unclear.

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Degelia cyanoloma (Schaer.) H. H. Blom & L. Lindblom is resurrected from synonymy and elevated from varietal rank to species. The taxon was earlier referred to D. plumbea (Lightf.) P. M. Jørg. & P. James, however, several discontinuous character states distinguish the two species. Degelia cyanoloma is characterized morphologically by having a large thallus that is pale greyish when dry, lobes that are composed of consecutive trough-shaped segments with an upper surface without squamules, no isidia or soredia, and apothecia discs that are dark reddish brown to blackish. Degelia cyanoloma has a euoceanic distribution and is known from western Europe (Norway, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal, Spain). Based on results from studies of morphology, we hypothesize that D. atlantica (Degel.) P. M. Jørg. & P. James is the closest relative of D. cyanoloma among the European species of the genus whereas D. plumbea is closely related to D. ligulata P. M. Jørg. & P. James.

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During the first few weeks of life, chicks of the capercaillie (Tetra urogallus) and black grouse (T. tetrix) subsist mainly on insects, of which lepidopteran and hymenopteran larvae are the main components. We studied the breeding phenology of these two species and examined how the timing of breeding was related to the temporal distribution of their larval food source. During a five-year survey, capercaillie mated and hatched consistently four to six days before black grouse. Depending on the vegetation type, the number of larvae (>= 2 mm in length) increased between five and ten times within 10 days, and hatching coincided roughly with the peaks in larval numbers. Due to body growth, however, larval abundance in terms of volume was reached later and occurred 8-9 and 13-14 days after the mean hatching dates in the two species, respectively. Slightly later development of Hymenoptera as compared with that of Lepidoptera contributed in extending the period of high larval abundances for more than one week. The timing of breeding of the two species appears, therefore, to match the temporal distribution of insect food for the fast-growing chicks as they hatch several days before the peak in larval volumes. In one year, when mating was advanced, presumably due to exceptionally warm weather before mating (yet the temporal abundance of larvae was unchanged), breeding success was higher than in years when mating occurred later.